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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol


    +1 love this beautiful man.
  2. Meh...I saw bongs and a hat pure pink that said "♥♥♥♥♥" when at the dollar store ;3
  3. Ice cream or cake ICECREAM CAKE (TROLLFACE) Potatoes or bread Potathoes Chicken or beef beef Aids or herpes Herpes derpes Diabetes or gonorrhea Diabeetus Burgers or chicken nuggets Nuggets ftw
  4. If I'm a penguin and there are rapists and child porno's are purple Then are penguins really penguins?
  5. ^I luh you rexx but xaviens right.
  6. Mykhol

    New MOTD Song

    You're asking for too much. Most people here are 12-16 and don't have a girlfriend as is....but maybe you'll find someone :D! ^Lol -1
  7. This...is my old acccount....LOL
  8. ^Banned for having 4 quotes in your sig
  9. +1. He threatened to Ddos me if I didn't +1. HELP THIS IS A HOSTAGE SITUATION. loljk he didn't but +1. <3
  10. You beautiful and I luh you but -1 you need more time, young jedi,.
  11. If Someone were to post a picture saying "I hate silence" with their face...would they get banned? :D
  12. -1. Reasons previously stated and other.
  13. Mykhol


    -1. Not sure if members have a voting in this but if we do, -1. I vote no because earlier just today you were trolling me (<3) and other members. also you had a porno spray a while ago. I know the spray wasn't Your fault because you have them and forget to change before going into xG, but you still trolled. Also you're not very active in JB/otherservers, I don't know about TS3 because I'm barely in it because I don't know half the people :3
  14. dafaq is dis ♥♥♥♥, Hell no. What ero said.
  15. +1 love this man and miss him thoe he wont remember me cuz of name changes
  16. Mykhol


    +1 He's beautiful, saw him in surf a 13982398 times.
  17. Mykhol

    Dat laugh

    LOLWTF ♥♥♥♥♥ That laugh it beautiful =3
  18. "Days Registered Higher than 719" I have 1407 points, not 217 =3
  19. This is herpa derp flerp smerp ---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:17 PM ---------- Also if the moderator remembers who they are, if you do have proof it's wanted. BTW your group of followers saying "he did it" who werent even there aren't proof. I remember who was in the game.
  20. [ATTACH]686.vB[/ATTACH] Silence how does 719 days = 1 year? :3
  21. I will pay this Silence guy to add it....pay with.... FETUSES
  22. +1 to this beautiful man.