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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. Why are you getting shipped off? They don't love you or just to visit them?
  2. Arthman, if you really want to look at it that bad, open it in your Steam Browser and fap when you die. Because if you spray it, everyone knows you aren't getting any ***** anyway.
  3. I also got the Alpha. I need a better processor. I have a dual core with nice speeds, but I need a quad core.
  4. Alright so I'm here to make a few major points about TTT and some rules that should be added. I'll add more as I feel should be added Accusations Simply put, innocents/detective should not call out individual or group based accusations without any sort of reasoning. However, traitors are supposed to in order to successfully complete their job. Do not confuse the two, because traitors are actually just following the way of assassination, targeting, and strategy. So I would like the rule about accusations to be clarified that traitors get exempt from this. Another point I would like to make is that people following you is an acceptable accusation. If someone is following you, give them a warning. If they are still following you 10 seconds later, you have permission to kill them. Do not abuse this by enacting it 3 minutes later in the round when you called it earlier by about 2 minutes, it should only count for that instance. Areas If 3-5 people are left, they should be able to claim an area as their own (a room, a building, platform, etc) but not a whole general area like a street or anything. They shouldn't be claiming this otherwise because this will result in a LOT of camping. They are allowed to accept certain people into their area and deny others. If they enter it without permission, they are shot. You shouldn't be able to change it just to kill a person. When you have selected an area, that's YOUR area. Detectives should also be allowed to order the terrorists around, almost like a warden in Jailbreak. They can call certain areas off limits, like the light switch in clue. They are not only to investigate murders, but prevent them as well. They can order you around individually as well as a group. You aren't going to make them play games or perform tasks that aren't anywhere near the objective of them because that delays the round and if you wanna do that go play Jailbreak. Detectives can only kill with reasonable suspicions, but they can kill those that break their rules. If there are multiple detectives, they all must agree on every action, or they can assign a head detective. Don't be a hardass on them. Srsly. You are having fun, not in boot camp. Freekilling I should explain this in better detail. Traitors cannot freekill unless they kill other traitors. Do not assume that a person is not a traitor until the end of the round. If they were and you were killed for no reason, say so. Innocents, be careful with your kills. Do not assume just because someone found a body, found a C4, in a suspicious place, etc. that you should kill them. Mods and admins, I can understand this is stressful to find freekillings, but here is how I want it to be thoroughly processed. First complaint, watch the person in spectate, or as a player. Second complaint, warn them. Third complaint, kick. If they do it persistently, ban them accordingly, maybe...a day is good. Ghosting Simple. Ghosting is when you tell other players what is happening in the game, while you have outside information/dead and can see more stuff than a player. Don't do the following, as this is considered ghosting In-Real-Life information (in the same room with another, etc) Over Steam Chat, TS3, etc Being a prop and responding to players Being a prop and leading them to a traitor You can tell the person in spectate or people that are dead who the traitors are, and you won't get in trouble, because they can't do anything about it. I think I made some good points. Feel free to add.
  5. i like big fonts. they are so distracting
  6. implying i'm gullible.
  7. i like how both of our weedsmoking themed people leave on the same day. and for similar reasons. and where else are mods and admins going to get trained? there is no official training course, and maybe they would take action on peopls words if they don't get butt****ed over one time they make a mistake.
  8. NSFW: Urban Dictionary: Dirty Serbian This is pointed at our favorite serbian wolf here at Xeno Gamers ♥
  9. order = taking things seriously chaos = letting everything slide
  10. idgaf if anyone says origin is shitty. I want bf3 and this guy I quoted is awesome.
  11. This doesn't help validate your argument anymore. As far as I am concerned, it's invalid.
  12. Otherworldly is my name, I'll login later today to get in and everything.
  13. No, but no matter how you get it on the PC, you must have Origin to use it.
  14. old news is old. my friend got a document of everysingle spec, weapon, and vehicle in BF3. he got special relations with DICE. BUT THIS GAME LOOKS SO FKING EPICCCCCCCCCC I WANT TO ****.
  15. Otherworldly

    I hate HG

    It's because Silence trolled the clan about 1 or 2 months ago. They want him to LEAVE THE CLAN or get banned from it and we all get unbanned.
  17. Forever was unintentional due to how quick I needed to be. An hero was intentional, it's a meme ._.
  18. Dude, I love you so much. If you were to say leave us for ever, I would become an hero in your name.
  19. I'd like Command and Conquer 4 pwease? :3
  20. what the **** is this thread made of? not magic.