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Posts posted by xGShadowSpy

  1. IK you didn't tag me, I don't hate you and not many other staff do (maybe annoyed sometimes, but not hate), on CS:S its not like you start out being disrespectful, it's just something happens like someone abusing on you, then you tell them and you and the admin/mod get into arguements that leads to more of a problem.


    I'd say you should just listen to people a little more(Not if it's something wrong ofcourse) and don't get into an arguement after one person opposes your view/opinion.

  2. Narwhal said the following: "I told them to unstack shoulder to shoulder and they went over here (standing where we were). I asked them to unstack shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of the group and they refused my orders. I asked them 3 times and when they didn't move to the bigger group I killed them."


    So he lied, and RPX and myself took the fall because of it.



    I wasn't on, but if they say "Shoulder to shoulder" you have to be with the majority, so if you have 2 people shoulder to shoulder on the left side, and 6 shoulder to shoulder on the right side, unless the warden pardons them, the two on the left die for not being shoulder to shoulder with the majority. -1 was a valid kill

  3. Still a +1. Hate me everyone. I still love DuckiiJr. This kid is always fun and it's the internet. I like rollercoasters!

    Bingo. +1.


    +1 for reason above


    Also, the only reason i see silence would be liable is because of his troll ban reason "Unbanned when you kill yourself"

    People who would be held liable are the people who joined his Teamspeak and trolled him(From what i heard, it was foxxeh and vector, maybe others too)

  4. I don't think anybody ever told silence about this, and if it's fixed now then w.e, but the RPG commands(long jump, health+, etc.) on RPG Surf are broken, this isn't really a long thread mainly just to notify silence or poncher.




  5. Zombie Panic is a good game, but people complain that stuff isn't fixed whine whine whine complain complain complain, if you make another division, that means you're having silence working on something else, other stuff not being fixed, eventual depopulation.

    The only way this would work is if silence had very little part in this and whoever the Div Leader would be takes all responsibility for it. New divisions are harder to populate, L4D2 died already and in terms of zombie games then i'd say L4D2 is better than ZPS.(I don't pay attention to this) but I think DayZ had died recently too.


    Basically, it will be hard (most likely managable) and silence will need to have little action with this so that other stuff gets fixed when it can etc.

  6. I don't think anyone in xG really has problems with GG, maybe charrax but not the community itself.

    This to me seems like silence just wanting to ban people again :/


    Just sayin, charrax isnt the "best guy ever" nor the smartest, but he ran Gmod better than Xemnas lol.

  7. Welcome! I'm one of the admins of the CS:S Division(Played xG for like 2+ years), i played on Gmod when charrax was running it, now its just dead and boring for our servers, and once in a blue moon i'll be on CS:GO servers.

    I met you on JB yesterday, you seemed friendly enough, so i hope to see you more, and possibly make it into xG.

    And again, have fun on our servers!

  8. @@Temptedguy Well you can feel free to make another thread on other last CT songs, I was thinking of looking for some other stuff but I was already surfing through these songs, anyone can make a thread aout new last CT songs

  9. I am going to make a list for where the song should start for last CT

    Saints Row Song : Either from the start, or at 0:25

    XenoGamers Last CT Option : From the start

    Mindfuck Drops #1 : 0:25

    Mindfuck Drops #2: 16:14

    Mindfuck Drops #3: 1:55 or 7:13

    The New Generation (The link on the bottom that didn't pop up as a video) : 19:30, 23:57, 25:40

    , or 50:01