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  1. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from TheKingBaby in JB NEW DAY IDEA   
    Mass Gunplant too pro
  2. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to orangejuice in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i agree with lemons @@serbiansnaga please close this or do something to prevent the flame war from getting any bigger
  3. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Lemons in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    This is just causing a flame war, just close it.
  4. F!$k Off
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from orangejuice in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 , I think its funny how only darkwolf's friends -1 his ban requests
    It also seems that @@Chrono and I are the only ones who have enough balls to make an abuse report, since everyone talks about doing it and doesn't.
    @@DarkWolf6052 (Im tagging you in all the important parts) This isn't all about the "freegag" part either, part of it is the way you handled it, you didn't tell him why he was gagged, and just immediately threatened him saying "I have a demo" "Fight it" , earlier yesterday you had called a normal player a dumbass because they did one thing wrong (wasn't even anything major), and no it wasn't a friendly "lol u dumbass" it was you saying "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU SHOOT ME YOU DUMBASS!" *then immediate slay*, also yesterday, in-game, you said freeshooting wasn't slayable when another mod asked you if it was (it may have been sepoh, I don't remember) so I guess freeshooting is only slayable if it happens to you? @@DarkWolf6052 I want you to respond to that part I just said on the freeshooting. Even if you only called @@Hidingmaster stupid, he can still take that in a disrespectful way, just as you can take the N word in a disrespectful way, (which in this case it really wasn't, BTW you gagged someone who did it in admin chat GG lol ). As said and seen on my thread on this, You didn't answer me on why I was slayed either (You've done this to me twice, Chrono now, who fucking knows how many other people like members/nonmembers you have done this to, it makes you look REALLLLLLLLLY good to the community, I hope you notice the sarcasm in that.)
    Also @@DarkWolf6052 , not too long ago you sent all the admins a warning about !csay !msay !tsay abuse, I saw you abuse it yesterday , don't be so Hypocritical, because you are DM and we are Mod/Admin, doesn't mean the abuse is less serious.
    Also darkwolf, you did camp in that video, you stopped moving at 4:12 and didn't move 10 steps in 10 seconds, when you reached 10 steps it was 4:00, so aside from the N word part, he still pointed out you were camping and yet you just kept going on, running around, if you had said "Shadow stop camping"(and lets say I actually was, but as you did, in a non-noticeable way) and I said "I wasn't" (yet u didn't respond to chrono at all at all) you would have slayed me.
    @@DarkWolf6052 I don't know if you think you don't break rules because you have some shit that goes on in your head that says "Oh I don't break rules, everyone else does" or if it is that since nobody on JB can target you (other than other DMs, but its rare for you to both be on at the same time) and you think "oh well I haven't been slayed! I guess im ok!"
    Anyways, again I STRONGLY +1 this thread (inb4 forum banned or this thread closed for flaming, also this thread has 10x MORE flaming than mine did, but OK)
    -snipped- part of quoute

    @@DarkWolf6052 So what about that, Mr Division Manager?
    @@serbiansnaga Your input on thread please
  5. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    And I understand that, but rather than forest apologizing for it, shouldn't you have?
    From general server rules: 11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.
    If you gagged Chrono for racism, that's considered a warning and you must give him a reason. It doesn't matter if its racism, it's allowed if it doesn't offend and I'm sure you didn't really care. He used it to get your attention after telling you already to stop camping. As DM you should know not to camp, and if called out should know to slay yourself. I've seen you use that word plenty of times, yet all of a sudden he can't use it? Hypocrisy.
  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to easy in   
    ... then i puked ...
  7. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to orangejuice in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Seriously... serbian had him close it to prevent a flame war and you know it would have caused a flame war if it hadnt been closed + chrono also said "Stop camping you NIGGER" if that isnt racist then what the fuck is? so -1
  8. Dislike
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Lemons in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Are you seriously asking how calling someone a "nigger" is racist and/or disrespectful?
  9. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You know damn well Serbian had me close that other thread to prevent flaming.
  10. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Here is video proof of it, yes, I didn't reply in a way I should have. I should have told him why I gagged him, but honestly, he is a Division LEADER. He knows exactly why I gagged him. He used "nigger" in the form of an insult. Personally, being called a nigger doesn't effect me. But if you said "stop camping you nigger" to someone, that would very likely be considered disrespectful and racist.
  11. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    P.S. attitude should have already been changing, after the wake up call you should have got from shadowspy's thread.
  12. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Lemons in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
  13. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I was stressed out earlier, I'll leave it at that. There were so many people on CT that were causing problems, and the current mods/admins on weren't doing anything. I got at least 4 different messages on Steam while I was trying to do something personal, telling me none of the mods/admins online were doing anything about the rule breakers. I got on, and what happens? Rules are broken, and none of them do anything about it. A few were laughing about the rule breakers, doing nothing else.

    I called you stupid one time, and over STEAM chat. Again, I was stressed out, and Forest and I spoke. I'm sorry I called you stupid. I was so stressed out and have gotten over it.
    How is it camping? You said "nigger" in admin chat. It's a valid reason to gag. You're not allowed to say nigger, and you know it. Making an abuse thread on me for gagging you seems pretty pointless. Yes, I should have told you why you said it, but you are STAFF and very much know why you got gagged.
  14. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Also Chrono, about the thread Shadowspy made, Serbian told me I could close it to prevent a flame war, and said to drop it.

    I like how you posted in a thread that Serbian said to shut up in after it was closed and Serbian said drop it.

    So what about that, Mr Division Leader?
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to diabeetus in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I would quote the above post, however my Ipad can't highlight so I'm kinda up shit creek without a paddle right now. However darkwolf, I would suggest reading our server rules before flat-out saying that the use of the word "nigger" is completely not allowed on our servers, as you're wrong. In the server rules, it states that language should be kept pg13, however you will NOT BE GAGGED/KICKED/BANNED for using stronger language, unless you're doing it excessively with the inention of being racist/troll or spamming. @@DarkWolf6052. I will leave my full input on this thread when I get acess to a computer, assuming darkwolf doesn't close this one too. It's also good to see the usual tactic of you and your lackeys giving negative ratings to everyone who is against you, while giving you and your supporters positive ratings.
  16. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Hidingmaster in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I was debating doing anything about this, mostly for reasons that I know people can get pissed sometimes and shouldn't be put under fire for letting it slip a little... but I've talked to people about it and feel like its just something that should be added to this thread; and it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way too much.
    Long story short, I asked for clarification on why we could declare a warday later on in the day. I never said I was right and he was wrong, but I was looking for an explanation about it. I felt that it was not handled appropriately and the language used was not required at all.

  17. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Chrono in Darkwolf - Counter-Strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source Staff Name:

    Darkwolf Staff's Steam ID:

    You have it Evidence:

    Steam Community :: Screenshot :: Evidence 1
    Darkwolf6052-Counter-StrikeSource(Move to report abuse)
    Steam Community :: Screenshot :: Evidence 2 Further Information:

    Refuses to acknowledge why he gags and or slays people.
    Threatens players when they question him. "Recording demo whole time, dare you to fight it"
    Wrongly gagged me.
    For clarification, Each time I have died on last CT or on freeday from falling or something, on parabellum, I have seen him sitting at the bottom of the ladder to the ground floor of climb. he sits there about 10 seconds. I call him out on camping.
    The last time I did I was rather annoyed he thought he could get away with camping when he so religiously slays others for it. So I angrily said "STOP CAMPING NIGGER" then got gagged where he then threatens me in image 1.
    How is saying "STOP CAMPING NIGGER"
    A) Disrespectful
    B) Racist
    C) Some other reason to gag me?
    Keep in mind I said it in admin chat to a total of 3 admins online. Darkwolf Gkoo and whichever person DoubleRainbow something is.
    @@serbiansnaga not expecting a demote out of this, but really, he needs to get his act together.
  18. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in iRpx - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You had all that written on your chicken? or did I totally misinterpret that?
  19. Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in I'm back bitches   
    Who are you?
  20. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Matsi in MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Honestly people who enter race should accept the fact there is a possibility that someone could finish it at any time.
    If they didnt get killed by the CT they would have still died when Shadow finished since he was at least (halfway?) finished.
    Also they could have seen shadow already in there on their minimaps, I am 80% sure they would have also seen the CT on their minimaps as mincecrack said he was in Line of Sight of Shadow.
  21. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to MineCrack in MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I did not vote on that, if I could I would -1
    Little can happen to change my opinion but thank you for trying.

    I disagree with this... I don't really think it should be considered mass teamkilling/freekilling if it is a map game... the other people could have decided to not enter the game in progress but instead they did and they died...
    HOWEVER, I do not think that anyone(or at least a CT) should be allowed to be in there waiting for someone to come in just so that they can finish and kill them.
    I do not think anyone should be punished for actively playing a map game on a freeday that leads to deaths to the losers.
    This being said, i was not there and I have not seen any proof of what happened... if he was waiting for people to come in and not finishing race then -1 for unban but +1 for 2 week ban, if he was actively playing race then +1 for unban now or definitely shortened
    How were they to know if two people already started it? At the start of it you CANNOT see the end.
    At the end you can't see the start.
    Honestly people who enter race should accept the fact there is a possibility that someone could finish it at any time.
  22. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Tsuchikure in Peppermint - Counter-Strike: Source   
    2 freekills.. Is it just 1 day?
  23. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to GanjaMonster in MineCrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 he went in there on purpose, waited for the ts to come in the room and then jumped in the tele to kill everyone in there there was like 8 freekills in that
  24. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Yet Another MoTD Game Idea   
    do it yourself pussy.
    ANNNNNYWAYS, some staff already decided to do mimic me on csgo, worked out kinda ok, someone was confused on what the ct did since he went a little fast, but that's the name of the game. probably restrict that until after 5 since it could be considered "tarping" if someone is slow in the brain.
    Fair enough. I'll edit in that it can only be played after 5:00 (however, even if it's after 5:00, Warden may not tarp in the game as it is already difficult enough). I will also add another addition that there has to be 2 seconds between each "command" that the Warden is performing.
    For example, if the current chain of commands is Jump>Jump>Crouch>Jump then it would go like this:

    Jump>2 seconds>Jump>2 seconds>Crouch>2 seconds>Jump

    This will prevent Warden from doing the chain of commands too quickly.
  25. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from iRpx in So i'm bored....   
    Go mate with other narwhals and make SuperNarwhalBabies that will take over the world