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Everything posted by Arthman

  1. Arthman


    fixing it tomorow, Removing mod's rights to open chests. Will look into a solution. (it will be removed tomorow)
  2. This, /thread. Seriously, Sad to hear that you have to go, I liked you, except when you kept on yelling marco
  3. Helpful, I like the guy +1 Altho, dont let your emotions get the best of you. 1 out of 5 vouches!
  4. Then, due to the fact that there's no proof of him cheating during the fights and admin abused by TPing friends, He's Unbanned ~Sealed With Obsidian
  5. plenty people have Diamonds armor. Also, If no proof is given that he was indeed hacking during the fight (admin also abused in this) He will get unbanned. you get 1 more post to PROVE he is wrong.
  6. any proofs on you using the software during the battle?
  7. if you get enought good comments, You get it. perhaps. maybe
  8. let me guess, you want to play the MC server. Lol. Ill see what i can do
  9. Count yourself lucky that you didnt get permed. These actions could have very well gotten you Perma banned. Wait the 1week or for starbuck to see this (I say he waits.)
  10. Well, Hey there. If you are willing to know some of the community, (like me), The 31, I will put up the minecraft server (Alot of people are waiting for it). you will be able to meet some members that are otherwise not online alot.
  11. Arthman


    FYI, it will not be a multi-world MC server. im a beginner and i wont jump into hard stuff just yet. The MC server will be BEFORE the multiworld. i MAY or MAY not make it multiworld again. Edit the multiworld WAS the most popular
  12. im still mad at HG. I tried getting unbanned before, and they just told me Leave xG or no. I said eff that. altho, im glad this is over.
  13. Because the government has billions of places to do cuts that wouldnt affect anybody that much. I got a friend that has to work 2 jobs when he's not at school JUST FOR FUCKING SCHOOL ALREADY. This is unfair and you do not understand this situation from our point of view. We already pay 2 taxes on EVERYTHING. Why would we FUCKING PAY MORE?
  14. +1. He's really active, He knows the rules, He's mature. gosh, kiwi, Marry me
  15. he's a good guy +1. Whenever im on, He's on. altho he could read the motd a Little bit more often, He's half decent with rules
  16. I will do other games. Also, We will do this when i get rid of my cold. And We will plan BEFORE.
  17. what does it mean? Either way, Dunno if teddy's Coming. If you have a mic, deo, Ill Consider STRONGLY
  18. sniper, you are the 4th of our team. (need to check if teddy comes in)
  19. Bump. i MIGHT also buy the game for people to play with me
  20. Frick. I wanted to play with dlcs. If the others dont have dlcs, we'll play with No DLC. If not, perhaps ill consider getting you the DLCS. Or consider buying the Goty, as it is 30 bucks on steam and every DLCS cost 10 bucks. (so you pay 10 bucks less for DLC and 20$ less on the game.)
  21. Hey you. You own borderlands? Good. You even have a mic? Even better. Are YOU interested in participating in a Borderlands Let's play? I will record, render and Upload to youtube. all you have to do is to be present and play with me. I will be taking 3 Other fellows with me for this adventure. You need to be a little bit active so we can actualy record footage. We will discuss classes and shit later, but for now, Im taking 3 players. Post down below why you would like to be in this adventure. I will pick the 3 best reasons / 3 funniest people. WE WILL START NEW CHARACTERS.
  22. Starbuck is trying to boost his division. I see nothing wrong with that. he asked to be xG in ND. it's fine in my book that a co-leader or a div leader to accept a player in their division to help the division grow
  23. used to happen to me all the time. Upgraded my computer. This is caused by a lag in the engine. The engine proceeds to search Textures and fail. Miserably
  24. Arthman


    newegg.com for the US and Newegg.ca for canada. i buy all my shits there