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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. Welcome back Snoopy,prob dont remember me but have fun on JB, RPG Surf isn't as populated as it used to be (sadly) but it was just fixed recently and hopefully pick up.

  2. No wonder all the Co-Leaders leave :/ .

    Anyways, a little fun is alright, like the occasional screamer on JB etc., but when there are some more important things, it's like going to a funeral and taking a phone call and screaming in the phone about something COMPLETELY off topic during it, interupting everything.

  3. @@Warriorsfury I still don't have a problem with you anymore, but the Ts and the CTs that didn't kill anyone were still freesmited,The only thing the new rule made valid were the CTs that were killing people/warden who called the day. Im not reading this whole thread so idk what happened to bring this up.

    Also the quote of me is for mass freekillers, not for abuse :/

  4. Rules i noticed were changed (and not discussed): The 10 steps in 10 seconds rule (Forest was DM at the time, and said it wasn't discussed with him)

    The thunderdome rule (It was just changed back, but someone still changed it without permission)

    The must give 10 seconds after them being stuck in iso and getting let out

  5. Honestly rule discussions shouldn't only be for the higher ups, they should be for all staff.

    And we are NEVER notified of a rule change unless it's one on a thread on the forums.

    There's a CS:S Discussion part of the forums for a reason. We CS:S players discuss the rules, not just DMs (which there is only 2 of anyways, >.>).

    ALSO, i was told the "Must let them out of a spot like Iso, then let them run for 10 seconds", the bold part is the changed part, was discussed only between @@DarkWolf6052 and @@Warriorsfury , Ok with darkwolf i understand, but Warrior is only a mod now, if you discuss it with one mod discuss it with all of them, and Gkoo should have been involved also as the DM he is.

    DMs manage the players, that is their job, why ONLY they discuss the rules is beyond me, Admins and Mods enforce the rules, so they should have a say in rules that are changed BEFORE they are changed/added.


    @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@HighSociety @@serbiansnaga I think that from now on we should have all the staff be involved in discussions of the rules, instead of requesting a change after its already changed.

  6. Those were not originally there


    I point out how rules are changed and I say I doubt they were discussed, people dont believe me, so gg proof

    Also, I thought warrior handled the motd? It seems suspicious how he's defending it like that

    This has always been there. Before any of us were in the clan (from what I know)

    It is logical. When the fight is over just taze the t.

    I've been here a long time and that was never a rule, and forest as a previous DM agrees it was never discussed @@Warriorsfury

  7. -1, maybe spamming wasn't a smart idea for him to do but a member protest? As far as server goes, (correct me if I'm wrong) I think all his bans were 1or2day bans, just extend his ban to a week next time, and for TS just extend his time next time he does it. Also he was calling people plebs, it's not some intense disrespect that really offends people compared to other stuff he couldhave said.

  8. Since the plug-in we had for it broke the server(from what i heard) i thought we should just remove the rule and allow Ts to rebel on LR, if you think about it when theres 1 T with LR and like 7 CTs, its like likely for the T to die if he tried, so its more of a way to kill 1 ct they want to get revenge on, or get lucky and kill more, so what harm would it do?


    TL;DR - Allow Rebelling on LR again, it won't harm the server in any ways, and it's fun

  9. @@Forest What is even worse is when i had to explain to my mom how CS:S Works, how JB works, how xG staff works since she overheard me talking on the mic about admin and asked what it was, had to explain the way the staff goes, it's 10x worse than the cant pause thing