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Reputation Activity

  1. Bad Spelling
    Hidingmaster reacted to Chrono in Mod Sub   
    uhhhh highly doubtful. he was member before you.
  2. Drunk
    Hidingmaster reacted to LeToucan in Mod Sub   
  3. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Chrono in Darkwolf's Demotion   
    on a semi-related note: @Rhododendron you need to fix the TS Bot to actually update, since he still has DL powers, and @Hidingmaster didn't get CL powers.
  4. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to diabeetus in Xg Meetups In Canada, Eh   
    I'm sorry but I'd like to keep all of my organs.
  5. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to DarkWolf6052 in Jewjitsu   
    Valid vouches please.
  6. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to DJ_Audible_Swag in Jewjitsu   
  7. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to DrLee in Jewjitsu   
    @Hidingmaster @DarkWolf6052
  8. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from WhyJewMad in Change   
    Commands used that are disturbing? You've gotta be kidding me. It was done between 3 am and 6 am est. There were 3 people on the server, darkwolf and two regulars. There is nothing wrong with using fun commands on an empty server. It hurt no one, did not influence any game, and is certainly not something to over exaggerate and claim abuse. You panic over the smallest things.
  9. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DJ_Audible_Swag in Audible_swag - Counter-strike: Source   
    Has been here a long time, knows the rules, is very mature. +1
    Activity log: Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History
    Also, I couldn't find any bans (CT or server).
  10. Bad Spelling
    Hidingmaster reacted to MrJeeblez in Audible_swag - Counter-strike: Source   
    *pretty much is
    @Rhododendron can we have editing posts back? Q_Q
  11. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Change   
    Having commands isn't abuse, using them maliciously is. Proof of when it occurred and I'll believe there were 8 on.
  12. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Change   
    Commands used that are disturbing? You've gotta be kidding me. It was done between 3 am and 6 am est. There were 3 people on the server, darkwolf and two regulars. There is nothing wrong with using fun commands on an empty server. It hurt no one, did not influence any game, and is certainly not something to over exaggerate and claim abuse. You panic over the smallest things.
  13. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DarkWolf6052 in Change   
    Yeah. Try again. Jan 7 at 3 am is when they were supposedly used. It shows 3 players.
    Still don't understand who the commands hurt. Where's the abuse?
    Also think this is more appropriate as a thread viewable by all.
  14. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Iceslice - Mmo   
    Yeah 3 day is fine. Although if you come back and troll again ice, it's very likely a perm... no reason to keep trolling around after several warnings.
  15. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Nomulous in Iceslice - Mmo   
    Yeah 3 day is fine. Although if you come back and troll again ice, it's very likely a perm... no reason to keep trolling around after several warnings.
  16. F!$k Off
    Hidingmaster reacted to Temptedguy in Going Back To 2011/2012   
    What about me! @Hidingmaster
  17. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Leotekk in Going Back To 2011/2012   
    I was bored, thought it would be cool to look at past member submissions for some of the older members.. kinda sad to look through all of them and reminisce. Thought i'd put together links to a few of them for all of your enjoyment. In CSS forum because its more CSS related than anything.
    Snakeboyeric: $nakeboyeric's application | Xeno Gamers
    Hidingmaster: Hidingmaster xG app | Xeno Gamers
    Darkwolf: DarkWolf6052's Application | Xeno Gamers
    Gkoo: Gkoo | Xeno Gamers :cry:
    John: John Wilkes Booth's member application! | Xeno Gamers :(
    Genesis: ジDelta's xG submission | Xeno Gamers
    Temptedguy: TemptedGuy Wants to join XG | Xeno Gamers
    Megarobin: MegaRobin's CS:S application for xG | Xeno Gamers Notice the title. Always megarobin.
    Kinda funny how way back in the day it was simply "Hi, I want to join" instead of the forms.... memories. And you all made these 2.5 years pretty damn awesome, just saying.
  18. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Britt   
    Just as a status update, looking at valid +1's and combining with -1's, you sit at 1 +1.
  19. Disagree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Nomulous in Tarp Order (apparently Approved By Nomulous)   
    I like to say I do not take kindly to false claims at all. The fact you're spreading blatant lies about what I have said is absurd and unprofessional. I would recommend you talk to me directly. What I did approve was the line "When I say go, all reds go to the yellow line". The phrase you mentioned I have never approved, there were questions asked to me if it's allowed, and I said you may only use it if you make it clear that you're changing what reds/prisoners are referred to as default. Thus if used correctly, it is a play on words and not an intentional trick, key phrase in my statement was it is obviously stated.
    The fact that some people do not listen to the warden when they give commands is not my fault, nonetheless, I never accepted/approved what you claim I approved. Back to the statement of saying "All rebels go to the...", again, it is clearly stated that if you do this action you are considered a rebel. It isnt an intentional trick, a Tarp by definition would be telling reds to hit a blue, but then whoever hit them is a rebel, thus they must be killed.
    Either your definition of tarping means anything you say in JailBreak is considered a tarp, or you don't comprehend the definition well.
    Nonetheless, I do not accept false claims lightly, the fact you try to point me out on something I have never said and even not have proof, is reduclous.
  20. Creative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from IceSlice in Madara-uchicha Aka Faget: Shadowspy - Counter-strike: Source   
    "Thank you for your time". You're welcome, it wasted 32 seconds of my life.
    Closed for being bad himself.
  21. Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DCook in Madara-uchicha Aka Faget: Shadowspy - Counter-strike: Source   
    "Thank you for your time". You're welcome, it wasted 32 seconds of my life.
    Closed for being bad himself.
  22. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Banned Fo No Reezun ;(   
    Yeah, you can't just say "Oh yeah thats right, he was a rebel" after the fact. Had you told them that right away there would have been no issue. In my opinion the ban was justified and it was your fault that you were banned. Closing because the ban is over.
  23. Smelly
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Shadow in Banned Fo No Reezun ;(   
    I've consulted with my people and they say you did not say "Talking over warden rebel". Screenshots do not really reveal wrong on one side or the other. Plus, it was an hour ban for intentional freekill so it will be over in a short amount of time. As far as we can tell it was an intentional freekill, and you only came up with a reason about 20 minutes after the fact. Unless you can prove some way or another that you did not in fact freekill, i dont see this going anywhere.
  24. Smelly
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Shadow in Banned Fo No Reezun ;(   
    Yeah, you can't just say "Oh yeah thats right, he was a rebel" after the fact. Had you told them that right away there would have been no issue. In my opinion the ban was justified and it was your fault that you were banned. Closing because the ban is over.
  25. Sad
    Hidingmaster reacted to DrLee in Gg   
    Oh, hi.
    White Text isn't that hard to do. Regradless, welcome back, mate. :p