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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. take a break, fix ur IRL issues, ur real life is more important than a game, come back when u feel that u have fixed everything that needed to be fixed or that could be fixed. everyone needs a break once in a while from gaming
  2. +1 who the ♥♥♥♥ is this person?
  3. not sure if aegean, silence or rabid trolling
  4. +1 knows the rules, is known in the server, not a ♥♥♥♥, etc etc also there was confusion over whether or not he was in xg cause of the verification emails and stuff, tldr he thought the emails said he was in xg, but he wasnt, honest mistake
  6. rexx dun goofed on the poll
  7. admin disrespect: its assumed that ppl know who admins are, the admins who dont have an admin tag on confuse others cause they dont know they are an admin and might talk back to them over rules. the when i say go thing: its kinda meh to enforce the rule if warden repeats gp or whatever the word, cause ppl dont wanna go outside cause they'll probably die and those that do say that warden said go and that they were freekilled as a result, basically as there is no explicit rule on this, its a cluster♥♥♥♥ for us admins to enforce
  8. u can have like 12 ppl in a poll, so why would u leave out the funny ones and put urself and someone whos been offline for like a month or so?
  9. serbiansnaga


    is that a mothertrucking ferris wheel AND a roller coaster? in one map? impossibru, +1 this map right up the shitter so ♥♥♥♥ing hard
  10. serbiansnaga


    why is rexx so full of himself? is this question false?
  11. he already swapped u back, he said it was accident so i dont see why u have to drag it on longer than its supposed to be
  12. serbiansnaga


    +1 to unban, it wasnt intentional, and he apologized for it, plus hes not one to advertise another clan on xgs servers when hes been playing with us for so long
  13. u go on the top where it says Requests, in between CS:GO and Donate, and u go on ban request, click on ban request option, and fill out the details. also u need proof, we dont accept copypasta as proof because it can be easily changed, so u have to screenshot it from the console and upload it. press f12 when ur viewing the console to take a screenie, then save the picture, and upload the link of it as proof that the person mass freekilled
  14. hey guys, every admin on xg is admin abusing, remove their admin and ban them all cause i have zero proof and that u should do it because i said so
  15. atomic, i had problems with u before, threatening to have someones admin removed for so called "abuse" is the same as an admin threatening to ban u if u kill them whether its a freekill or a legit kill. also ur impeding an admins ability to moderate the server by criticizing his every move and calling abuse at every corner, that leads to more freekills by others and u ♥♥♥♥♥ing about why the admins arent slaying them. so stfu, stop crying like a little pansy and dealwithit.jpg, nothing more annoying than little prepubescent children screaming louder than a jet engine over admin abuse.
  16. ^granted, but now i now it too well and am able to derail it and bring the thread down i wish for nothing, meaning i dont want anything and if i get anything, this thread will be closed and anyone posting after me is irrelevant and that no one, and i mean no one can reopen or bring the thread back to how it was before, nor can they start a new wish granted thread
  17. i lold, good job co leader jay. srry about the demotion to mod though, heard it was hard
  18. Wish game is derailing, u cant stop it, muhahahahahahahaa!!!!!
  19. +1 to unban, he shouldnt be held responsible for what some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in a group that he started said
  20. serbiansnaga


    dont start with that kevin, i dont wanna have to deal with it again
  21. ^how else do u think ill be able to get the shadow armor, by lvling up ill have 47 dex