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Posts posted by Brian

  1. Not only did you manage to piss off one of the largest map/model makers in TF2, but now you're in even deeper shit, because he has a ton of connections.


    You have no respect for anybody anymore. I already blacklisted all xG servers.




    Congrats. Now we'll never see another ported map from TF2, and you'll be on a lot of people's shitlist. Including mine.

  2. That's always been a rule, just never written down like a lot of other stuff. Plus, if you tell them to stop, and they continue, isn't that a slayable offense as well?


    To be honest, I really haven't seen this rule enforced or even heard of it. The staff usually just ignore it or say stop and they just go away eventually.


    I said stop multiple times. They should have shown the pictures where I said stop in chat. And said it over mic. I gave multiple warnings, and the last thing I said was "Next person to airblast me gets slain." Then 3 pyros came and airblasted me at the same time. So I slayed them all. This continued for about 10 minutes.


    Why are you so adamant? I did that even back when I was Co-Leader, and I still do it? Is there a personal grudge? Speak up.

  3. Airblasting godmode.


    Since when was that a rule?


    That's always been a rule, just never written down like a lot of other stuff. Plus, if you tell them to stop, and they continue, isn't that a slayable offense as well?

  4. I simply made sure the server was following the rules, which they weren't. So I took action accordingly.

    What rules were they breaking Brian?


    Airblasting godmode. I had donated money to getting some custom skins, and learning how to convert them. Plus, I had donated for hub credits months before, so I was just using my donator privileges of godmode.

  5. right but.... he says he was abusing "donor powers" not "admin powers"?


    But he was clearly slaying people.... that is abuse of admin powers.



    TF2 works differently than most other games. It's not a serious, and therefore powers can be given. People weren't slain without a reason anyway. They were breaking rules, so I merely took action with powers I still had.



    But taking action with powers you are not supposed to have is still abusive IMO


    I think your missing the point. Donators and such get these powers, lke godmode. I had the privileges, they broke the rules, and I merely took action.


    All I want is an unban. I had my powers removed, and I've been banned for 3 days now. I think that serves its purpose.


    I didn't mass-free slay or ban @all, I simply made sure the server was following the rules, which they weren't. So I took action accordingly. I didn't call an admin in, after all, I could solve it myself, so why bother them?

  6. I am confused.... he got banned because he was slaying people and shit?


    How is access to slay a "donator power"? this is why I don't play TF2, it confuses the shit out of me lolol

    It's a simple .ini file he changed, just put down a steam id, z flag, then whatever immunity you want and he has access to the incomplete donor powers and all admin commands



    right but.... he says he was abusing "donor powers" not "admin powers"?


    But he was clearly slaying people.... that is abuse of admin powers.



    TF2 works differently than most other games. It's not a serious, and therefore powers can be given. People weren't slain without a reason anyway. They were breaking rules, so I merely took action with powers I still had.

  7. Godmode is a public command, and you were hardcoded into the simples config. The fact that you didn't tell anyone and we had to find out that you had admin isn't helping your case.



    It was in the simple admins.ini, and you would not add me to the group server tech. SO I added myself and gave myself custom z flags, since you wouldn't.


    I just didn't remove it, since when I resigned, I wasn't thinking about that at all. It's not like it was hard-coded into a plugin, but placed in the .ini file. Maybe if you trusted me, and didn't refuse to give me access, it wouldn't have happened.


    The reason I did that is a lot of plugins required a z flag, and it's easier to give myself a z flag, than just override every plugin I want to test.

  8. Division:

    Team Fortress 2

    In-Game Name:

    Han Yolo

    Steam ID:



    I used godmode, since I had originally planned to use it as a donator power. I know this, because I'm the one who meant to set it up as a donator power, and gave it to myself, as well as all of my admins, some wiggle room and test it, which they all know, and had told them several times.


    Plus, it doesn't protect again airblast or taunt-stuns. So I warned them to stop. They continued.


    It was really just some donator issues. Plus, I had already been removed from sourcebans, but still had powers somehow. If anything, I'd like the ban to be shorten, since it was a donator abuse of power, not a former Co-Leader abuse of power.

  9. But you're ignoring the issue which I am trying to tell you. I never said anything about Silence being the decider of everything. I mentioned the possibility of limiting it to staff to at least attempt to fix the issue of having all your friends +1 to unban you. But this wouldn't fix much anyways as much of the staff does the same thing.



    Bias never shrinks as the ranks increase. The opposite proves so. Many of the admins and mods have gotten to a higher stature by appealing to the other mods and admins. You can never truly get rid of bias.


    Bans should not be permanent, otherwise, we risk losing a majority of our community. Many people who often freekill, or even hack have been able to rejoin, due to an overwhelming sense of community. You are arguing for more of a police state. Granted, it could work, but would limit members. Most of the fun of an admin is competition. Appeals exist for a reason. You knew you screwed up, and you want to appeal for this. It's simple, and I do not comprehend why there is even a glimmer of a thought as to keep permanent bans permanent, given most are freekilling.


    You are asking for a change of structure and the way the clan runs, from the same leader who can barely keep the integrity of the clan itself in shape as it stands. In theory it could work, but you would lose players, require a major overhaul and look at people's bans. You would need to re-ban other players, some even vital to making the experience the best possible.

  10. Also @Brian towards what you said at the bottom of your post. I wouldn't like to see the say taken away from the community either, but doesn't a clear flaw present itself when anybody banned can just ask all their friends or even randoms they may have just met to +1?



    Gaming COMMUNITY. You're supposed to have community input, otherwise, the server owner just runs it himself, and might as well get rid of the forms if that's what you're going for.

  11. To me personally, it really came down to the seriousness of the crime, whether mass freekilling or hacking.


    Mass freekilling I see as a minuscule problem. It interrupts the game for a total of five minutes, causes a small uproar, but mostly harmless. Only resulting in a minor disruptment, one can understand why we're all so eager to unban those people. They don't exactly do anything to the physical copy of the game itself. Plus, few members would remain, as a vast majority of the members have mass freekilled as a joke, a twist, mainly for humor. This doesn't really deserve a permanent ban; rather, it deserves a month ban and a stern attempt to ensure they serve out full sentence. Permanently banning a person from a server for killing an entire team then leaving doesn't exactly ensure they won't doit again. You should merely permanently CT ban them with no appeals, or put them on parole, such as the U.S. Court Systems do. The admins and mods you hold here aren't dumb; they can remember basic names and track thier actions.


    Hacking/DDoSing on the flip-side, deserve permanent bans, as they disrupt the game too greatly. Taking down an entire server is not on the same level as killing an entire team, then leaving. Sure, you might be a douche-bag, but you won't be remembered to the extent as a hacker would, or even a DDoS. These and these only are deserving of permanent bans, at least to the extent of my experience with them. Hacking physically modifies the game, giving players unfair advantages, such as instant head shots at the click of a keyboard. Or, DDoS which essentially is used to shut down a server.


    Granted, if they do mass freekill then leave even after a chance of redemption, that's the exception. Otherwise, I firmly believe that mass freekilling isn't grounds for a permanent game ban, rather grounds for a month ban, or CT ban.


    Also, not that I am in favor of taking the say away from the community but there's something wrong when somebody who just got permed (regardless of their current position or former position in the clan) can get his friends to +1 with crap saying that "he contributed a ton to the clan".


    Well, you might as well then let silence determine all the bans, now that the community cannot have a say without bias. People who contribute greatly should be given a little wiggle room, after all, the nature of humanity states mistakes happen.

  12. Plug-in Days. You pay 10$ for any plugin of your choice to be added, within reason of course. The plugin can be fun stuff like Paintball Mod, etc. And do it for a time limit of 24 hours. Sure, it might seem like a waste, but it'll create a sense of community involvement. After 24 hours, remove it, and wait for the next one. You could set certain days, like every Friday or something. Just do something.

  13. I really didn't have an issue with her personally. If she really had an issue, she could have confronted me and talked it out, but instead she chose the coward route, and banned me with no warning. She's a complete asshat, her actions were abysmal, and still, I'm unsure is it really was a woman.


    She had the attitude of a 3rd grader, much like @autumn, although she cared even less what happened to her, much less the clan.

  14. Considering the fact that nobody plays on the servers, yet you complain that they are empty doesn't help. I'm trying to restructure and redesign the clan hierarchy.

    I can't make the servers popular. If you won't spend time on them and be the first player on a server, they won't get popular. Don't complain if you won't try and fix it.


    I can feel the irony bleeding out of this.

  15. Is it worth watching? The only series I'm currently watching is Dexter. I may just start watching Arrested Development if it's worth watching


    I think it's one of the most finely crafted modern comedies.

  16. Division:

    Garry's Mod

    In-Game Name:


    Steam ID:



    Permanently banned for absolutely no reason I can think of. Duckii and I had our differences, but then she bans me and MineCrack, right before she leaves the clan. This is just laughable.


    I mean, if you guys want me banned, then speak up. But other than that, I'd like to see this unban happen in the near future. I believe she also had the intent of banning me on Teamspeak, but couldn't figure out which alias I was using.