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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. Or you could be a man and get a goddamn job.
  2. Jaybreeze


    Member Name: JayBreeze Abusing Admin: Aegean Your In-Game Name: JayBreeze Abuse Description: He slayed me once, then called me fat. Reason: He said he didnt like white people Player Effect: Yeah, everyone had to go to my funeral and it was a major inconvenience. Especially during rush hour traffic. It was chaotic! Proof: He'll admit it or fear the wrath of God.
  3. i feel ya on the grades man, shits stressful
  4. You cant ban someone from a server for harassing you via steam chat. Theres ignore for a reason, use it.
  5. Jaybreeze

    Sorry :'(

    I sense a new prodigy for abuse...
  6. a kick is the same thing as leaving
  7. you need to send me an ounce of weed and a bottle of absolute
  8. Promotions/Demotions every 2 weeks instead of weekly
  9. Well, this was probably due a long time ago but here is my official resignation from Moderator as well as membership from xG. It was a hell of a ride during these last 8 months, made CSS a lot of fun. Seeing all these new members come and go, co leaders quitting, coming back, quitting, and coming back. As well as me quitting, coming back, quitting and coming back. Im no where near as active as I'd like to be to continue to be a moderator on the servers, as well as the fact that I just dont play counterstrike that much anymore. I want to leave on good terms, theres always a possibility that i'll come back over the summer if i have enough free time, but ill cross that bridge when it comes to me as im looking for internships in ESPN and possibly studying abroad in London over the summer. This community is strong, and needs its old members to stay in and keep everyone in line so it doesn't burn down (looking at you aegean). Im not going to go into a long post of people who im going to say goodbye too, you'll know who you are and most likely what i'll say to you. TLDR: read this shit, i typed it all nigga. Adios amigos <3
  10. xg sucks everyone uninstall
  11. Dont post something like this next time, stop instigating fights, this isnt middle school, grow up.
  12. -1 because he only cares to apologize after he was banned.
  13. why are people thanking you. this is all me. new name of the clan is xJayBreezeG
  14. had enough of this kid, +1 for week ban
  15. Ok so let me get this straight. You talk bad to a co-leader of the clan, blame it on your cockiness, whatever. Then when you get banned you had this "sudden revelation" of how bad you've been. I don't think so kiddo, you blew your chance multiple times and keep coming back "apologetic and full of remorse". You should keep this ban, live by it, learn from your mistakes. Go to another server and start fresh there if you really want to turn a new leaf. You fucked up. Deal with the consequences. -1 if you couldn't tell.
  16. Jaybreeze


    get with the program, the race is to 10,000 now.
  17. [ATTACH=CONFIG]763[/ATTACH] im on 3 hours of sleep. suck my nut.