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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    My Avatar

    Wait, arent you the computer tech in here?. Try changing avatar?
  2. Arthman

    Arma 2 Server

    we are getting a ARMA 2 server according to silence. Now, there's 3 main mods we could run on the server. a normal Combined op, a RP server (yes it exists, it's decent) OR DayZ. Ill let the community vote AND leave their opinion
  3. every patches dayz add can be fucked up and VERY DEMANDING. For exemple, the recent patch that forced gamers to push game view at 10000 (usualy is around 6000 for high end comps) Forced MANY servers to close.
  4. get a GTX 600 series. or a GTX 560TI or a 580
  5. Bring screenshots, might help the case. TL:DR, off to sleep i go.
  6. Uhm, I dont believe those are legitimate premium accounts. Most likely alts
  7. Well, i can work the server, just find the mod and get silence to give me access to it.
  8. it depends on what kind of server we want. But i could probably manage it.
  9. get a car or an heli. HOURS of fun.
  10. +1. He knows rules (even if sometimes he needs to be reminded the rules) and he's active
  11. the only way i ask these questions is over voice chat, to hear them and find flaws
  12. i meant in post title. that way, divs will be able to scroll throught their div's apps
  13. For apps, i want to see what game they apply for. That way, I wont have to scroll throught alot of apps that i wont even touch.
  14. I will check with said persons. If you get unbanned and i catch you again it's a perm IP ban.
  15. Arthman

    Definition of Rape

    in many country, having sex with an intoxicated person or a passed out person is considered rape as they are not mentally there.
  16. but people donated for me. That's gonna be problematic, no?
  17. i dont have my codes anymore?
  18. Arthman

    Rule change?

    how 'bout you frigging bind a Slay @aim and then you use the admin menu. I mean, my current name's in russian and i dont intend to change it. just bind one of your mouse button to slay @aim. Simple. Open console and type bind mouse3 "say /slay @aim"
  19. Kiwi, Add me. serach [xG:D] im the only one with a russian name
  20. 450. Laval, Quebec. Near montreal and the city of quebec
  21. nah he's leaving for some other things with Jihad on MC
  22. changing my +1 to a -1. All you do is break rules and get banned Not getting promoted ~sealed with bedrock
  23. Arthman

    Auto Bhopping

    im 12 and what is this