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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Jaybreeze

  1. I'm sorry I dont go running around muting people when one person complains, thats not my job. Yes, my job is to enforce the rules, but it is also to make sure the server runs smoothly and everyone is able to play without inconvenience, from my stand point I did not see his behavior as inhibitory to your playing so I didn't take any action. My responses to you were out of retaliation from your contant complaints about a minor issue that did not warrant any action from me. All you had to do was ask him to stop and he did, do you really need me to mute him after that? I think not. Grow a pair of nuts, tell them to stop, if they don't and then I see it as being disrespectful to the point where he is severely curing or being racist then I will take action. Other than that saying the n-word or ♥♥♥♥ once, doesn't really deserve a response from me.
  2. I never used being high as an excuse first off. I was just stating the fact that I was intoxicated. Secondly, he was not spamming racial remarks to the point where it was disruptive. I was the only moderator on the server at the time while 30+ people were playing, I took priorities on what to do and what to look for. My job as a moderator is to do just that, MODERATE the server so gameplay runs smoothly for all players and they are able to enjoy the game they bought from steam without being ostracized or insulted constantly. I let you handle the problem amongst yourselves and when you asked him to stop saying it, he did immediately and apologized. I don't understand why you're making a big deal about nothing, you look for the first instance to complain about something and if you do not get your way you whine and threaten me with admin abuse? Do you think thats going to get me to listen to you next time if something legitimate does happen? I stand by my decision to let gameplay run on, as I had more important things to deal with, like maintaining the server of 30+ people while I was the only moderator on. If you still think your life has been severely effected by this then I'd suggest you find a new game to play, because believe it or not, it's impossible for me to control what people say on the internet. TLDR: I stand by my decision
  3. its because no one gives a ♥♥♥♥
  4. Jaybreeze

    Resign as mod?

    just resign already
  5. +1 real cool kid, knows rules and has a good mic
  6. My kids wont exist to me. Unless there name is Svedka or Ketel-One
  7. Jaybreeze


    -1 for all the reasons stated above. Don't insult me for down vouching, you'll regret it.
  8. sounds dumb, i just drink
  9. Jaybreeze


    dont he'll steal all your money.
  10. Jaybreeze

    Halloween! :D

    FUK THAT. Drink ♥♥♥♥.
  11. Kevin. This is the dumbest thread i've seen you post in a long time. You show us the thread where you found this "proof" but it's just constant flaming between everyone. You antagonize 95% of the problems that you "complain" about and then have the gall to post on the forums that YOU'RE being trolled. It shocks me that you expect to be taken seriously when you whine about one thing, then go back and respond in a way that antagonizes people to respond to you negatively. If you want to be respected, you need to respect people back. Not be a little 13 year old brat and scream and them and then try to kiss-♥♥♥ with the upper management. If you could delete this thread, I'd recommend to do that, but since you can't I'll leave you with this: Don't post something like this again, if you actually get "trolled" and feel like it's insulting take a screenshot of some proof, prove you didn't instigate it, then people might take threads like this seriously. TLDR: I'm high, this thread is dumb, don't read it.
  12. rexx why do you suck so much, just commit suicide so your parents can save some money ---------- Post added at 02:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:17 AM ---------- inb4 he trolled and made me cry
  13. -1 because i wanna break this combo. but its really a +1 cause i like this old ♥♥♥. hes really old. did i mention hes old? like older than me..
  14. ahahahahha youre 5'3? get some hgh kid get big
  15. Jaybreeze

    F**** me hard

    wait now i wanna see this, repost it who cares its the interwebs
  16. I know some niggas in my hood thatd rob noreaga, ♥♥♥♥♥ the real noreaga
  17. Jaybreeze

    Noshave November

    yea me and ero have dis in da bag. stupid youngins
  18. this is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. if you dont see it, dont do anything. its all he said she said. heres a quote to live by: "Its only a crime if you get caught."
  19. yo i fux wit gud spellin