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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. 69 ppl dont like having sex, thumbs up if u agree
  2. i have thurs and weekends off, wed start class at 4 pm, mon and tues start at 12 pm but i wont be on before cause i prob leave early to get a ride, fridays i have 1 class at some time or whatever
  3. its a copypasta, i can put "*DEAD* Д†σɱїϾ :xg is ♥♥♥♥ing stupid, admins are retarded and im ddosing the server" and BAM, its proof, and therefore u shouldnt question it, thats why u take a screenshot of chat instead of ctrl c/v
  4. +1 rabid has cut down on the trolling and when he gets muted or slayed etc, he doesnt rage about it, he just maybe says "aww" or something like that in admin chat, and waits till whatever is placed upon him is lifted. also he is a blast to the server, he always does funny ♥♥♥♥ to make jb more fun. as long as he isnt a ♥♥♥♥ to ppl, he has my vouche to get back in xg
  5. told him way too many times to stop trolling, still doesnt listen, agree with jay breezy
  6. i thought this was rabid eating, but its just a turtle
  7. rexx wtf was that for? hes asking politely if we have a youtube channel, cause he would offer to use his channel to help xg and u just go and completely attack him for no reason. this is why ur not getting mod, now stop asking for it before i post a member abuse thread and post the pics of the steam chat that we had. it also includes your fail trolling
  8. due to glitches with the admin plugin, dont be surprised if admin commands mess up when it comes to banning/kicking ppl, ill talk to aegean to remove the ban since its already expired
  9. thought this was someone elses bed, nvm then
  10. we also ask for the steam ids for just that reason, so ppl dont ban others for their names, but their steam ids
  11. jay breeze earned that right, u act like u were born with it rexx
  12. netex just dont troll at all, that includes trolling over steam chat, and ull be fine. also dont act all high and mighty and say that ur better than everyone cause ur in esea
  13. she'll be back, and in greater numbers
  14. seems cool, lets try it out +!. also silence, take off lego, avalanche, and vipinthemix, for like 2 days, just so ppl play other jb maps
  15. i totally deserve mod, in fact u gaiz should totally give me admin, ill slay and ban all and then send them death threats and post their info on 4chan, LOLIMSOCOOLGAIS!! hehe
  16. serbiansnaga


    ill need a better picture of that spray in order to more closely examine as to whether or not it is a porn spray. also he does haev porn sprays, but he forgets to change them before he joins the server, i say just warn him in steam chat to change his spray if it has nudity in it
  17. hmm, y not...have 2 jailbreak servers?
  18. and so i cry sometimes when im lying in bed just to get it all out whats in my head and I-I-I, feel it feel it, i need a peculiar, and so i wake in the morning and i step outside and i take a deep breath and get real HIGH and i, scream-at-the-top-of-my-lungs, whats going on?...and i say HEY YA YA YA YA HEY YA YA I SAY HEY...WHTAS GOING ON!!
  19. jay breezys not a man? WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO, OH GAWD *breaks down crying hysterically* DAMN YOU, DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!
  20. i think shes talking about her ovaries, trolls tend to mistake themselves as men
  21. serbiansnaga


    +1 to unban, i think he threw a nade into iso and accidentally killed a bunch of ts, hes played on the servers long enough to learn his lesson and to not do that ♥♥♥♥ again
  22. serbiansnaga


    i was told by silence to perm ban colour on sight, so talk to silence about it also -1, keep him banned, what peechis said, he was cool before, now hes a douche and took ♥♥♥♥ too far