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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i saw this and thought that u found a video of ET by katy perry but with kanye edited out
  2. what hes saying is that he is going to a leadership camp, what hes ACTUALLY saying is that he is going to a ♥♥♥ buttsex camp where u have a 4 day, 90 person orgy and somehow u learn leadership from that, probably from not getting buttsexed in the process (pitching rather than catching), lol jkz. have fun at camp, and something something chicks at the camp
  3. good job, now try it without the bhop scripts lol
  4. its the right place, also WTF, WHY IS UR UPLOAD SPEED 205 MB/S?!?!?
  5. serbiansnaga


    same question could be asked as to why u dont have leader already jay breezy
  6. +1 i banned this guy for a week for not taking the tag off, after he was warned multiple times, then he came back and still had the tag on
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TT_vf5ioXXk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50uio1Veqko
  8. in that case +1 good rebeller, knows rules etc etc
  9. he was perm ct banned cause of <reasons he said>, hes not vac or server banned, he plays on jb server
  10. serbiansnaga


    philosophical raptor agrees that fighting is when talking a problem out fails. also im 6'7, nvr had someone willingly challenge me to a fight without thinking that they would get their ♥♥♥ beat to ♥♥♥♥
  11. is this that guy who had the KVC admins tag thing in his name? cause i think it is him
  12. btw any member who doesnt +1 before he gets accepted is getting permbanned, permslayed, and perm nvr-gonna-get-♥♥♥♥♥es forever, with zero chance of unban not actually, but +1 though
  13. slippery, most of this happens as a joke, dont take insults to canada srsly, i insult the us all the time, and what are amuricans gonna say? (idk what amuricans would say lol, prob something that is easily countered). we canadians have every right to feel better than the us, mostly cause we are (its a fact), we have better govt, better economy, somewhat better education, better reputation, less ♥♥♥♥ to deal with. but we do have problems of our own: only several internet providers to choose from (shaw, rogers, bell, and maybe another one) which leads to higher costs for internet cause of tight grip of ISP's on customers, also cell phone plans being much mroe expensive here compared to the us where its more cheaper. we also have higher consumer product costs than in the us, but our minimum wage is 10.75 and our currency is stronger than the us
  14. if u mean the clan tag in multiplayer options for the css browser, then ya thats fine, but u cant have the [xG] tag in ur name if u didnt apply and get accepted into the clan
  15. we all missed excision, except the newbies to the clan, they prob dk who he is, but they will soon enough
  16. +1 get him the ♥♥♥♥ back in already, AEGEAN Y U NO ACCEPT EXCISION A MINUTE AFTER HE REAPPLIES TO XG?!?!?
  17. university > college parties are about the same
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6P6TqcwDoSo get some heavy metal, bring out the evil in last ct
  19. aegean goes around perm banning ppl cause thats the only way that he can sexually pleasure himself as a co leader
  20. serbiansnaga


    it also depends on how fast ppl give u +1's as well
  21. serbiansnaga


    +1 clearly netex thinks that he has a say as to who gets mod and who doesnt, and ya he did troll to rexx and disrespected zapper
  22. lol whos this guy? nvr seen him before, so thats why im +1ing this person
  23. "show others respect and u will be shown respect back", ppl can do what they want, if they want to leave, let them. and besides, real life issues are more important than css, so if ppl have to leave in order to get their issues handled with, then let it be. no reason to insult them for leaving the clan, and some ppl can multitask and some cant
  24. good to meet u, im serbian, im the div leader along with billy mays for the css division of xG. hmm, what to say, basically, follow the rules, be respectful of others, dont troll and be a ♥♥♥♥ cause ppl will vouch down for u if they see u doing it (not saying u do, just a tip to newcomers). what else, if ur a ct on jailbreak, be careful of what u are doing, ppl hate cts who break rules and/or freekill. oh ya, if u have any questions about xG or the servers, dont be afraid to ask. also if u have any suggestions on improving the server, go ahead and post it in forums teamspeak ip is voice.xenogamers.com