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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. i couldnt play the demo, something with the "factor of 2" thing or whatev, can u post a youtube link to it?
  2. in that case, congrats on being the oldest person in xg to apply/be in xg, the previous guy was 32/33 and he was our co leader before he left. +1 for tf2 division and stuff and such
  3. >Your all beautiful >Your all >YOUR >mfw
  4. just give everyone forum mod, and RCON commands, also admin powers, that way when there is someone who accidentally freekilled a t, everyone can perm ban that person and completely overreact then ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to their newfound power and adrenaline rush in banning someone but ya, it would be a bad idea to allow others to close their own threads for reasons that aegean said
  5. non alcoholic beer is just stupid, real beer tastes as bad, also if u ever go to a university dorm on a thursday night, ull find the hallways smelling like a bakery from all the yeast and ♥♥♥♥. tl dr: beer tastes bad, looks like ♥♥♥♥ and increases the hilarity and cruelty skills of jay breezy for several hours
  6. ur 44 yrs old? ima call partial bs on that, how old are u really?
  7. u shouldve called the cops and have them scare the ♥♥♥♥ out of the kid, make him think twice before stealing again
  8. +1 recommended by arthman, also its for tf2 division
  9. +1 recommended by arthman, also its for tf2 division
  10. serbiansnaga


    first of all, aaron, why were u even giving speechluss ♥♥♥♥ for doing a mic check? if its last round, its not that big of a deal, and getting half of the server saying that speechluss is abusing is really, really, retarded, and u prob wouldve gotten kicked for admin disrespect. note that im saying it even though i dont have proof, just like u
  11. well it depends, did she have a secret penis? if so, she might be a tranny, if she didnt, did u have her do sexual stuff to you? also what ur saying might be pegging
  12. soldier ftw, and when soldiers not working, i go pyro and burn me sum ♥♥♥♥♥ez with a z yo
  13. +1 knows rules, also is applying for tf2 division, and we need more members for tf2
  14. meanwhile in lissa's 4chan corrupted brain of an oldfag...
  15. ya lol, campaign restarts are gonna be rly common for u, but ull get the hang of it, there are guides for SPQR on surviving the first 15 turns of ur campaign, first thing to do is build the mine in arretium, that is the most vital part of the beginning, also build a wall in genua and ariminium, get ur garrison from messana out and destroy the barracks there, u wont be able to hold it against spartan hoplites anyway, focus on beating hannibal and theophanes in the south and get taras, then send ur legions north to fight back gauls, upgrade capua to minor city within like 5 turns of ur campaign, ull need the barracks to retrain principes and triarii, use velites to kill the elephants, make fire at will OFF and manually target the elephants, they will go down like flies, also put ur hastati in guard and shield wall (by clicking the loose/tight formation button), ur units will take a lot less casualties this way and ull kill more of the enemies
  16. where have u been this entire time? i sent out massive search parties everywhere, i called every single law enforcement agency out there to track u down and return u safely, i hired black ops mercenaries (cause its not serious if there arent any black ops mercs FTMFW), i even had time agents travel back to see where u went the entire time, they had trouble surprisingly
  17. mfw is either my face when, mother ♥♥♥♥ing win, or modern fare war, or marys ♥♥♥♥ing william
  18. a lot of anger here, im not surprised considering its minecraft, this stuff happens from time to time and is expected, both of u are in the right (double and snack), double cause of mc still being in beta so u should expect changes to happen more often and snackbar in that its a huge train in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ to have someone reset all that u have worked for. however, what i do know is that this issue to move aside and things will return to normal. trust me, in the previous server, me and another guy were spying on Russia and King J got super pissed cause we knew where it was when there was no way, needless to say, ♥♥♥♥ was gonna go down, with like 6 ppl from Russia following me and the other guy making sure we dont go in Russian territory, it was tense but it died down soon after
  19. +1 for unban, no reason to keep squizzer banned if everyone else is unbanned, so ya
  20. serbiansnaga

    New format.

    i heard xenogamers is the new facebook