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Everything posted by Mykhol

  1. Mykhol


    Also, he just used his mic, he's underaged....
  2. Mykhol


    -1 spamming "ADMINS ADMINS CHECK MY APP, OMG OMG CHECK MY APP" in jb for 1 hour.
  3. I beatchu to 400, umad
  4. Mykhol


    You....You sick...♥♥♥♥
  5. I luh teh blue one :D This is my 400th post, let's celebrate with butt secks.
  6. -1.....♥♥♥♥ing hate this ♥♥♥♥♥♥. LOLJK +1 RB not working out very well? :L
  7. -1 ♥♥♥♥♥ I AM THE ONLY PENGUIN. And all of the above that was said..
  8. Mykhol


    +1 for unban, He's my beautiful little cupcake and deserves to be unbanned. ---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ---------- All I heard was those 2 words....
  9. Mykhol


    @Herpes, I've been on the moon. @Everyone else <3
  10. Mykhol


    I was here months before you, So people from older-ish xG remember me.
  11. Mykhol


    Member Name: Penguin In-Game Name: Michael Steam ID: <Will get> Age: 14 Game Time: Almost 600 on CSS, Over 2000 on minecraft Helpful Skills: I can ♥♥♥♥ your goat, for FREE. ---------- Post added at 06:06 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:04 PM ---------- I was forced to do this. Rexx threatened to kill himself.
  12. Mykhol


    Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: Mojo Player's Steam ID: <Will find out> Ban Request Reason: He has a pornspray. Proof. http://cloud.steampowered.com/ugc/560917821062032054/48D18CC3C0CDD9FD61DB2806609B7F15B058B5B3/ It says Sprayed by Mojo.
  13. Mykhol


    I love colour, but I was there when it happened, he was talking to me about doing it in steam chat, He wasn't ordered to do it, I love him, but if my opinion matters -1
  14. Mykhol


    Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: GnomeKraft Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:9943485 Ban Request Reason: He was saying before I started recording "Stfu or I'll kill you," later he did, on camera, he shot the ball at me several times then one killed me, warden said not to shoot the ball over 100 times, He's a dumbass random who doesn't know 1 rule, he doesn't belong on JB Proof: MediaFire he shoots the ball and kills me, doesn't slay himself either.
  15. Mykhol

    [xG] Shadows425

    Explain how I was disrespecting anyone? I killed you, I played the game. I don't disrespect admins because I know/love all of them (Sept a few, but those ppl weren't there)
  16. Mykhol

    [xG] Shadows425

    Well, Sorry I'm saying the truth, You did freekill me because you were mad at me for killing you the round before #butthurt.
  17. Mykhol

    [xG] Shadows425

    Proof? And No I wasn't. I rebelled and you freekilled. That's what happened. You got butthurt, spammed disrespect in mic chat, and freekilled me.
  18. Member Name: Penguin Player's Name: [xG] Shadows425 Player's Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16237325 Ban Request Reason: He killed me and only me for no reason, he was mad at me because I rebelled the last round and killed him, so he started being butthurt and freekilled me, then left. He's an xG member so he should know he can't do this. Proof: Sorry it's a .dem, but my fraps is derped. MediaFire To view it: 1 place it in your cstrike folder 2 open css 3 open console and type demoui 4 select shadows I think Fahad got it on video too.
  19. Mykhol


    I know my opinion prolly doesn't matter, but +1, He's everything people have said about him. (+1 to keep him banned/banhim)
  20. Mykhol

    Mod disrespecting?

    To @all admins, I did NOTHING, I accidentally talked on my mic, my key is set to something beside my spray. He just started trolling me when he noticed I was here.
  21. Mykhol

    Mod disrespecting?

    Soi, you have 50 useless threads, and quar, I said nothing at all to the moderator and he started trolling me.
  22. So....Mods can't be disrespected? But mods can disrespect players? Very wonderful. EDIT: I'm not going on the forums anymore, it's not worth my time at all. Cya
  23. Mykhol

    Hippity Hop

    Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee now ya maed me all warm and tingly inside