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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Foxxy

  1. (I forgot I have to use the new vouching formula now) Decision: +1 Why: I think he's one of the few players that I've never had a problem with, both as a mod and as a member. Maturity: No complaints about him, reasonable in-game, etc. Activity: I've seen him a lot on Jailbreak, a bit on the forums.
  2. Floodles I love you, nice guy and a well-groomed man. +1 But you did flood the general section with a lot of threads that should be in random, but you're a good enough player for me.
  3. Foxxy

    Ban Request: E.Z.Kill

    Quit whining, took me two hours to make my KoolAid.
  4. Foxxy

    I admit i cheat.

    Laughed so hard. You get those hacks from the cheaper part of China or something?
  5. Personally I think it's fine, just a bit too loud.
  6. Foxxy


    A well-mannered player, haven't had problems with him. Very mature and knows the rules, instant +1 for me. - Mike Hawk
  7. Happy Birthday Double! I'll be spammin' his ass all day. :)
  8. Foxxy

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    Dino it appears the problem has been resolved. Me being a dick to MajorB and breaking a rule was not acceptable, I'll do my best to ensure it won't happen again. I feel the thread should be closed now.
  9. Foxxy

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    Understandable, I apologize for disrespecting you. #sorry.
  10. Foxxy

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    Yeah we're aware I broke a rule. I already got an ass-kicking from EZ.
  11. Foxxy

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    Nobody calls someone a faggot with the intention of calling them a cigarette.
  12. Foxxy

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    The evidence is all piled up against me, yes I did say nigger and I did express my right to say it. (Being mostly black and part asian). If it is that offensive to people, I will refrain from saying it. I slayed myself then left the server as my way of punishing myself, I do apologize for what I did. How is this an admin abuse thread? I didn't use my admin powers to gain leverage over anything. I said that (in my immature manner) to advise conster not to be racist towards other players, in the process making myself look like a jackass. But just speaking from my mind, how come nobody ever does anything when cracker is said? Or when chink is said? How about faggot? This whole "N" word rule isn't even about racism anymore, it's just THE "N" word not being allowed.
  13. Foxxy

    New Guard system

    There could be a KD/R switch that'd be nice, I'm not exactly a fan of a CT going 2-8..
  14. My steam name has followed suit, so should my forum name! I am now Mike Hawk. Come at me haters.
  15. Mario I love you bro, that's why I'm just gonna tell you to stop now.
  16. I'm on my phone right now, I'll post my ID soon enough. Congratulations you big bunch of hairy nipples.
  17. Foxxy


    Yes, I am..... About the fact that I wasn't involved. [ATTACH]1501.vB[/ATTACH] I'm waiting.
  18. Hahaha that's pretty sick, even though it's illegal.. GODDAMN IT YOU QUOTED ME AGAIN YOU WHORE!
  19. Foxxy


    Buncha homosexuals up in here.
  20. He's not attacking you, just be the bigger person, drop it and don't let the topic get derailed.
  21. That's not the whole reason this thread is here. I'm just pointing out that having a life outside of the clan and still being committed to it isn't impossible.
  22. I have a life, most of us have lives and we still manage to be much more active than Duckii on our servers/TS.
  23. Happens all the time bro, +1 for Canada. EDIT: Shouldn't it be in Random?
  24. Personally I like Semen.