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Friend of xG
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Everything posted by Heisenberg

  1. D'AWWW picture #5 what animal is that?
  2. Go back to sweeden you silly man :3
  3. If we did this I would kill all the players I could find at spawn just fur the lulz
  4. I would play it actively if there was respawning
  5. Gueush what Whats your favorite STD This thread is for everyone i love. I hope you get forum banned Stop trying so hard to get mod like that
  6. When I troll kids I get a full-on erection
  7. I don't mute joshi3 because, frankly, I think he's ♥♥♥♥in hilarious. But a lot of mods don't like his voice :( I think Kermit is less funny but I let him talk Hell, I won't even mute little kids unless they call warden or mic spam.
  8. Looks like it's her time of the month lol and can you explain wtf happened lol. I'm so lost P.S. what's up with the japs givin thier animae girlys animal ears?
  9. ^I read that in your sexy voice
  10. What is this and why do i have a boner? <333
  11. I'd clench my buttox so hard it would crush his winkydoodle ...that would work, right? Yehhhhhh
  12. Kelly I don't see why you blantantly have to show cleavage in your profile picture. No offense but it kinda screams "I need attention" I'm going to have to postpone our wedding a week or two :(
  13. +1 You've never been a problem when I was on. I don't know why so many people have a problem with you :(
  14. ^NECROPOST! BANBANBANBAN! loljk welcome back
  15. LMAFO is the appitimy of what's wrong with society. Funny parody tho XD EDIT: I can't say the actual band name due to this lameee language filter
  16. Heisenberg

    Xbox? Yes xbox.

    Can I join? Oh wait nvm I'm not a huge feggit
  17. A. Oprah has a tight roast beef snatch And anyone ever see 2 kids 1 sandbox? P.S. way to go SO off topic guise
  18. Urban Dictionary: mall ninja You're what we gun people call a mall ninja/catolouge commando...
  19. How do I sage this thread?