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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Bitch dont leave. We didnt agree to this during our chat d:
  2. That. If anybody got 8 bucks, Donate em and tell me. I really really want to put up a Tekkit.
  3. first off, not to shoot down anybody, but that would be a pretty pointless div. NOBODY join communities that have dayz servers for the dayz server.
  4. Arthman


    +1, 6months enough
  5. adding s's is the ukrainian part of me.
  6. 5* And that's the required for minecraft. Second off, Super is on more often than anybody, I see it fit for him to have powers. Altho, If proper proofs are brought to me, I will do the required. Proofs. I see none. Second off, I know many people that can say that you troll alot. COming from somebody who i've had to ban countless times Because of trolling. Yet no proofs.
  7. congratulation, you have been accepted into xenogamers. It's minecraft, silly ~sealed with bedrock
  8. I donated 2 bucks (im a poor fella) and we still need 8 more to get a tekkit server from SILENCE
  9. Good sir, that is promoting another server. As for the tekkit, i need to talk to silence soon. I plan on getting a fully working tekkit for xG and modding the current one in a better one.
  10. Arthman


    Obv didnt see white text.
  11. Accepted ~sealed with bedrock
  12. accepted ~sealed with bedrock
  13. I dont know if RPGS still works on the Faciton @RpgS . Ill assume not and go ahead and ask this. If i am to put up a new server, There's 3 Possible choices Faction Tekkit : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rtMim1O_2SQ Creative :I dont like this option, but it's still an option. OR, if i have alot of time, I might change and make a hub for Faction and towny.
  14. Arthman


    Sorry, Your ban protest has been denied. Try this : Want To Get Unbanned? or stay banned. ~sealed with bedrock white text Roodypoos. i aint closin this shit
  15. +1, a good fella, Isnt retarded.
  16. Arthman

    DayZ Server

    Dem rules, Illegal rules, altering DayZ gameplay.
  17. Im gonna ask for a server soon. Running tekkit is a piece of cake.
  18. They dont count. You have to pay for em. go IN the server and do /buy