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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. -1, intentional mass freekill, just happened yesterday. We aren't SG PG or steamgamers. You break rules that require a perm ban, and you get a perm ban. If you want to wait a few weeks and show you're still dedicated to the server, and then make a new ban protest.
  2. +1, active, mature, previous mod, knows his shit. A:7-8 M:8
  3. Theres a ban request section, go there to make ban requests. Since this isnt in format, we dont have his name, steam ID, or anything else about him. Kirito is a common name.
  4. Bleed and lithium already discussed this, but can you make the vent on Avalanche easy to break. It's impossible to get to armory. By the time you break it, cts are there and camp the shit out of you. Then if you tell them not to camp the cell, they walk away and pretend to be looking away until you start going in and they kill you.
  5. +1, active, mature, knows the rules, friendly. Hop on Teamspeak once in awhile if you can, alot of members go in there A:7-8 M:8
  6. +1, mature, active enough, a lot of experience. A:7 M:9
  7. If you get unbanned(emphasis on if) then you should still keep a permanent CT ban, especially if it's only to play surf. +1 for my idea, -1 for full unban from everything.
  8. +1, it's been long enough, and i trust him as a CT
  9. Didn't he say to get on the blue square? Not to get on couches. Unless i heard wrong
  10. +1,active, mature, active on skill surf which no other members are (atleast to my knowledge). A:? I don't play skill surf, but if he's willing to help out on a server that others don't, so be it, more power to him. A member's presence should be good on that server. M:8
  11. same with his original reason
  12. +1, active, mature, try to become active on teamspeak though, it helps to get to know people. A:8 M:8
  13. Did you use !guard ? Are you teambanned? If you're not sure if you were teambanned post your name and steam ID in a post here.
  14. +1, you're active, you know the rules, and despite being teambanned you still stuck around, most people just give up. A:8 M:8
  15. I think they should be able to kill each other when the T has lr, but not kill the ct the T is actively lring since its interfering with lr.
  16. +1 I believe it's been long enough, he doesn't cause problems on the server and if he were to do it again he can just get rebanned.
  17. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/306611821581793716/8F6D438581888654806B64029DA656CFBA63139E/ RIP my assists
  18. There have been member apps where someone may get 5 +1s, but they'd still get a ton of -1s(or we could keep it at 5, but -1s counteract +1s). 5 is not enough to truly judge someones character. If we do this, we need much more strict requirements(i.e Teamspeak, time active, things that normally get looked by). Im sure if they play xG they should have atleast 5 friends who could +1 someone just because theyre friends, not actually because of their potential. I say keep it as it is, maybe keep it lower for less populated divisions.
  19. @Bleed @Lithium @Snackbar @Chrono @Rhododendron
  20. +1, you're active, mature, and although occasionally you can be a little harsh to people on the server, thats fixable/not a huge problem anyway. A:9 M:7
  21. +1, Haven't tried it, but it doesnt look half bad. @Bleed @Chrono @Lithium @Snackbar
  22. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/352772926974843647/A436D9E49A9D4EDAF883710CC68B70CD510BA25D/ Carry too strong
    1. Egossi


  23. @Bleed @Lithium @Chrono @Snackbar Assuming one of you may know a fix.