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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. Figured since I have the battlechest laying around, I might as well play it! Who's down for a full restart, straight from level 1?
  2. You're fat and in debt. Argument invalid. CANADA!
  3. Foxxy

    Weird Stories

    This one time I was sleeping in my bed, and Chrono was watching me..
  4. I think I can speak on behalf of almost all men here when I say we are annoyed by how much ass-kissing women get. I think it's pathetic actually.
  5. I think I've seen him at surf servers, hell I think I got complaints on him... Xeno Gamers
  6. Nope and for obvious reasons. He's banned and should stay banned. -1
  7. I've seen you around and I'm glad to have you playing on our servers, welcome to the forums! -hYsoka '
  8. 1v1 me nub, I got new wallhax.
  9. Yeah well I do agree to what it is being said here to a certain extent. At one point you kept saying that CTs NEEDED a mic, even when I (a mod) and the MOTD says otherwise. Also you do kind of do rage on people, I mean your ban request thread proves it. But for now I'll be at 0, I'll be watching you.
  10. Foxxy

    Pop up

    Take a seat over there.
  11. Foxxy

    Name Change

    Aegean sucks anyways, he stinks and I don't like him.
  12. You need a mature voice to be warden. So she cannot be a warden.
  13. Yes you do. Vouch is void.
  14. I vote for a permanent CT ban and maybe a somehow a permanent mute. I am so sick of her.
  15. Foxxy

    Impeach Silence?

    Impeach silence, unban soairn!
  16. Oh shit, this thing again.
  17. Foxxy

    Zombie mod!!!!

    We had one, removed it for lack of players.
  18. You know somehow, I agree to this to a certain extent... Maybe our disrespect/trolling policy needs a rework..
  19. Foxxy


    Requesting close before it gets way out of hand.
  20. xG is full of deaths, animal and human alike... :(
  21. Condolences, we never got along Rosser but I know the feeling of a loss. You'll be back up on your feet soon, don't be afraid to talk to us, we are and always will be a family.