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Everything posted by Hidingmaster

  1. The whole reason we don't allow anyone under 16 is, im assuming, for maturity reasons? If this is the case then would the +1/-1 system narrow out those people who are not mature enough to join? I mean were supposed to list our rating of their maturity already (A: 10 M:7 for ex.). There really is no reason to put a limit on the age of applicants for any division, especially TF2 where I would assume the average age of players is less than 16, or at least there is a good majority of younger people. If you don't think the community can chose mature people @Snackbar, then we should at least consider that applicants <16 yo require a +1 from a staff member DM+. And iirc, Silence stated he wanted to keep it an adult community.. but it never has been. Most of the members are young. Plus, why restrict the number of people who can join? It just reduces the popularity of xG and reduces chances of donations. @Nomulous @kbraszzz
  2. Only 1 other CL ever replied :/ Here's the final decision: 1) Matsi is warned to tone it down and keep it PG13. Use common sense when talking about taboo topics. Membership remains. 2) The community is warned to stop trying to trigger people (purposely getting individuals upset). CLs/DLs have the ability to punish people who do this, no prior warning required (with sufficient evidence only though).
  3. I've been wishing that people would just talk their crap out since I got DM of CSS. Unfortunately, as forest said, people just dont grasp it. By all means be harsh on them, it may be the only way to stop shitstorms from cropping up. Also, as far as promo demos are concerned, they are going back to the way they used to be: only seen by DM+ and if people start asking if they are getting promo'd feel free to take them right off the list.
  4. 10 Best Gaming Laptops Under $1000 (November 2015) - Tech Brij
  5. Hidingmaster


    FYI to everyone, discussion will begin about this issues, as well as some of the other issues presented (Chrono's). It may take a few days to figure out exactly what will happen, but we are working on it.
  6. Hidingmaster


    Companion thread is back open. Although we don't necessarily run by majority vote all the time, I would still like to have a place for people to vote (where it isnt mixed in with a bunch of arguing). The CLs will get together and talk about it, keeping the voting in mind. Also, don't think its a big deal for Chrono to be closing threads and moderating the forums, as long as it is within reason. If you want to discuss anything @Chrono, feel free to message me on the forums. Including snackbar and the other issues you brought up.
  7. Hidingmaster


    Y'all are turning this into a courtroom. Allegations of animal abuse? Wat. That's not the concern. We're aren't here to judge character or life choices, but whether or not removal of membership is necessary and if so why. The words illegal and legal don't matter here. Drugs are illegal but we aint banning anyone for talking about them. Try and keep it more on track, provide evidence (#notacourtroomhipocrite) and logical arguments, also please leave a vote in Snackbar's thread if you have not already.
  8. Hidingmaster


    Exactly. You guys cant be saying we don't need proof or to look around proof is everywhere, because in reality it isn't. He's said a few things that people don't like, but to be honest its looking like a lot of it was in response to questions or conversations (from what im understanding). The whole drink thing in shoutbox earlier this morning... yeah dont know how you expected people not to take it the wrong way Matsi.. lets be real. Yes, Matsi has done some inappropriate things on the forums/in conversations, including being rude/flaming, but there are people on the other side of the issue as well. I know of several people who are trying to get a reaction out of him, so not sure how we are putting all the blame on matsi alone. Although this will get forgotten in a few days, TALKING TO PEOPLE LIKE ADULTS GOES SO FAR. I appreciate @Ohstopyou for actually taking time to message matsi and talk about it like an adult. Very few people in xG do this, but it solves so so much. If you ever have a conflict with someone, honestly just messaging them and talking it out solves 99% of the solutions.
  9. Hidingmaster


    xG has always required more proof than the court system ever has. If we're going to require sufficient proof regarding other people (just go and browse the other member protests, looking how many times the word "proof" is mentioned), im going to be fair and request the same here. You can +1 if you don't like him and thats fine. But understand that I need to make sure that we keep this member protest on the same playing field as all the others.
  10. Hidingmaster


    You don't get permed through a member protest, but in this case (and with people comparing it to past cases) Matsi will most likely be permed. And when you look at it, removing his membership will almost likely end in him leaving xG completely. Just saying in this case we need to make sure there are enough issues with proof to warrant removal of everything. Mostly mentioned this because people brought up his mod/admin abuse, something completely different.
  11. Hidingmaster


    Alright, figured this was coming eventually. First off, @Matsi im not really sure why you continue to say stuff like that.. you gotta understand this is a gaming community and has people of all ages. Nobody should be subjected to the sexually explicit talk like that, especially in shoutbox where it is public. Its just not a good decision, and not really sure why you keep doing it. Secondly, why are we banning getting rid of someone for something they said, with the excuse that its a felony? Way to bring up a scenario from before Jesus was born. There's no proof of it, other than what was written, not enough to truly say it really happened. Yes, I understand it was vulgar and may not be something anyone thinks is ok, but lets move the fuck on. Now I haven't been around Matsi a lot anymore, which may make my opinion a little skewed, but he actually is a really good addition to xG when you ignore the vulgar language. Nobody has posted more ban protests, which in reality make TF2 a much better place. Bringing his use of power doesn't matter here either, as we are looking at a member protest, not an abuse report. Remember that we are essentially looking to perm ban matsi from all of xG, way different than removing powers and requires a good amount of reasoning behind it. Let me ask you all a serious question then: If Matsi stops with the vulgar talk, can you all survive with him still being around? I'm genuinely interested in answers to that, a simply yes or no with explanation will suffice; don't assume this is what will happen to him either.
  12. Holy gravedig batman! Leaving it open since it's a relevant thread still.
  13. A:7 M:9 See you a few times on, followed rules, so nothing to say no about.. +1
  14. +1 was a good moderator on CSS, should do just as well in CSGO
  15. Then yeah, this is a valid solution.
  16. Nice haircut, suits your face shape well. This is the way that is should be done, if it ever got as far as a ban request. As far as I'm concerned though, CSS had a good system. Warning, kick, ban. If they didnt "get" the warning, they sure in the hell got the kick.
  17. Hidingmaster


    I came for the memes. I was let down.