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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: |xG| ShadowSpy Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:30352392 Position: Moderator Time Active: 5 hours, but i played csgo more when it began Age: 18 Experience: Was a mod in xG css servers(mainly jb,surf,minigames) for 3-4 years, would have been more if my pc didnt break. When there was a free demo for csgo there was a glitch that gave css staff powers on csgo, every css staff member had their powers removed, but tree(old dm) let me keep them longer since he trusted me, didnt have problems. Information: I was one of the most active css members, had like 30-40 something days total in hours, and im going to be focusing on csgo since css is gone. As far as the others who played css they should already know how i moderate, though they still shouldn't vouch prematurely. Im not expecting staff right away, if at all, since i just got back, but i feel like making this now just to get it out of the way. Plan to be on in the afternoon til late night every day(or even in the morning sometimes, not often though), except for certain weekends.
  2. Well the pc is fixed, only problem is my wifi is shit so i have to upgrade to comcast before i can join the servers. Not stopping me from practicing vs bots(the hard ones) though :)
  3. The Shrek'd rating is racist to ogres everywhere. But seriously, it isn't racist but can be seen as racist through certain eyes. Still, all this PC crap going on is annoying.
  4. Computer is ready for pickup on Monday, only took me like 3/4 years. Figures the person who made it can't fix it but a local guy can.
  5. I don't know if you want to edit it or not, but for activity and maturity you put 1 out of 10 instead of 1 to 10. I think everyone knows what you mean though.
  6. I would rather have a minigames, or replace skill surf(is this just regular surf?) with RPG Surf(assuming they aren't the same, but they might be), after CSS minigames was no longer populated and even JB got less people, RPG surf still would get about 10 to 15 people, and 2 or 3 staff including myself. But if there's room for a bhop server then I don't see why not.
  7. Forum profile says 23, age on post says 14. Not vouching, just saying.
  8. My PC will finally be fixed within a week, after sending it to 4 different places, 3 that were out of state, and ofc I find a local place.
  9. There's 20/24 people on it right now. I don't think there's enough gmod members to even get 10 +1s( I'm assuming gmod has lower requirements for the amount of +1s though). They only have like 6 staff members. Not sure of normal members.
  10. I think if they have a high pitched voice it's fine as long as they aren't being annoying or immature about it(I.e screaming into their mic, acting like a 5 year old). I say let them warden as long as they are actually wardening, it'll make the Ts want to kill them even more.
  11. We have a morbus server, but I don't even know if we have any active staff for it. It's not really a talked about division.
  12. Not sure what happened to him. He's been gone since around 2013 as far as xG is concerned.
  13. I don't think the screenshots show much(a demo would have been better). It doesn't actually show him not doing anything about it, or if the guy actually freekilled, it just shows him not handling the situation right. If anything happens it should be a warning.
  14. xGShadowSpy


    Club penguin division
  15. Yes you can have mod, just make sure you go Prison Guard on jailbreak and kill whole other team. Then make a post on here threatening to ddos xG. You will receive mod in 0 to 0 business days.
  16. Can't wait to get on my computer and... Oh wait...
  17. With that screenshot there's not really proof it was a mass free kill, it just shows he killed 3 people. Some may have been rebels.
  18. People like him are basically hitler.
  19. -1, is obese. Might eat the population away