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Everything posted by Otherworldly

  1. I just want the people that get promoted more word, well, because they deserve it. They wouldn't be promoted if you didn't trust them, right? That leads me to the golden rule you can look through about future mods, current mods, and any other promotions. That's why I want the golden rule through, because then you can TRUST the person to say stuff to get them legitimately banned. If a mod or admin can say something about another player that could get them banned, trust them on it! If you don't, they shouldn't have been promoted because they could have taken more dire action anyway.
  2. Only to be in constructive criticism, use the organization tools in the reply editor. Bold letters, spaces between LRs, underlining :D
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T_YtklLyyo 10charactermypenis.
  4. Otherworldly

    Mods Trust

    Here is a golden rule for promotion I would like to see implemented (or enforced if already implemented) Which leads me to this. Just a recommendation, I am sure that we can get out the trolls and bad apples sooner with this implemented. Feel free to discuss!
  5. Yeah, Kevin, I searched for it too. We called him Uncle Bill, but I had no way of knowing his real name. And no prob Bluntman! :D
  6. Ok, there are a couple of rules to this thread. Be respectful of ANY army, from any country, from any alliance. Be respectful of what happened, sometimes things are miraculous, but they may seem ********tish. Don't troll, being part of the military is a hard job, and we should be respectful of those in it Don't ask stupid questions (you'll know what they are) No derailing, being stupid, etc etc. Response to the stories is ok. If this thread offends anyone, I apologize in advance and please discuss it with me through PM, not ranting in the thread. So I'll start, I have two actually. Albert Notley The first part I ever heard about him in the military is being part of a tank crew in Vietnam. He was riding through with his buddies in the jungle, and he decided to go down into the tank because one of his buddies was getting a bit cramped up down there. So he went down into the tank and the other guy went up to man the tank's machine gun. His buddies were staying on the outside of it I think. Well, anyway, they continued into the forest, and they got hit with a chemical weapons. My grandpa, Albert, saw all of his buddies die a slow and painful death RIGHT in front of him. He managed to survive without even the most minor of injuries physically. He headed back and decided he wanted to be a sharpshooter instead due to not wanting that to happen ever again So he was a sharpshooter, and he was a GREAT one at that. About half a year after the incident, he got selected to go on a mission that in this case was considered 'black operations'. He was supposed to go on a series of assassinations with his fellow soldiers and take out a lot of targets. Civilians were targeted due to women and children armed with grenades and would explode as a soldier got close to them. You know what the worst part of the mission was? He wasn't supposed to finish it... The counts were gruesome: 100 enemy targets dead (assassination targets, guards, soldiers, etc) Unknown civilian kills (would have been a MUCH larger number than you expect) Friendly casualties? All dead except for him. And he came back from all of that. He was severely affected by it mentally, and he committed suicide from a heroine overuse a few months later after returning from Vietnam. It's all in my aunt's poetry. Her name is Alice Notley if you wanna look her up. I got some great sharpshooting skills from him naturally. I shot guns out in the desert, and I almost always hit near or on the bullseye. He had all sorts of guns, like Uzis, AKs, M16s, grenades, German WW2 weapons, etc. Enemy uniforms and their accessories were there too. I have a Nazi pocket knife once belonging to an officer in the Nazi army. Too bad I never got to meet the guy :/ He died when my mom was like, 2 or 4. Uncle Bill He was in World War II and he fought the war in Germany. He got shot in the head THROUGH his ironsights and survived. He got thrown into a pile of bodies and then later got up and said "Hey, what can a soldier get to eat around here?" Some miracle, right? Heard he got put in the hospital for a REALLY long time. He didn't die from it though. He got the Medal of Honor I believe...very rare considering only 3,000 to 4,000 soldiers ever received it. Now it's your turn! Post if you want to or don't!
  7. your thread wasn't cool enough.
  8. ok. i will do it for teh lulz0r
  9. You need the following: ****ING PROOF
  10. and my brother plays terraria with EZ, Microsoft, and Hudson ;___;
  11. Otherworldly


    Dubstep ****ing sucks. Seriously, it's just shitty techno with autotune.
  12. I would join every branch. Except the Marines. I have my reasons for it.
  13. +1 because of what I have seen from his maturity when I played with him.
  14. I posted this thread already. There is 3. And to be honest, this is just going to be for stuff like ESEA and competitions. It's not meant to be a casual game like CSS.
  15. Otherworldly


    i want one with blue and black.
  16. This is the link to the PC Gamer thread. Valve announces Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, playable at PAX That leaves me with this question, are we going to take advantage of it by starting off with servers in there, forever being imprinted as a veteran? Or wait until stuff like Jailbreak and other mods get exported over? Or even do it at all... If you want a tl;dr: Basically, they are going to make what CS 1.6 used to be and make it more competitive.
  17. Otherworldly

    Man up.

    Ya srsly. Liek oh mah gawd.
  18. +1 for mod because he is good at it and has snakebites.
  19. Why are you making an irrelevant statement to an obviously logical argument?
  20. Little to no tolerance for insulting another member or random. Trolling is included. I don't want to see this anymore:
  21. I got let in when I was 13 ._. But seriously, that whole ERSB or whatever is is not actually a law stating they can't play a game. It's a rating that recommends for different age demographics based on the game's traits.
  22. Well, school is starting up, so people aren't going to be able to play as much. And people that get promoted ARE active. They just become less active after they get promoted (don't know why, they just may not feel as obligated, and it doesn't mean everyone does this)
  23. High school is literally **** easy right now. It's just HOT.