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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. I applied for this months ago.
  2. i hate poor people. they should all die.
  3. I agree with this. Lets go drink.
  4. get rid of jailbreak, no one plays it
  5. Jesus just unban him from Pub, its not like we can get it populated with xG members anyway.
  6. Spy or Soldier Dont play enough Anytime after 2PM
  7. i hat e al rhrese fags who ckem in ehre and talk ♥♥♥♥ like dfcl
  8. what silence said, or do a complex gradient
  9. You guys troll him back just as much as he trolls you, its a cycle. Get off your high horses, all of that is visible in this thread.
  10. i agree with everything llama said in this post.
  11. +1 because its a video game and who really gives a shit. I also want people to play on Pub with me.
  12. Jaybreeze


    Ive been drunk, ill get on it nerd
  13. Yeah your right he's lying to you.
  14. Jaybreeze


    sweet so now you run around swearing and disrespecting members. youre the man!
  15. I agree with this decision 67%.
  16. Where were my cookies? happy birthday!
  17. Jaybreeze

    First time :o

    he liez. i go 2 skool too with computers and st00f.
  18. Afro Samurai from Afro Samurai
  19. Jaybreeze

    First time :o

    I give lessons fo free nub, hit me (or aaron cause hes good too) up
  20. Jaybreeze


    [-1]kid above me is a ♥♥♥♥♥[/-1]