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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. but u were in there until a t came in through the vent and dropped in, then u killed him, thats armory camping
  2. but u made the decision to stay in armory longer than u shouldve to get a gun that someone else took, by staying longer in armory u risked getting slayed for armory camping, at which point a t dropped in and u killed him, thus u were slayed for armory camping
  3. u were in armory way too long, u stayed in there for at least 30 sec and havent left until u killed the t, u were slayed cause u in there too long, u shouldve left the armory within 15 sec
  4. its cause canadians are bowss in being higher ups, amuricans are good for filling in the numbers, silly geese
  5. hold ur fire arthman, perhaps his intentions are being misinterpreted. yaya, just to let u know, we look down on gravedigging, its basically spamming posts and its annoying to see threads that are several weeks old, just a heads up. also thx for getting us sponsored, next stop, THE WORLD after that THE UNIVERSE after that THE PARALLEL UNIVERSES after that HIGHER PLAINS OF EXISTENCE after that WHATEVER IS AFTER HIGHER PLAINS OF EXISTENCE!
  6. +1 this guy is really active on the surf server, knows the rules, pretty cool guy, etc
  7. shut up kevin, dont tell others to grow up when ur insulting them, ur contradicting urself, and duckii, real life is more important than css
  8. if it gets to that point pyro, just slay the cts, its !slay @ct
  9. inb4 silence starts talking about how you shouldnt torrent programs
  10. the bombs blowing up itself is intentional, that way ts dont buy bombs and never use them, it will also force ts to think as to whether they should buy a bomb cause it might blow up on them if they dont use it within a certain time
  11. if cts dont open cells and its a freeday and its past 6:45, u could say to cts that ur gonna start random ct banning them if they dont open it
  12. unless silence is doing something, if not, fix it plox, i have no other place to gather with others so i can socialize before 11:00 when im going paintballing ---------- Post added at 09:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:13 PM ---------- nvm delete thread plox
  13. i dont have the links to the map download, im just saying it as an idea that silence could implement
  14. it shows jay breezy being brought to this earth as a honey badger, at some point later in his life he became an insanely ♥♥♥♥ed up crackhead that attacked a womans car. then he listened to ABBA cause hes a raging homosexual and now he listens to rap music, mostly
  15. pyro, wc:s is a counter strike source mod where u choose classes from warcraft and fight each other and lvl up, its like rpg surf but with warcraft, its fun but silence has to advertise the server in jb, he cant just leave it at the back of the server list and hope ppl see it
  16. [ATTACH]585.vB[/ATTACH] i dont do drugs btw, my body is a temple, and for around 30 min every day or two, blood rushes from all other places in my body towards my hip area, dk why it does that though, but it makes me feel rly rly good right before it stops and the blood goes back
  17. posting for a friend [xG] SGTBLU, his account is ♥♥♥♥ed up for some reason and aegean cant find out why idea is basically a giant .RAR file containing all the maps so that mac users can download all the maps for jailbreak, minigames, rpg surf, etc all in one file with each server map pack being seperate from the others, so that ppl who play jb but cant download the maps can just download the map pack and install them all manually all at once. heres the convo from sgtblu, copypasta btw, still applies: [xG] SGTBLU: May I suggest something? [xG:D|G] serbianbelavuk *Pain: k [xG] SGTBLU: Im asking you to put this on forums because the forums are glitching (I have been IP banned and agean cant figure out why) [xG] SGTBLU: You see... Mac users [xG] SGTBLU: cant download sertian maps [xG] SGTBLU: they must be downloaded manualy [xG] SGTBLU: and think about how many maps there are in the minigames server itself [xG] SGTBLU: What if xG produced a GIANT .rar file with all of the xG maps on it :D [xG] SGTBLU: the MAC gamers can play lockdown, kristol, space, and sometimes lego! :D [xG:D|G] serbianbelavuk *Pain: hmm [xG:D|G] serbianbelavuk *Pain: interesting [xG] SGTBLU: (I had to restart steam and i lost all of my maps) [xG] SGTBLU: (other mac gamers [Foreverandever and more] can only play on 3/4 the maps [xG] SGTBLU: so just an idea [xG] SGTBLU: plus it would reduce load times
  18. banned him thru ban disconnect
  19. serbiansnaga


    ur the guy at 0:20 who says "he needs a weed whacker" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAeRIoAhzpI&feature=channel_video_title
  20. mojo ur 12 shut up, u too rexx, and u too muzza, dont say that ur better cause ur dad makes more money, i can say my dad makes millions but hes a drug dealer, doesnt make me better does it
  21. as i have said before, bombs are only overpowered when the cts are retarded
  22. inb4 netex sees this, there are no women on the internet even if they are a woman, thats it
  23. the reason why forum mod is not given out is cause forum mod can see the passwords and everything for everyones accounts (except for other forum mods and admins im guessing), they can also change the passwords i think