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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. the point of the thread was to post your favorite memories during your time here at xG. OP even said it didn't have to be stuff that was from a long time ago, it just had to be a moment you look back at as good times. Also like 99% of xG could be considered newfags (including myself) so get with the program ya old coot.

    Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.

    Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.Nigger. Nigger.

  2. Full servers.

    When The Family was around( Xavien, Ghost, Meowmix, narwhal, etc.)

    Xavien best warden.

    Hat packs(NOT hub.)

    Good staff (we still have some)

    When we had less 8 yr olds.

    JETZ (Joshi3 Aaron)

    Rabid aka Monica

    First playing August 2010.

    Joining may 2011

  3. Am I seriously the only one who knows he doesnt care about getting unbanned? He hardly plays why would he care if he's CT banned for 1 week? This is 1 of 3 things:

    1- Because he wants to troll/start arguements

    2- Making this JUST for the sake of making it (As in making it just because he can)

    3- Hes trying to get the person who banned him in trouble

    So for the 3rd (Or 4th, idk) time, Please, for the love of god close this. It was already resolved, nothing useful is coming from it.

  4. Once again, I don't play xG server often at all. You other people were demoted for abuse, not freekilling on the server which does happen a lot from staff.

    I wasnt demoted for abuse, I was demoted for breaking surver rules and not listening when they told me to stop.

  5. Community tag? Do you mean when you are accepted into xG? If so, you can wear it a few ways (Or make your own if people think its OK)

    [xG] |xG| -xG- .xG. =xG= xG xg(name) etc. etc.

    As long as it shows you're in xG its fine, and members don't really need tags, but it's suggested if you want to get noticed and stuff for promotion to mod.

  6. @@DarkWolf6052 What rules did I break? You guys just say freekilling and breaking rules which is very vague. Also, I bet that if any admin in xG did the same thing I did, they wouldn't be banned. When mods or admins break rules, people laugh it off because they don't want to start shit, but whenever a normal person breaks a few rules by accident it equals instaban because we don't like that guy.

    Lol if nothing happened when admins broke rules, me, and many others wouldn't have been demoted.

    "But whenever a "normal person" breaks rules it equals insta ban"?

    Lets say that does happen (Which it doesnt, and you dont even play enough to know if it does), You aren't a "normal person". You've played xG for awhile, you used to be in the clan, you knew better not to freekill.

    At this point I think you are trying to find any way to get yourself unbanned, you knew you were freekilling, because as far as I saw, they were intentional.

  7. freekilling and breaking rules?

    What rules were broken?

    And also, you have no proof

    Matsi's is invalid because he just said, "i herd from darkwolf dat u borked rulez -1 herpderp"

    As I said, you dont need proof for bans unless It is for something like hacking. Proof helps in any case, but for the most part you dont need it. In this case, there were multiple witnesses also seeing you freekill and break rules.

    Once again, @@DarkWolf6052 , you should just close this.

  8. i love how nobody has a legitimate reason for -1ing

    i thought -1's didnt count unless you have a real reason lol

    what happened to people having not shit -1 reasons

    I -1d because I saw you freekilling and breaking rules

    Is that not valid?

    Honestly I think you made thise JUST for the sake of making it, because you NEVER play Jailbreak at all (unless at the late hours where im not usually on). Only one I see that is invalid is Audible's since trolling has nothing to do with the CT ban reason.

  9. @@Forest

    @@diabeetus I agree with 100% as for the warrior subject.

    I was there as well, he said NOTHING before hand asking anyone, and was just mad about the day, he knew he wouldn't get in trouble because of his "connections" I guess you could call them. If he honestly did it because the day was wrong he wouldn't have said "My cat stepped on my keyboard", he would have gone straight to saying that it wasn't a fair day (still would be shit reasoning since he could've said "this isn't allowed" and called a freeday.) Some people say since CTs were killing Ts they weren't freeslays (Even though at the time there was no rule restricting the day, and was changed after the situation occurred), but you can't exclude the Ts who were slayed for it as well.

    Anyways, back to topic.

    Aaron did ban @all, which is considerably worse, especially when it had occurred multiple times, and when silence had restricted it COMPLETELY with the risk of demoting to member.

  10. @@Rhododendron You are the leader of xG, you aren't the leader of TF2 alone. You're supposed to support ALL the divisions. People on CSS don't care if you help with TF2(or any other divisions for that matter) as it is still a part of xG, what we do care about is the fact you are completely disregarding CSS because its getting less populated. Hub wouldn't fix ALL our problems with CSS, not at all, but when hub went down, CSS started dying. If you added it back population would pick up, with more people comes more ideas and more new players to keep us going. Nobody is telling you to only work on CSS, but do SOMETHING for it other than watch it die, because you promoted the DL who cant code very much, and demoted the DL that could. I was on the SlideRace server when it had hub testing on it, it didn't seem very far from done, with the exclusion of you adding new stuff like bombs and casino etc. to it. If you had at least released the hats and trails, colors tracers etc. that you already had complete it'd be better than nothing. And now you're apparently working on a TF2 hub, which pisses people off even more, yet you don't give a single shit about it.