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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Boring wardens were a problem even during CSS, so it doesn't surprise me. They should limit frlr to every other round or every two rounds. And they shouldn't let it go on for over a certain amount of time, that way it's not frlr from the start to finish.
  2. xGShadowSpy


    While Chink and Cracker are still racist, admins never really enforce the racism rules when people say them(not sure why). You can't say nigg a because it's offensive, it was never really allowed (though some admins were more lenient with it in the past, not sure about now).
  3. You should just make a "Diamonde's Art Thread" and post all your art there. Good job though.
  4. Welcome back, but didn't you post a thread like this a month or two ago?
  5. According to Xerxes comment, none have seen this. If that is true, the evidence disappearing is basically the same as not having any. I don't agree with CP, but if evidence can no longer be provided, and all we have is the word of people, saying "yeah, we saw that.", then he shouldn't still be banned. xG never used someone's word as proper evidence, so it shouldn't be used now.
  6. I have a question. I don't know if this was said and I missed it, but have any CLs seen the evidence?
  7. -1, I see the points everyone against him are making, but come on. You could send the link to this thread to someone right now and say "Hey, look at this." And 2 minutes later someone here could post CP. Is it your fault that they posted CP? No, you can't control what someone else does. And what do you guys expect from 4chan anyway? This isn't really something that you can check to see if what he did was actually wrong, the only evidence you have doesn't even exist anymore(to my knowledge). Besides, I've seen worse things posted on teamspeak in the past.
  8. xGShadowSpy


    See, if only everyone did something like this, xG may be a better place.
  9. The only reason I'm still here is because I spent way too much time with xG to leave(Been playing xG since late 2010, minus the past year since my PC was broken). The actions of some people on xG make me cringe. I'm not even involved in teamspeak or the servers and it still looks horrible. Most of you just don't know when to stop. If xG was a high school, there would've been like 1,000 school shootings and countless fights. Looking at some of the ages people have listed for themselves make me highly doubt they're being truthful, that's how immature people are. xG back around 2011 wasn't some sort of Utopia, but it wasn't nearly this bad. The most we had were some trolls and some hackers(plus some drama with HG). Now we have people who are out to get eachother, talking behind each others backs, and acting like they're girls in high school or something. If you put all of us in one place you could make a reality show out of it. I hope someone comes who can fix all of this(the person in xG with the most sense right now is @Forest and I don't even think he could fix this mess), because right now xG has no hope.
  10. When I said server related issues I meant ban protests and member protests too. Someone from tf2 can get in trouble for something related to tf2, yet somehow it always ends up with the community leaders and not the DLs or DMs. They should only be involved in cases where it effects the whole clan, or a case where the DLs and DMs can not come to a conclusion. And yes, a lot of things I said are things the CLs should be doing, but most of them don't seem like they're being done.
  11. +1, but it should be 3 CoLeaders, rather than 2, that way there can be a tie breaker. And, if there is ever a case where one co leader is "acting up" the other two can vote him off, rather than it being one others choice(or silences, but I don't even think he's active anymore). Another thing, when xG had co leaders, they were given powers on all servers higher than that of DLs. They should have no server powers, this way they can focus on the community, not administrating a server. But I do think they should have teamspeak powers above everyone else.Co Leaders shouldn't be able to decide who gets promoted or demoted, but should look over the list, to make sure there are no bias or unfair changes in rank. Co Leaders also shouldn't be forced to be active in all divisions(but it should be highly encouraged, especially for community nights, division re-openings/startups, etc.). If you take a Co Leader who hates tf2 and tell him he has to be active on it, he won't take it seriously anyway. When we had co leaders, they never had to be active on the servers, and it worked fine. Server related issues should be solved by the DLs and DMs. CoLeaders SHOULD be somewhat active on teamspeak though, so that they can be contacted easier xG was functioning way better when we had Co Leaders(It worked for years). I honestly think Community Leaders were made to make things look more democratic(which in the end didn't work anyway since in 99% of the threads I see it's only the CLs that have the final say in anything, rather than the community). Also, for CoLeader I nominate @Forest (I'm being serious), @Hidingmaster , and maybe @Nomulous (not sure of his forum/TS activity, but he's all I could think of as a third CoLeader). (EDIT: Maybe even @Chrono but I thought I saw a post somewhere saying he was inactive) Of course, I'm sure it would be silences decision, but they just seem to be the best fit.
  12. I may not be a furry, but I still think that's a nice zippo.
  13. Still more of an old-fag than you :clown: Anyways, what's up.
  14. Yes, but if you were in xG when the rule was changed even if you weren't the age you could stay. I believe it should be the same if you are rejoining(unless you were kicked out of xG for something) @Community Leader , opinion?
  15. In this reform, is the use of xD permitted?