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Reputation Activity

  1. Funny
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from TheKingBaby in Inactivity   
    As i said with diabeetus
    xGs weight just dropped 1500 pounds (You diabeetus and gloryguy combined)
    Anyways, cya soon
  2. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Inactivity   
    As i said with diabeetus
    xGs weight just dropped 1500 pounds (You diabeetus and gloryguy combined)
    Anyways, cya soon
  3. Funny
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Princess_Celest in Brian - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Go to Sleep!
  4. Smelly
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MagicalPurple in Brian - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 for member, not for staff.
  5. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Xeno Gamers YouTube   
  6. Like
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Forest in Going on Vacation   
    Have a good one mate. You're lucky. Summer semester suuuuuuuuuuuucks. Also, xG owns our souls. We are obliged to be on, lest we be smitten by the all-powerful leader :Old Man:
  7. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from payturr in Going on Vacation   
    xGs weight just dropped 500 pounds
  8. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from easy in Brian - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 for member, not for staff.
  9. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in Brian - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1 for member, not for staff.
  10. Bad Spelling
    xGShadowSpy reacted to aoen in aoen - Counter-Strike: Source   

    Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name:

    aoen Steam ID:

    aoen Information:

    i should be unnbanned because ive been playing about 1 year sence i geot banned and now i know all rules now. alot of monds know me and i accident mass freekilled because it was my first time ever playing jailbreak
    so can i plz get unbanned plz i know motd now
  11. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to easy in So about my disrespect...   
    Damn, you harsh..
  12. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in Zombie Panic Source Division   
    Zombie Panic is a good game, but people complain that stuff isn't fixed whine whine whine complain complain complain, if you make another division, that means you're having silence working on something else, other stuff not being fixed, eventual depopulation.
    The only way this would work is if silence had very little part in this and whoever the Div Leader would be takes all responsibility for it. New divisions are harder to populate, L4D2 died already and in terms of zombie games then i'd say L4D2 is better than ZPS.(I don't pay attention to this) but I think DayZ had died recently too.
    Basically, it will be hard (most likely managable) and silence will need to have little action with this so that other stuff gets fixed when it can etc.
  13. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from TheKingBaby in FINALLY BACK OMFG   
    gtfo business
    oh no
    i cant inb4
  14. Funny
    xGShadowSpy reacted to JakeEnglish in Heyy   
    Forest is our resident british guy, you'll find his yellow teeth and crumpets and tea very warm and welcoming.
  15. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to MineCrack in Heyy   
    You'll find your group around xG eventually, it's very diverse :).
  16. Disagree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from TronCat in New Last CT Song Request   
    +1, lol
  17. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to Jordozombie in Problems?   
    First thing first, members should get admin and mod and even DM by working hard and give help to their division. Not just suck dicks in TS. No offense to anybody, but when I ask people how you get mod,admin or DM, they say "I just active in TS" K das cool. I think this is why most admin are so abusive and think they deserved/permanently gain their power over anybody in the server. And act shit.
    This kind of promotion(active in ts/ not in the div that much) happened after poncher/neo/etc leaves the xG. I think what we need is to get good DL/DM who would really work on the div(ex Chrono). For my opinon, our DL/DM(css) are not that into the division. And just hope that silence do everything for them. I think it would be good idea to choose DM/DL who can really "Manage Division" (knows how to control admins/mods and codes so they can contributes the server). I know there is "nothing" to do at this moment with the div. At least you guys should chose admins and mod carefully by looking at their potential not by just being friendly to you.
    No offense to current admins/mods/DM/DL, but this have to be told by someone.
    P.S. forgive my grammar.
  18. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from TurdWig in Admin Activity   
    This got off topic pretty quick.
  19. F!$k Off
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from bees in So about the disrespect...   
    Disrespect isn't something you can get rid of, there are many players that are respectful and treat others nicely. Disrespect comes with disrespectful people, and unless you perma ban anyone who ever disrespects (GG population...) then it will always stay. Since I first PLAYED xG there has been disrespect ( This is when trolling was popular on the server, the JETZ people would always get on and do it, like Aaron and stuff. But i'll admit I was a small troll then, so i'd disrespect intentionally occasionally, but just enough so that i didn't get banned.) and even though now it is worse, it has always been here and is hard to rid of.
    (On a CS:S Standpoint) What some admins/mods dont understand, is that when people say "You aren't doing your job, be a good admin, look he freekilled!1!1!1!1" constantly in admin chat, alot of people who have admin now have said that stuff (I could name a bunch of people who have staff now that have done that often) when they were members/non-members and a staff member wasn't slaying a guy who freekilled you, or didnt teamban someone who broke vents etc. Yet when the current staff see people saying that stuff, they get all pissed and just kick them (since you can't gag admin chat), which in my opinion, is pretty hypocritical of them to do, when they have done it themselves.
    TL;DR 1- You cant get rid of disrespect, only the disrespectful people, and they've been around for 2+ years now in xG.
    TL;DR 2(CS:S)- When a person says in admin chat "Are you going to slay that guy that freekilled me?" then you dont respond and they say "Wow how'd you get admin?" , that's not disrespect, and if you think it is then it's pretty hypocritical since i could name plenty of staff who have said that stuff before as members or less.
  20. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Kyoko in Admin Activity   
    This got off topic pretty quick.
  21. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from TheKingBaby in Admin Activity   
    This got off topic pretty quick.
  22. Winner
    xGShadowSpy reacted to serbiansnaga in Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source   
    i have no idea why you just exploded in keyboard rage all over this thread, it was completely unnecessary and made you look like an idiot. the reason you gave us is bullshit from our point of view, we've heard that excuse before, and regardless of whether or not it was true, we can't accept it as a valid excuse cause then everyone would think they could use the same excuse and get away from a mass freekill.
    you demonstrated poor leadership by taking a personal problem between you and xg and brought in your clan as well by threatening to perm them if they played on xg servers. what they do with their steam account is their choice alone, u have no right whatsoever to even think that you can tell them to play on this server or not play on this server. how you handled this was almost the worst way possible to handle it, you are punishing your own members for a mistake that was yours and yours alone, in fact you may have fucked over your clan because of this cause i could just decide to perm all XEC members from our servers with the only way of being unbanned is to leave your clan. however, unlike you, im not a complete raging, idiot 12 year old, i THINK first and not complain like a little bitch.
    if you had played on xg servers before and browsed our forums, ud know that the brother or friend excuse does not and will not pass off as a valid reason, but u probably didnt and are saying that as a way to curry favor among others to make urself look like ur a long time player or something.
    on a related note, it was a 1 week ban and you're seriously butthurt this badly? if anything i should just server ban you perm so we never have to deal with the likes of you again, i know plenty of my members would enjoy seeing that come to fruition.
    you're not getting unbanned, as for the perm server ban for you, ill think about that, be lucky that your members arent getting banned from our servers
    P.S. unrelated to topic, your grammar is god awful, please go out and buy every single version of reader rabbit and play it until you remember even a shred of proper english
    -sealed away in the last great time war
  23. Agree
    xGShadowSpy reacted to orangejuice in Jericho - Counter-Strike: Source   
    can i join you i lost my skittles.
  24. Agree
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from DeathGod in Wheres John?   
    He probably realized how much he abuseda s a DM and personally banned himself.
  25. Like
    xGShadowSpy got a reaction from Forest in PuppyLuv - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@Forest I was on at the time, i +1d and yes it was under confusion, orders were given fast and she was afk (still got out on time, but she never heard the orders)