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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. I personaly run 2 things at the same time rainymood.com and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLc9q_tlMDs
  2. I play it. I had 2 helis. Both crashed XD
  3. Rabid's one of my most trustable mod. I dont care if he hacked on CSS or anything, He's legit on MC. Following this logic, I should demote rukibah when he helps me with the server? pfft, Ridiculous. Ban protest Denied. ~Sealed with bedrock
  4. first off, I asked people in teamspeak. You did approve of using fullbright. Second, I trust my admins. rabid vanished and followed you as you looked here and there thru walls looking for diamonds. Ill leave this open for anybody to post their comments.
  5. Arthman

    x-ray minecraft

    Banned for xraying. ~sealed with bedrock
  6. Aegean be a bad black person. +1
  7. Arthman


    Im a div for minecraft. Dont try to exclude me from the higher ups. Dunno if this ban resuqest applies to mc. o.o Anyway, as this has gone WAYYYY to wrong, I'll close this untill @Aegean! , @@silence , @@Starbuck or @serbianbelavuk do something ~sealed with bedrock untill further actions have been taken
  8. Arthman


    what you say and what happened are often 2 different things, minecrack. Like yesterday when i banned you off mc, The bullshit you gave to aegean
  9. Arthman


    First off, Imma stay at 0. Second, I dont care of what people think of me or whatever, as long at they dont shove their fucking opinion down my throat.
  10. He's a minecrafter. +1, Known him for awhile. He was on the Old server.
  11. I run that shit, He keeps it
  12. Next fucking thing like that i see i delete the fucking thread
  13. you are a fucking retard. Fuck you.
  14. OP request Close. You will be able to reapply soon. Just let people get to know you to get +1s ~Sealed with bedrock
  15. Arthman


    Rabid left on his own accord and OP Requested close. ~Sealed with bedrock
  16. Arthman


    Old stuff, not new. Was there prior to the new rule
  17. Sorry, But you have been denied to join this community. Dont bother reapplying
  18. Arthman


    yeah, Ban protest Denied. sit out for the day
  19. Arthman


    that wasnt rabid. I actualy had to restart the server so i said rabid kicked all. 2nd, You should check the MOTD before joining just to see if there's new rules. Ill get rabid to tell me the things etc etc and i'll judge from there
  20. for the Little i was able to see, Damn, you are annoying +1 for a perm >:(
  21. charrax, Dont bring trouble here. I swear i will delete all flaming posts.
  22. correction: Zapper's been a mod since the server came out.