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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman

    Humble Bundle

    i kept on giving some away before.
  2. Arthman

    1 year :D

    Im from Early 2011
  3. Arthman

    Anti PVP Log

    silence disabled the plugin due to "lag"
  4. Arthman

    1 year :D

    1 year? In xG? Terrible place to be! Just kidding :D
  5. Congratulation! You have been accepted into Xenogamers. Remember to be active on forums and on teamspeak Teamspeak IP : voice.xenogamers.com
  6. Towns can turn off PVP. Not PVE
  7. are you gonna fly over the us with the plane before heading to iraq? Do i need to warn obama? Heuheuheuheu
  8. link to hawkeye, Adding the other ASAP
  9. he's a good dude. +1 1/5 vote.
  10. Arthman


    Correction, mods lost their rights 3 days ago. Admin lost recently.
  11. account name and who banned.
  12. MCMMO mc3.xenogamers.com
  13. Arthman


    Hey buddy! Welcome back!!!!
  14. +1, FOrmer xGD, Overall great player and he wants to play minecrafts
  15. you posted a Leaving thread, But still wear tag and shizzle. What the heck is going on here.
  16. He got banned for Griefing AND setting home next to somebody's house. ~Sealed with obsidian.
  17. True, Because Im the one that : first. Barely have time for himself. Second. Have to fix the Server. I only fix things if im the ONLY WITH POWERS on.
  18. First, Proof. Second, The server's been up for 2-3 days. So his 2nd argument is valid. and from talking to you in chat, He can make whatever deduction he wants
  19. have to be lowered. BUt yeah, Looks good. And diamonds cost 350 EACH so fix their prices. But yeah, ~Stickied