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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. Foxxy


    You take care of yourself brother, despite of the rules I think we should make an exception for you coming back and being allowed in. You were a great friend and in the small time we played together, I had a lot of fun. You get your life back together soon you hear? I wanna see me another amazing minitage. :)
  2. Herpes, you've been a great part of this clan. I think I know the reasons for this but I will not say them. In the months that I've known you, you've been a great mentor, a funny friend and a very smart man. Wherever you go in life, I hope you succeed and I hope the very best for you. You take care of yourself. I also enjoyed scrimming with you, good luck and goodbye. <3
  3. Foxxy


    So I haven't really played around with this sub-clan thing, but can't we add in some sort of rank system? For example: xG:N = Newb xG:E = Experienced SOMEWHERE along those lines, doesn't have to be exactly like that. Ranks can depend on contributions, forum activity, length in the clan, etc. It's not very intricate or might be too tedious to implement, but I for one think it would add some personality to the clan and maybe weed out some "bad" xG members to "good" xg members. Just a thought, have a go at her and flame me if you'd like.
  4. Can't figure out if this is serious or not..
  5. For now I'm at a -1 Why: Seems very immature, can be a bit of a problem and breaks rules from time to time. Maturity: Very low, as it sits. Activity: Been on the couple of times I've been on. You have the chance to change my decision, impress me.
  6. I for one just don't think Mick would be ready for the job yet, so I'm going to stay at 0 for now.
  7. I demand an answer to this also.
  8. Fried chicken penis...
  9. You can always turn em off if the lasers are getting on your nerves.
  10. Foxxy

    Good News

    Good to hear, will be keeping an all seeing eye on you.
  11. Foxxy


    Shit's craaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. +1
  12. Foxxy

    ugliest people in xG

    Y'all ugly bastards.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0&ob=av3e You're buttfrustrated, I know.
  14. Was the orange juice to your liking?
  15. Foxxy


    Ask Slipery Fingers, he's pretty good.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdw5rU66wKw
  17. I remember when Billy Mays wasn't even in xG yet.... Now xG is ruined. :(
  18. More proof, then I'll glad to smite him with the banhammer.
  19. Or we can just turn the group into private and clean up all inactives/ex-members/randoms. Give all moderators+ power to do this and the task shouldn't take any anymore than a few days at most if people pitch in.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tA_4myP3fKo This bitch gets all da lettuce. Yee boy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmJbJs-9ST0 My boy Bangs.