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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. he also twitched earlier. I was in kitchen, he was facing the cells. NOBODY saw me. I open the door, IMMEDIATLY get headshotted andhe's still looking at cells.
  2. No proofs, OP request close ~closed
  3. Arthman


    No proofs. jay breezy, go sober up. ~closed
  4. you know what? we should get a vote thing. If you try to target somebody with immunity, it starts a vote. that way, Mods have to work as a group
  5. i dont abuse on other mods nor does turdwig and now we are stuck not being able to do simple things such as SLAYING AFK MODS. This makes me REALLY mad because i used to be able to do THIS SHIT but now i cant. and people dont understand how the new mechanic work and they expect you to slay afkers even if they are mods.
  6. Arthman

    Bring this back!

    You have no right to show your opinion.
  7. Arthman

    Is Everyone busy?

    it's a month or two for subs. ANNND 100 posts.
  8. Arthman

    Bring this back!

    Im glad i got you guys to remember the song :D
  9. Isnt that what jay breezy said AWHILE ago? anyway, +1
  10. he does his job, he's active etc
  11. When you have seen aegean being mod and was promoted before serbian.
  12. it's multiworld with faction also, Second, super's a GREAT mod. Also, your -1 is not taken into consideration as you havent even PLAYED on the server recently.
  13. Where's rabid? Or xavien's unjustified ban?
  14. We dont need any reason to +1 him, it's fucking microsoft.
  15. I feel like closing this already as you already have tried and got denied. But, I do not take any actions on CSS div unless it's admin abuse with no proof or ban request (or in rare cases, if op request close) Ill go with a +1 for reducing the ban to 1-2 weeks, as if the nade didnt kill anybody or 1-2 people, It Shouldnt result in a perm CT.
  16. play the MC server THEN you can vouche, Scrub.
  17. God, dont you read titles? He's applying for MC, there's no damn Steam ID
  18. Arthman

    Who is he?

    i dare any bitches to try that shit on me, Ill wreck their internet to shit.
  19. +1, Good guy, Old player.
  20. gon steal someone's job. Okay, first, we cannot stress how important having proof is. without it, all we can do is watch. Witnesses are good but they arent any sort of proof (i see you got some, But it's soo easy to tell a friend to back you up.) Inb4 agean hates his job ~Closed
  21. Aegean does. Wait what?
  22. bitch, i talked to you a couple hours ago and asked you a question, and you never answered