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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. Foxxy

    Umm, bans?

    e7 = scrim team :P hYsoka is the name ya scrub.
  2. Foxxy

    Umm, bans?

    Might as well just unban them, they've been banned the whole morning. I'll try my best to make sure a mistake this colossal doesn't happen again.
  3. Foxxy

    Umm, bans?

    Ah, I thought it was generally more of an offence if they only do it when an admin's not around. But yes, early morning me and Slipery were in JB, got reports of spamming on the RPG Surf so we head on over. Little squabbling here and there but we perm'd them, probably a bit too much of a ban.
  4. +1 I agree that this should be done. Mods and up should get responsibilities of accepting/kicking people into/from the group. Also would unify the clan more, we'd know who's who and who we can talk to, etc.
  5. Foxxy

    1000th post! :D

    No bronies allowed.
  6. Foxxy

    what the hell?

    Small kinks about it: -Video card isn't that great (7450) can handle modern games but not at maximum. -Only 2 PCI slots (Can't triple SLI? Weak.) -Power Supply is very weak. Overall, very good for its price and the fact it's prebuilt. Nice RAM, a solid processor. I'd get it for the sake of upgrading it, a good build to start on.
  7. Wow you're an asshole. loljk (White text won't work) :( +1 Why: I think he'd make a good addition to our moderation staff. He's active, plays on all servers and we always chat on Steam, I get lots of the daily info from him. maturity: Very mature, knows the difference between fun and excessive trolling. activity: On all the time (Has no life) and is active on ALL servers as I have mentioned. I'm thinking we shouldn't close the topic, I just don't wanna re-type the vouch again, just let this one slide. :)
  8. Thank God I'm talking to my girlfriend, I just played Halo 3 (SPARTAN LASER) I just ate chicken wings... YES.
  9. This is what I imagine is happening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hdw5rU66wKw&feature=g-all-lik&context=G2e37a6aFAAAAAAAAAAA
  10. You have a 990X, yet you keep it at 4.0? Go to 5.0.
  11. Foxxy

    1000th post! :D

    You're still gay.
  12. Increasing the post requirement for becoming a moderator would be a good start. Becoming a member of xG should also hold some special privileges now (Nothing TOO fancy). Maybe just ONE free hat/trail/color but not the whole package? Might give members more incentive to donate and help the clan. I'm personally broke as hell right now, so I can't even spare a dollar. I think moderators/admins etc. should be the only ones allowed to vote for mod submissions, same idea with how only members can vouch. They SHOULD be allowed to have their opinion heard, but they shouldn't be allowed to vote in my opinion. Also the vouching protocol really REALLY needs to be stricter. It should be an absolute MUST to follow the criteria given in the link Aegean, that way we can at least be formal and look nice with it. You should listen the mod protocol changes I sent you, if you ever got em!
  13. Good to have you back old man!
  14. I don't think I've laughed at a picture as much as I just did.
  15. Foxxy

    Random Gaming Facts

    1. I've played CSS for 5 years (On and off) 2. I can't stand it when women are all double-d's and perfect in video games (Sex sells, ugly truth) 3. I've always been an avid MMO player, but the distinct lack of being in a community that's based around it (a good guild/group) always turns me off 4. Halo is my favorite video game series of all time, mainly because of the rich backstory, story-telling and stellar multiplayer. 5. I hate Sims games, if you want something in real-life, why don't you do it?
  16. I didn't you know you're a poet Serbian.
  17. [ATTACH]1724.vB[/ATTACH] Nothing can beat Bangs. NOTHING.
  18. That's textbook moderating. I was calm and attemped to calm the other party, I stuck by rules and let him know what it is. Don't talk to me about being reasonable, he disrespected me anyway, it was two hour ban for pete's sake.
  19. This. When I was ten I was pumped to join the Canadian Armed Forces. I'm sixteen now and after watching all the terror and the sick parts of it, I realized I was enthused by the fact of being a "hero" or a "patriot. You probably will end up realizing what a useless cause your country is fighting for, if in six years the "war" isn't over or another operation is started for some reason.
  20. Guys obviously he's gonna be drinking Iced Tea, relax! He's too soft.
  21. +1 Bitch never added me.
  22. Yeah hook me up, hax ain't cheap.
  23. Arakho : so u are going to be racist to deaf now? Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : You need sound to be a CT, so I'm sorry Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Cause it fucks everything up Arakho : i just follow other people Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : What if it's zombie freeday and you freekill people for stabbing? Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Endless amounts of scenarios Arakho : yawn mike haw Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Again I'm sorry, but it is how it is Arakho : giv me good reason Arakho : why i cant be ct Arakho : just giv me go Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : I just gave you a good reason Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Jesus Arakho : no u not Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : You need to hear warden's orders Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Right on the dot Arakho : i told u mike hawk Arakho : i told u i can see Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Yeah you got eyes Arakho : how hard is that? Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Arak Arakho : admin force me to be t so i can die everytime since i cant hear mic? Arakho : logic Arakho : love it Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : That's terrible Arak Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : But we're all equal here Arakho : mike hawk Arakho : if i was ct Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Arak Arakho : i cant hear mics Arakho : shits Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : You need sound to be CT Arakho : u need sounds to be t same thing? Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : No you don't Arakho : ur logic mike hawk? Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : I play T without sound sometimes, I just rebel Arakho : my loss? Arakho : im deaf Arakho : MY LOSS? Arakho : MY FRICKING LOSS?! Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Yeah it is Arakho : I BORN DEAF Arakho : MY LOSS? Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Again, you have my sympathies Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : But I won't make an exception for you Arakho : asshole admin Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Nope Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Now this is final or I'll just gag you Arakho : asshole admin Arakho : mike hawk Arakho : what the hell Arakho : my loss? Arakho : im deaf Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Not you specifically, In general Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : It's the player's loss if they can't hear orders as a T Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M: Stop using it as a leverage Arakho : they not (deaf) Arakho : like me Arakho : durr Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M: [sM] Gagged Arakho. Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Okay sorry Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M: [sM] Ungagged Arakho. Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Now please, drop it Arakho : no Arakho : i wont Arakho : u are a faggot admin Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : Lol Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : He's banned now Mike Hawk #ANALswaG | xG:M : I tried to be reasonable.. I banned him for two hours, probably should've been longer, but whatever.
  24. You posted your welfare wallhacks!