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Everything posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. @HighPlains @HighSociety @Xavien10 @Ghost @HaaDron @Klure @MeowMix @LostCause @Reflex @Cristo @TurdWig @Chrono @Gawd @SliperyFingers @tree @Speechluss @Nivek_Relyk @AznPikachux3 @trifdign (Trif4Prez) @TranceCarl @Zehdari. @Chickenlips @Jamal @Tiberia @BenJammin @NotKevinShady @Rexx @Zoidberg @VanillaGrape @Snackbar @MsSnackbar @gluepop @Microsoft @Chorou @PuppyLuv @GentleSnivy @Bubbles @DCook @Floodles @mrsnipes @Bryce @adamdaur @Link! @Fullbring @Mad_Scientist @Foxxy @SGTBLUE @SuperNarwhal @JayBreeze(whatever his name is right now) @PapiChulo @Hysteria @RoSSeR @EveryoneWhoWasInTheDCSubclan @EveryoneWhoWasInTheFamily @AllOtherOldxGPeopleIDidn'tRemember EDIT: @xGShadowSpy
  2. All xG is right now is basically League, and TF2, and a few groups who play other games but not really xG divisions anyway.
  3. -1, haven't been back long enough, play a little longer and apply again, applying a few days after you get back when nearly nobody knows you is pointless.
  4. I thought you were a pretty good DM, but since there was only one you had to worry about CL and DM stuff, can only imagine how stressful it was for you. Enjoy your break
  5. Inferno is Winferno
  6. Guys, those links I put there weren't times he got unbanned, they were just ban protests that were denied, and the reasoning shown behind them. @DrLee @ThanatosTelos
  7. ^ Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source | Xeno Gamers Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source | Xeno Gamers Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source | Xeno Gamers
  8. Which mass are we talking about? The First one? Or the other 1,000,000? -1, too many chances.
  9. xGShadowSpy


    Don't forget your Hockey sticks. @MuffinMonster
  10. Permanent ban means FOREVER, as i'd assume you know. There is no set time where your ban will be lifted, which i guarantee it wont be anyway. There are xG members or players who are in the same spot as you are right now, and they played for like 2+ years. No set activity will get you unbanned, the only way you'll be able to get unbanned is if you use this : Want to get unbanned? | Xeno Gamers Otherwise, you have like a 99% chance of staying banned. If you do the unban thing, you'd be unbanned as soon as someone saw it.
  11. RIP Stumpy, never forget.
  12. imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer imgur: the simple image sharer
  13. Reported. Two of my best games: Steam Community :: Screenshot Steam Community :: Screenshot
  14. Chrono's smell made everyone leave.
  15. +1, Lapis was always a good CT, He deserves an unban, considering the other baddie CTs who have been unbanned for massing. Oh, and he's a kool gai
  16. Furries, Weeaboos, Bronies, and kids.
  17. Depends on the class. In like, i think 8th grade I was learning about space, and the race to the moon, rockets n shit, then the next year im learning about cells and boring crap about life(This is only science.) For the most part though, i like it.