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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. I do it while playing pokemon redfire..... *Socially awkward penguin*
  2. Oh rexx you heartless son of a ♥♥♥♥♥. +1
  3. A tear slid across my face when I saw that title....
  4. -1. Oh? I'm going to be flamed by netex for not wanting him back in xG and having an opinion? OH OKAY! Quit trolling everyone who doesn't like you. Make like Johnny and leave for good.
  5. I want a refund, that took me only 10 seconds. Not 5 minutes. I'm calling the cyber police.
  6. I would have mauled his eye out, just one, and blended it, then made him drink it. My candy bars, ♥♥♥♥♥.
  7. -1 for reasons previously stated.
  8. +1 He's a sexy ♥♥♥♥♥, But he threw me in fire. :C
  9. Oh yes, smexy us Canadian's had a smexy thanks giving.
  10. IM STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON MAAAAAN ♥♥♥♥ me if you know what I'm talking about.
  11. [MEDIA=imgur]7g745[/MEDIA] ITS HUDSON!
  12. +1 because rexx told me to -1, and you're beautiful.
  13. :( I guess the rumor about me getting mod wasn't true. *sadface*
  14. Mykhol


    +1 White font is white
  15. You're not 16, I've heard your voice. -1 Biznotch
  16. Bomb radius = way to big, I've seen 20 people rage quit CT and the server over it. Since the bombs are cheaper and the money limit is higher, you can buy a bomb every round, and kill cts at cell button while still inside your cell. It's really terrible.
  17. Mykhol

    rtv maps

    +Kittens to this +1 because this makes sense, it prevents CT's from always RTV Freeday'ing
  18. +1, if you're going to quit that other clan, I'm not 100% sure if multi-clanning is acceptable...
  19. Mykhol

    Big L Corleone

    Ban that ♥♥♥♥ +1 To ban
  20. What kind of sick ♥♥♥♥ wasn't?
  21. +1 to this, Great Idea. I can never tell who's in xG, because people are always pretending or changing their name. I go by; Michael Turtle Penguin Nothing else