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Reputation Activity

  1. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to DeathGod in I Aint No Pussy.   
    still will be on TS like a slut.(maybe)
  2. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Tsuchikure in Superkiller67   
    Calm down, it was meant as a joke. These will not be accepted. I was going to edit it later giving a valid reason etc etc, but it was just meant to be a joke overall
  3. Drunk
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Thepistolboss   
    +1 He's been around for a while, nice guy, and knows the rules of ours css JB :p M: 8/10 A:8/10
  4. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in James T Kirk - Counter-strike: Source   
  5. Bad Spelling
    Hidingmaster reacted to MrJeeblez in Thepistolboss   
    +1 He's been around for a while, (real) nice guy, and knows the rules of ours css JB :p M: 8/10 A:8.1/10
    inb4 not valid for copy/past
  6. Useful
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Tsuchikure in James T Kirk - Counter-strike: Source   
  7. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in James T Kirk - Counter-strike: Source   
  8. Useful
    Hidingmaster reacted to Forest in A Dictatorship No More.   
    We have candidates that are currently being watched to determine they are the best fit for the position. My apologies that this is taking so long. Between the holiday season and keeping a close watch on candidates, I haven't had time to post any updates. You can expect results sometime this week
  9. Ding!
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DeathGod in Jubens 4 L   
  10. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to diabeetus in Jubens 4 L   
    easily the shittiest thread I've ever seen
  11. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Mrjeeblez   
    You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers!

    To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans!

    Want to get Moderator?
    There are a few ways to earn admin!

    1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field.
    2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers!
    3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan!

    For a server list, click here.
    Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click Updated Staff Roster | Xeno Gamers

    -Closed. Been much longer than 24 hrs since last input (was just waiting on dark to approve).
  12. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to Dougnificent in Give Me A Hell Doug   
    Hey, for people out there wanting to give me a gift you don't have to. A friend of mine that I thought was too busy today is dropping by so I actually can just borrow his card to buy online with. Still, really fucking appreciated people offering to buy me the game. That meant a lot to me, and I was just fucking glad to have people be awesome enough to do that for me more than anything. I'm back, bitches.
  13. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to MrJeeblez in My Mom   
    Well, they released her late yesterday. They gave her some antibiotics, switched her onto some new heart medication, and told her to come back if anything like what happened happens again. She is feeling a lot better. Thank you all for your kind words.
  14. Bad Spelling
    Hidingmaster reacted to DCook in I Really Need To Stop Leaving Finals Project Until Last Minute   
    It makes me do crazy things.

  15. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Forest in Thewhitemansays - Counter-strike: Source   
    @@vaati It looks like you recorded it right? Post the link to the demo up and ill give it a look.
    IMO He freekilled for three reasons. 1) He said "You tried to knife me".. which most likely meant he was pardoned and he really didnt have a reason to kill vinyl. 2) He was confronted by butter 3) He didn't give a flying fudge, and you can see it in his comments.
    How much do yall wanna bet if the demo gets posted that he was pardoned, the kid was baiting, and he freekilled at least 1/2 times.
    Obviously -1 until more evidence posted
  16. Useful
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Adding New Plugins   
    I had come up with the idea of having a week/weekend in which we add a bunch of plugins to jailbreak and just try them out. At the end of the trial period, I thought we could take a poll on the forums to see which ones were enjoyed and should be kept. I messaged Darkwolf about this idea, but haven't heard back yet.
    List of ones that were approved from alliedmods that look like they might be worth it:
    Bounty - AlliedModders (Adds bounties that people can set using in game money)
    Admin Sounds 1.2.2 - AlliedModders (Admin sounds.. not entirely sure what it does, but may be cool)
    Admin Connect Message - AlliedModders (Announces the connection of an admin)
    [CSS] Throwing Knives - AlliedModders (Throwing knives, people have been asking for these)
    [CS:S] Tracer Effects v1.2.8 (Updated: 8/12/13) - AlliedModders (Tracers)
    Vote Mute / Vote Silence 1.0.105 - AlliedModders (Vote gag/mute/silence)
    Simple Spectate - AlliedModders (Allows you to spectate one player, follows them after death; Matsi wanted this)
    [CS:S] Blackjack (Version 1.0) - Play blackjack while waiting for respawn! - AlliedModders (Blackjack, i know we had this before, but maybe this one will actually work)
    Player's birthday. - AlliedModders (Just a dumb one, but stores a persons birthday and does something when it is their birthday)
    [CS:S] Drop Money On Death - AlliedModders (Dropping money, should have this again with bombs)
    [ANY] Advanced Voice Communications (Dead All Talk) - AlliedModders (Would be nice for timed mute/gag)
    [CS:S] Jail Awards with credits system v1.2 - AlliedModders (Buy awards with credits)
    [CSS] Hurt Effects [1.1] - AlliedModders (Adds realism when getting shot)
    [CS:S] HeadShot Explode - AlliedModders (Player explodes when shot in the head)
    Spectate Time - AlliedModders (Kicks people if the spectate too long; admins can have immunity and time can be adjusted)
    [CS:S] Spectator List - AlliedModders (Lists who is spectating you)
    Quiz Plugin v1.1 - AlliedModders (Quiz plugin, does quiz questions when people are dead that allows them to get money)
    SM_GRINCH - AlliedModders (Plugin will change all models to the grinch; just something for the holidays)
    @@DarkWolf6052 @@MegaRobin @@Gkoo
    Let me know what you all think.
  17. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Tsuchikure in It's Been A Long Time. How Have You Been?   
    Holy... How have you been?
    JB still has some people on, not as many as there used to be, but its still played.
  18. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to DrLee in Concerning Both Cs:s And Cs:go   
    Yeah, a decent chunk of our staff and player base is semi-active/inactive because they just want hub. But they won't realize a server can have new, out of the ordinary things without it. - Granted, they'd still have to be added. Whether it's just skins, new maps, or even tracers on the gun could make our server Stand out. If our DL thinks hub would take too long, I can understand that. But adding /some/ stuff - Like the trails were added - could just improve the server and xG's population for CSS.
    TLDR: Hub =/= insta-active servers. And we don't need hub, just some simple stuff to make our server stand out.
  19. Creative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Forest in A Dictatorship No More.   
    xG members of the Round Table.
  20. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in Mrjeeblez   
    Of course +1.
    Active and awesome, mature, knows rules
    M: 10/10
  21. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Hexx   
    Never heard of you, lrn2beonmorewheniam.
    But because I dont know you ill +1. I'd assume you know the motd, you're active.. yada yada yada... *sarcasm*
    A: 9/10
    M: 9/10
  22. Bad Spelling
    Hidingmaster reacted to DarkWolf6052 in The Time Has Finally Come   
  23. Smelly
    Hidingmaster reacted to Voly in Inactivy (shitty Computer)   
    I got my computer from a garage sale. Can't get any shittier than that.
  24. Winner
    Hidingmaster reacted to Sliver in Where you live   
    from my instagram
  25. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Chrono in Hey.   
    @@Gkoo Gkoo.