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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Otherworldly

    The Celts

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyR1c7CWCQw Anyone else familiar with Enya? She is by far one of the best singers in the New Age genre ♥ I love her, mostly because I grew up with her, listening to her every night since I was 5 until I was 11. Then I got an iPod, and well...I kinda listen to her on the go now :3
  2. EZKill, Rabid, Vero (it counts), Aegean, Excision.
  3. furry freeday: we have to yiff when we bump into another teammate /troll even though i am a furry
  4. Because, people are elitist due to them saying they are older therefore smarter therefore more mature than a 12 year old. When obviously in doing that it just makes you more immature. I'm 14, been here for 7 months, and hardly made any enemies. Why? Mostly because I kept my mouth shut, kept an open mind, and was honest, and didn't insult people as often as others.
  5. Whoa, then you need to chill dude. Relax, only post when you have too :D You don't wanna be a Kakaguy. Just ask any mod, well, ALMOST any mod, and they'll explain it.
  6. the truth is that you have become a Kakaguy. Making SOOOO many posts. You've been here almost two weeks, almost 200 posts, or over 200 posts. I have almost 800 and I've been here since Feb... lol. JUST SAYING, YOU DON'T WANT TO BE A KAKAGUY.
  7. I'm not understand what you are trying to accomplish Sakurai... You don't need to publicly deface someone in order to accomplish your mission. Infact, you look like the bad guy here, and no insults to you from me, but what you are doing is EXTREMELY immature. BEYOND what I could expect from Kevin... To be honest, I am truly ashamed. Really, really ashamed.
  8. If someone could gift me MW2... My dad probably won't let me buy it because I just got borderlands but I've had it for a long time and I just got the DLC for it without my own consent... Feel free to close this if this is causing an issue... (this is totally not a quarantine.) also i cannot pay you back, sorry.
  9. Sorry. But guys, just as a note, he LEARNED, so no more need for anger or punishment ahead of time, kay? :D
  10. Yeah, he obviously learned from his mistake, no need to +1.
  11. I've had none (ever, srsly) ._. It sucks when they live far away or keep a promise then forget about you.
  12. Otherworldly

    A thank you

    Rabid, I truly believe you love everyone and no matter how much you troll, you will always love me <3
  13. He's been MIA in this clan for sometime now... But he's 22 guys, let's celebrate to ourselves...wondering where he is, and hoping he's safe.
  14. i dont know what it means to me. srsly. /songtroll
  15. it's from a video game trailer on youtube. i took the video, made it into an mp4 at 360p cut it to THAT part in Windows Movie Maker, added captions, uploaded to youtube. lets the LULZ ensue.
  16. Otherworldly

    I Was Bored

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbFOK5gdj3E So I made this. Enjoy. You can watch it in 1080p, but that's a tarp and really doesn't make it much better.
  17. it's called a work in progress. the pyramids weren't built in a day >.> they need time to figure stuff out, execute it, and hopefully it works. OR they can CAREFULLY plan it, execute it, and it WILL work.
  18. I think you're worthless <3 jokez.
  19. he's implying you will rejoin. like a lot of clan members do.
  20. Newfag actually. I'm a furry and proud to hold the title. (OMFG BIG SURPRISE GUYZ) As you can see I don't shove it down people's throats...lol.