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Everything posted by serbiansnaga

  1. ill talk to aegean about this and ♥♥♥♥ sandwiches will be handed out to those responsible, im being srs as well, this shits not funny and we are super strict about those in our clan who decide to troll other jb servers
  2. what the ♥♥♥♥ is this faggotry? calling the inquisition to get an exterminatus on this thread, for the emperor!
  3. if ur mod or admin in any of the xenogamers servers, then add me, be it mc, css, or tf2, ur still a mod/admin for xg and u need to be in the admins steam group
  4. serbiansnaga


    go to member management on the main forum page, then go on Join Xeno Gamers, then fill out the stuff and such. i do remember u though, but only vaguely
  5. serbiansnaga


    korean kicked u not monica, wait till korean posts on the thread so we can get some clarification from him as to why he kicked u
  6. +1 give him mod, he was mod for css but he started playing more minecraft now hes back to playing a bit more css
  7. tldr: hes doing good in school, there is a nanette manoir to his angela anaconda (high school rival)
  8. All admins and mods for xG have to add me on steam so I can send you an invite to the Xenogamers Admins steam group. I am trying to get it going so that it is easier to get admins to where we need them to be (ie. need admins on jb as an announcement) instead of messaging each individual with the same msg "get on jb"
  9. ^granted but now ur dead and no one cares that ur dead i wish i had more Neapolitan ice cream (vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry mixed)
  10. hmm ill +1 kakaguy, wasnt there when he aboosed to death and got kicked out so i dont have that event influencing my vote, and quar said he changed since he aboosed
  11. @jay breezy i see what u did there, took me like 5 sec to get it
  12. +1 10charlimit, knows rules bla bla bla, good warden etc etc, u know what i mean
  13. play more on the servers, get urself noticed
  14. +1 aegeans turkish, lolmad?
  15. heres a challenge, play all these videos at the same time, record reaction, ?????, Profit!!
  16. +1 i have seen an improvement in rexx, hes stopped the bulk of the trolling that he did, but he still has a bit of work to do. rexx if u do happen to get mod, the trolling will have to stop immediately and at once, cause u would be a mod and u would be representing xg on the jb server and on other servers that u play on, the last thing we would need is ppl thinking that our admins are douches to others
  17. they are ok, but they dont exactly fit the image of xg (whatever that is), make something that is original, its usually a lot better than stuff pulled from the interwebz (with a z)
  18. the music when ur getting chased by the ghost woman or whatev is rly ♥♥♥♥ing creepy and it plays at the same pitch, so u dont know if the ghost is right behind u or far away, and it seems to do some creepy crawl on all fours like a gorilla-ish thing
  19. k papi, good thing u told us, hope u can fix ur grades and ur personal issues so ull have time to come back and play with us, hope everything is straightened out
  20. serbiansnaga


    +1 think its tiem he got mod
  21. +1 from what he posted on his member app, he has experience as admin, he also addressed the issue of fail trolls in our clan, he left cause of it, then came back after he noticed improvement of clan members and the right mods getting promoted, i say we give this guy mod, he knows what to do and how to fix ♥♥♥♥, also active late at night so he will be able to watch for rule breakers and stuff, so thats a big plus
  22. inb4 social life breaks down in 2 months or so, lol jkz, good to know that ur real life is fixed and that u can get back to xg
  23. u have to press ctrl f, then type in 9, then highlight all (for firefox)