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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. The dirty lens almost completely ruined that one.
  2. You should spectate us when we scrim, lots of cool shit actually go down.
  3. I think it was nicely done, good job.
  4. Foxxy

    Tribes Ascend

    Been waitin' for open beta.
  5. Foxxy


    Best fucking thing ever.
  6. Foxxy


    Don't take your date to The Vow, whatever happens. They'll wanna fuck the actor, not you.
  7. Foxxy

    New Jb Map

    Actually some sort of Boat Wars / Monster Truck game, we only have like 2 of those in our map selections. And make it bright and colorful!
  8. Foxxy


    On Valentine's it's a free blowjob, so I take it.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eg2GweVmc0s&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  10. Foxxy


    Please read the new vouching policy.
  11. Whenever Takibo posts something, I laugh my ass off..
  12. Foxxy

    New Game?

    If it's free sure, but if not.. I'll just pick up MC. +1 though.
  13. Foxxy


    I tried to be nice Trif, I mean he even lashed out against me when I was seriously trying to help him get in the clan.
  14. Foxxy


    I personally think he's an alright player, but the evidence is just stacked against him. +1 Even disrespected me when I tried to help him calm down.
  15. I've stuck my neck out twice for you already, have it your way. -1
  16. Then don't be so hostile to everyone, be proactive and be nice to people even when they're not to you.
  17. I'm really tempted to -1 you right now cause of your attitude. I mean just wow bro.
  18. You know if you could be nicer to people, I mean I get it there's some disagreements... But how about being the bigger person and not being a dick? Stop arguing too Dino.
  19. Foxxy

    Most lovable?

    Haha, I heard he used scripts or something.
  20. Foxxy


    Oh em gee, sew kyuttttt.
  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=152jQed4Vuc&feature=g-all-lik&context=G2e37a6aFAAAAAAAAAAA