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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i hate snackbar cause not once has he offered me a cookie or a snack, lol, jkz, snackbars good
  2. np, i posted the download link in my first post in case ur interested, the first time i played it, i got ♥♥♥♥ed over so many times, the beginning is rly hard if u dont know what to do because u have 1 city that has 2 mines, and it provides u with like 80% of ur money, and if u lose it, ur screwed unless u get it back within several turns. the germans are uber powerful, ppl say that u should never border the germans unless u are strong enough to beat them back and invade them, cause if u just defend then they will start sending elite units at u and ull have to fall back, only the legionary cohorts are strong enough to fight them back with little casualties.
  3. serbiansnaga


    daz, chill the ♥♥♥♥ out about these little things, all it does is waste time having to respond to threads such as these, also its only a day, if it was a week it would be different, and havent u learned enough to stop disrespecting admins already? i know u have ur opinions but keep them to urself cause it only ends in threads like this
  4. serbiansnaga


    how about we move old threads into an archive section? that way ppl can grave dig and we wont have to see it on the recent forum threads
  5. ill have aegean put that into the motd to clear things up when repeating orders
  6. +1 need more ppl for the tf2 division, would make great addition to growing tf2 section
  7. +1 knows rules, doesnt start ♥♥♥♥ with others, respects others aside from the little joke every now and then which is fine, stuff and such etc etc
  8. +1 knows rules, yadda yadda, needs to relax sometimes but only in extreme cases, usually pretty chill, etc etc
  9. heres pictures that i took of my campaign ill post a caption above it to let u know what the picture is about. this is my gaul front, where every so often, the fragments of the gaul tribes get together and raid the roman lands in hopes of reclaiming their ancestral land this is the southern spain front, my army on the bottom is holding off the carthaginians until reinforcements come from the east to siege the city these are the reinforcements coming to help out my legion in southern spain this is my southern gaul front, where the two cities u see get raided by gaul armies every couple of turns these are my holdings in greece, which after a successful invasion of sparta and multiple crushing victories against the greek army are now under my control dont worry about the corner of the map, look on the bottom left of the image, that is the entire campaign map when fog of war is toggled off, im the romans as the red colour next time, i secure spain and greece and prepare an invasion of carthage (the white faction in northern africa), as soon as i get the cities that i need, i will activate the marian reforms and get super powerful legionary cohorts to replace my aging camillan military forces
  10. ima do a report on my game for the game SPQR total war which is a mod for rome total war. it is super hard if u arent used to rtw, u start off getting attacked from 3 different factions and from armies 50% bigger than urs. ill post some pics from my campaign when i can, im kinda far into the game atm so ill be able to skip the boring first 10 yrs where i just fight the same enemy until i am stronger than them HERES THE DOWNLOAD LINK: ****SPQR:TW 9.0 Download Link**** you need RTW 1.5 and u need to copy the entire game into a seperate folder because SPQR overwrites the original files and u wont be able to install other mods
  11. from now on, repeats for the "when i say go" orders dont count, so if someone asks for a repeat, the second time they say go, it doesnt count cause ppl will think u said go as an order, then they would leave the cell and get killed then say "he said go" tl dr: repeats for "when i say go" orders dont count, so if warden repeats the order, it doesnt count when he says go
  12. we need "mass freekill" in the admin menu so that when someone mass freekills and leaves, we can ban them under mass freekill and not breaking server rules cause its too vague and if everything is breaking...rules then we wont remember the reason why we banned someone from the servers, mass freekill is more specific and a more valid reason for perming someone from the server. this is for jb of course
  13. +1 i think this guy was one of the first or something to join the clan, at least on the new forums
  14. youjizz, youporn, xvideos, and when theres nothing good, 4chan -> /gif and ask for sauce on desirable gifs
  15. cs_assault and de_aztec from the 1.6 version or GTFO
  16. asking for admin is looked down upon, the mod submission thing is something else, also u have to be active on the forums and on teamspeak if u want to get admin, it says so when u got accepted in ur member application
  17. gunplanting is never allowed, unless some rly rly extreme circumstances, ie. a ct mass freekilling and another ct gunplants so they could kill that ct but thats only when there is no mod on and usually a mod gets on when that happens, for lr, when i get gunplanted i usually let it go cause i wanna get as many kills with gun toss as i can, so slaying them would work against me
  18. serbiansnaga


    as css div leader, i have no problem against this, as long as u advertise our servers and put a good word for us, im fine with that
  19. first of all, i never said netex can freekill and slay himself and can do it 2 times per map or round or whatever. so just for that i should ban netex for lying that admins said he could do something when they didnt
  20. i have to go with jeremy clarkson, he'll just insult his enemies into submission, then he would interview them and do a commentary of their lap on the top gear track
  21. justin there is a difference between criticism and insults, learn it
  22. just a heads up, u need to be in the clan for a certain amount of time and have 100 posts in order to apply for mod, and even then its still a long process cause its based on whether other mods and admins feel that u are ready for mod