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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. I want a pub rotation!
  2. Foxxy

    sick video

    Hooooooo damn, shit is cray.
  3. Foxxy

    Computer Help...

    Save yourself up to 700, then build yourself a decent computer like I said Micro. Trust me your hard work will pay off, a cheap, good computer is very satisfying to use.
  4. Ah, back when I lied about my age and having a vagina, good times. <3
  5. 2012 New years' party definitely. Tight and bright, lots of chicks, booze... You name it.
  6. Foxxy

    A dose of dopeness.

    Boo same thing, posts don't count anyways!
  7. Foxxy

    A dose of dopeness.

    Who urinated in this young lad's tea?
  8. Well technically anyways, they've recently laid off 600 members of their development team. Which means that the game's release date will be announced the upcoming weeks! They've said this themselves, either way I'm excited!
  9. So is this an essay or something? If so I can help you. #Random?
  10. Foxxy

    2 Months with xG

    I still hate you for your "sing" days. My god that awful sound cannot possibly be categorized as singing.
  11. I'm in love. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ba5o8NbXqWc&feature=related
  12. Beef Stew! Beef Stew! Beef Stew!
  13. Foxxy


    I think that no matter what we say here, Silence will want his money.
  14. Foxxy

    What if...

    Silence is part of the rich white people suburbia, it's k.
  15. Foxxy

    Putting out something

    You know I voted against your return, but seeing how you act in our servers gives me a sigh of relief, thank you Netex. And Russian I hate your sig, it's too big.
  16. This is a terrible vouch, please fix it if you want it to count.
  17. Foxxy


    -1 Reasons that have already been stated, I'm lazy and sick.
  18. Foxxy


    Let's unban everyone! It's a permanent ban and the way I see it, it was well-deserved. That's my opinion, just make sure you know the facts, and that you're not jumping on bandwagons. Don't let someone else speak for you, but if you're +1 or -1, do it on your own ground. -1 for me anyways, sorry but it is how it is.
  19. Foxxy

    free my nigga jb

    Yo impeach this negro!
  20. Foxxy

    Trolling and You

    Me calling Trif a dumbass say for failing on a scrim - not trolling. Me calling Trif a dumbass+adopted+gay+queer+shit+hebl0+black+shortpenis+yaubl0dude NONSTOP - trolling. It's when you want to spark a fight or instigate a situation that nobody desires - that is trolling. Being called an idiot for doing something stupid isn't trolling, it's just banter. The whole idea of "He said I suck, ban him for trolling" is just ridiculous. You don't go to the cops and say "This guy is making assumptions about my sexual orientation, please arrest him". Time to put the big boy underpants on and grow up xG. (Some of you, anyways) PS. I love you my negro Trif.
  21. Foxxy

    Few questions!

    1. Nope, not that I know of. 2. A T is allowed to camp while rebelling, excluding vents, secret and unfair spots. 3. You should only kick spectators if the server is full.
  22. Trolls have now gained intelligence, they are working together!
  23. This might be poor player conduct, but admin abuse... Really? He didn't use his admin position ONCE to gain leverage in any situation. You know it's a bit irritating that you guys take things small things like that seriously.. -1 For a full demotion. +1 For some sort of punishment. Honestly JB is a good guy and he's pretty chill, give him a break.
  24. It's twenty dollars ye poor bastard.