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Everything posted by DysprosiumJD

  1. This legislation has not been canceled, and continues to get rolled through Congress by the RIAA - er, ahem, I meant Senator Reid. The Wikipedia blackout is an important initiative in the protest of this bill, and we can only hope that the negative word of mouth against this bill is enough to scare people away from the RIAA's wallet. I'm not certain, though -- there's a powerful lobbying body behind this bill, and the naive individuals not raised on the Youtube diet aren't really in touch with how this bill will negatively effect the nation.
  2. After reading this, my face melted and I now speak with the voice of a thousand demons. Thanks SGTBLU, I appreciate what you've done foHEL'GATH EKA EKA IAMNAOS BRETAN EKA EKA
  3. Kinda sexy, nice tan, would bang. +1
  4. Name: DysprosiumJudas Position: Midfielder Secondary: Stopper Team B aww yeah represent I was on my high school varsity soccer team, and I am always desperately trying to relive my glory years as my hideous husk of decaying flesh slowly gives out day by day as the ruthless weathering of time batters my body into eroded submission.
  5. There is nothing on this planet that is as fun as bashing the shift and space keys of your keyboard over and over and over again until your eyes explode into a furious geyser, gushing out a vicious torrent of blood. Bhop will be missed, and I am going to name my six kids Bhop in order to preserve its righteous memory.
  6. Six replies to this thread and no "that's what she said"? How can there be a god to a universe like this?
  7. Quality individual, and is actually old enough to have, like, a job, which is a plus. +1
  8. Popularity and the amount of mods that server needs are usually directly proportional, brah.
  9. What if the thing that I have currently copied is the url to graphic legally-gray pornography?
  10. In hard times, I like to take solace in this image of a dirty, rugged Neil Patrick Harris relaxing on a motorbike. I'm sure you can get some use out of it too. Rock on Herpes, you crazy diamond. Rock the ♥♥♥♥ on.
  11. You're too mainstream, man. You sold out to the corporations, bro. Whereas MY quotes? My quotes are all organically grown and cultivated, and are only distributed on indie labels by REAL people, man. REAL people. I don't care about sales numbers like you do -- I just want to change the world.
  12. The first one because you get to see the pony's good parts. The second one doesn't even pan down far enough to show you some sweet, nubile horsetits.
  13. Why are you laughing? That's not a joke. We don't joke here. Your life is ours. We'll put it to good use. Don't worry, we're serious.
  14. Dude, just chat her up. You don't need to get her poem to win if you're just trying to snag that.
  15. Freshman year of college. I am an English major with a Philosophy minor. I intend to go to law school afterwards and become a corporate lawyer.
  16. These images are hyper-realistic and I think one of them just started talking to me.
  17. Refugeefag. I left 4chan for 420chan around 2008 and never go back except for some fappin'.
  18. You most certainly will, since 90% of all people who smoke marihuana cigarettes die within the first 24 hours from addiction, the poison-smoke, or overdosing. Stay away from the devil weed!!!!
  19. This. There's nothing like whittling away boring dead hours like Redtube.
  20. 18/m/CA If you're ever in the area of course I'd love to meet up and have sex.
  21. On the ironic note, you could consider HG, they're right up your alley.
  22. DysprosiumJD

    You like?

    I'm going to have to side with Carissimi on this one, brah.
  23. This is an error in your post-processor scripting, meaning that the quantum phase shifts in the multipod hard-drive are lacking positive polarity in their neutron flow. You're probably using Firefox or Internet Explorer? This problem is typical in the unsafe metastasis environs present within hardline psuedo-coded internet browsers which tend to be popular. I would suggest downloading Opera, which is a browser designed by the Calcutta Convention to address these issues. Alternatively, you could just delete System32 which will change your mainframe forward device and allow you to use Youtube on Firefox or IE8.
  24. It's a tough one, but I'd have to say Mauritania. What about you?
  25. Gun Toss - Both players receive a gun. The terrorist then chooses somewhere on the map for the competition to take place, and whether the goal is to toss it the farthest or the closest to the place specified. The winner gets to kill the loser. Shot 4 Shot - Each player receives a pistol. Each player will then take turns trying to kill the other person with a one-bullet clip. The turns will keep alternating between the players until one manages to kill the other person and win. Jumping Contest - Each player will try to jump as many times as possible in a short time limit. Whoever has the least amount of jumps once the timer ends will be automatically slayed. Dodgeball - The health of both players is reduced to one, and each player receives an unlimited supply of smoke grenades. The object of the game is to hit the other person with the smoke grenades, which will do 1HP of damage, killing the other player. Russian Roulette - Each player will receive a gun, and the players will take turns firing at each other, one at a time, while a randomizer decides if the shot taken is a blank or an actual bullet. Whoever shoots the actual bullet and kills the other player wins. No Scope Battle - The terrorist selects a sniper rifle variant, and then both players receive that rifle. Each player then tries to kill their opponent with the sniper rifle, except that they cannot use the scope to aim at the other person. Clip 4 Clip - Each player receives a gun. One player will randomly be selected to start, and be given an ammo clip for his weapon. He will fire that clip until it is empty, at which point his turn is over and the other player receives an ammo clip and does the same thing. This keeps alternating until one person kills the other competitor and wins. Brink of Death - The object of the game is to take the most fall damage without dying. Each player may choose to jump off any platform on the map, with the goal being to choose one that has a large enough fall so that you take a serious amount of damage from it and yet small enough that it will not kill you. The winner will be whoever either does not die from their jump or takes the most fall damage from their jump. Shotgun Wars - After a short countdown, each player will receive a shotgun. Whoever kills the other person with their shotgun first wins. Rock Paper Scissors - Each player chooses either rock, paper, or scissors. Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock. Whoever beats their opponent with their choice wins. If both players choose the same thing, it is a tie and each player gets to choose again. Knife Fight - Each player receives a knife, and whoever stabs the other player to death wins. Various special battle modes are available to make the knife fight more interesting. Race - The terrorist selects a starting line and a finish line at two different points on the map. Each player then begins at the starting line and tries to race to the finish line. Whoever gets to the finish line first wins. Chicken Fight - Each player attempts to jump on top of his opponent. Whoever manages to successfully do this first wins.