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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. IGN sponsors hackers? ABSURD!
  2. Foxxy

    Unban me

    I was gonna make a Tarin joke.... FORGIVE ME.
  3. This gon' be closed yo.
  4. Serve out your week ct ban. You're lucky it's not permanent.
  5. Decision: +1 Why: I love him, he does werk <3 But in all seriousness he knows what he's doing, knows rules and I think he's been long overdue for this position! Maturity: He knows the difference between trolling and joking around, very mature. Activity: Active enough, I scrim and play other game modes with him at times. - Mike Hawk <3
  6. Foxxy


    Women.... who needs em.
  7. Foxxy

    New Jb Map

    Maybe just a huge XenoGamers logo with some member shoutouts would be enough. I also love that anti clipping too, really good addition.
  8. This nigga get all da lettuce.
  9. I will get all furry for him.. Mhmm.
  10. I want this man. He's a good artist. Rabid pair me up with him.
  11. Foxxy


    All the women wear UGGs, I even have a pair of their fuzzy loafers myself.
  12. Saw the proof. Uncontested +1 on a perm ct ban or at least a week server ban.
  13. New sub-clan: xG:E-Harmony I like it.
  14. Foxxy


    In all seriousness I probably own 20 pairs of shoes. (Nike and Supra mostly) The perks of being a 16 year old. yeeee.
  15. Foxxy


    [ATTACH]1644.vB[/ATTACH] I wear 'em everyday.
  16. Foxxy


    But... They're funny...
  17. Foxxy


    I get all da lettuce, I take em to movies.
  18. Foxxy

    admitions to mod

    I sense a business meeting... #ObviouslyI'mdumblawl.
  19. Foxxy

    admitions to mod

    Same here, XenoGamers.org is actually my fourth bookmark on my tab. Interacting with the community is a very big portion for this clan, why would you want to be moderator if you don't even socialize or let us know your opinions here?
  20. Foxxy

    admitions to mod

    Then how do you prove it?
  21. Foxxy

    admitions to mod

    It means you're active on the forums. You're not allowed to spam (Random doesn't count for posts any more).
  22. Yes yes that, I mean technically we have THREE..
  23. That's a dead serious question, I don't know if I'm just braindead right now but I cannot fathom why we needed another chat..