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  1. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to Rhododendron in Website Description   
    I updated the robots.txt a while ago but it hasn't been fixed.
    It's not set to disallow Google's bots so :/
    Oops I set it to disallow /, which is everything haha! Okay it should be fixed now!
    Might take a while for Google to update though, most likely 24 hours.
    I also added a rule to the robots.txt to expire immediately so updates can be made immediately now. Probably should have done that before, but whatever.
  2. Optimistic
    Hidingmaster reacted to Rhododendron in I Just Don't Understand.   
    Can we just ban drama?
  3. Like
    Hidingmaster reacted to Rhododendron in Website Ban Management   
    Alright FINALLY I found an addon that provides ban management for the website. Division Leaders and up will get access to it.
    Banned Members | Xeno Gamers
    That's where you go to view the logs. Or click 'Members' at the top and click 'Banned Members' in the sub tabs.
    To manage bans, go here:
    Error | Xeno Gamers
    You can ban people by visiting their profile and clicking 'Ban User' and can unban people from the posted link above. Should be much better for website management now!
    [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP]
  4. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Egossi in Xerses - Team Fortress 2   
    Nobody here can help you regarding this. It is completely up to @Rhododendron to make the decision due to the nature.
  5. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Xerses - Team Fortress 2   
    Nobody here can help you regarding this. It is completely up to @Rhododendron to make the decision due to the nature.
  6. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Xerses - Team Fortress 2   
    Nobody here can help you regarding this. It is completely up to @Rhododendron to make the decision due to the nature.
  7. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Forest in I Just Don't Understand.   
    Jesus christ.
  8. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ChickenPanda in I Just Don't Understand.   
    Don't know why the blame game is happening here, especially from you Vector. First off, there was not any discussion where people were going to get banned (that I was apart of recently). I've seen some things that could lead to bans, but I haven't gone further with it yet. Stop assuming who is out to get you. Y'all think CLs are biased? You're damn wrong. I ain't out to get anybody and stop dragging me into this bullshit. If you really still think I'm biased, I'd love to see evidence of it.
  9. Salty
    Hidingmaster reacted to Matsi in Cya   
    It's not like CLs actually did anything anyways :rolleyes:
  10. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Dethman in I Just Don't Understand.   
    Haven't heard anyone talk about you. So you are correct in that people are talking behind others back.
  11. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Rejects in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Couple things I want to clear up with you.
    1) Co-Leader/Community leaders are in power to help one division or another. We deal with clan issues. The divison leader are just that, they lead the division. CLs don't make rules or decisions regarding divisions unless is becomes an issue large enough to affect everyone. People like Stickz are extremely good at what they do because they have complete power and control of their divison. Moving them up draws them away from their perspective divisions. You can argue that they can handle it, and they may very well be able to, but why pull someone away from a spot where they can do the most good?
    2) In my opinion to be a good, and effective CL (using this interchangeably for Co leader or community leader) you don't need to be "in" a division. 99% of the things I do for the clan don't involve issues directly related to TF2 or another div; it's affects XenoGamers. Yeah, DLs can handle issues as well, but again why would you use people with a lot of server talent to do the grunt work?
    You want to know what I do for this clan?
    -Answer random questions from DMs/DLS
    -Ban people from the forum/moderate posts
    -Give powers to people on sourcebans
    -Make sure people don't get into fights on the forum
    Notice how we don't really do anything related to a div? Don't think of us as clan leaders, but more like an information desk.
    I'm not saying DLs shouldn't or can't get a CL spot, but understand it's not what you think it is. I would love to have stick or kb to help us out, but I objected to their promotion into the position because I don't think having them work on random shit is worth it.
    And if you don't think TF2 is represented, obviously its a partial lack of communication. Reach out to CLs with issues.
    Also, can y'all just drop the TF2 is immature stuff? They have plenty of members that show maturity. Jesus.
    Response to comments on your post: You can't say we "talked about it". It was what... 2 posts? There was not 1 single discussion outside that thread about a new CL.
  12. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Shadower in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Alright so this was something brought up a handful of times already, with not a lot being done about it.
    Welcome to the wacky world of discussion of... Leadership. Follow me on a journey through time and space, where we will first stop off at the solution, and then follow it up with the reasons that I deem a change necessary.

    The current setup of xG leadership is as follows:
    Community Leaders: Silence, Nomulous, Hidingmaster (me), Dr. Lee, Diabeetus
    Division Leaders: Tf2, CS:GO, Minecraft...
    Division Managers: You know.
    Administrators: You know.
    Moderators: Yeah, you know.
    Members: Love you plebs.
    It works, for the most part, but there are some very easy changes that can really help make the community a lot more easier to.. lets say.. navigate. Essentially go back to what we had before:
    Leader: Mr. Rhodosilencdendron
    Co Leaders: 2 trusted members of xG
    The nomulous, who is like a leader, but more for the technical side of things.
    What does this accomplish/help improve on?
    Well, I want you first to question (those who aren't CLs) who you would turn to when you had a question that required an authoritative figure to answer. Right now I bet a lot of you would turn to a variety of people, from DL's to a CL (but not all im sure), to even a DM. There is not one person people can turn to to get an answer that is definitive, its a lot of "I think this is the right answer".
    With having 2 trusted Co-leaders, it becomes much clearer who people can ask for answers that need a solid and definitive answer. DLs and DMs alike would be able to turn to one person to get an answer, not an entire committee. Co Leaders would be of equal power, almost acting independently. If CoLeader gives an answer to a question, than the community can trust that is what will be followed. I know people will think that gives them too much power, but remember a few things. It worked very well in the past, the second Coleader can be brought into the discussion and have a joint decision, and this is not for the MOST important topics, but those that can/need to be solved in a timely manner. Silence of course will retain complete veto and his word is final in 99% of the cases.
    So why?
    1) People need someone they can turn to that they can trust, that will answer quickly, and that they know are giving an answer that will not inflict punishment against the person asking.
    2) The current setup leads to a lot of issues going unresolved, or at least going unresolved for a unacceptable amount of time.
    3) Having 4 CLs leads to way too much confusion. People are getting unbanned who shouldnt, bans changed when they shouldn't be.
    4) There is absolutely no discussion between community leaders. When first founded by Forest, community leaders were meant to work together. As a group we came up with rules to help govern how decisions would be made. Every CL would be included, a 3/5ths vote required for the most important issues, and promo demo would be approved by all CLs before being published. This is where the issue lies. Observe the following:
    April 26th:

    July 23rd:

    July 30th:

    August 9th (This monday):

    The first three were located in threads that both Dr. Lee and Diabeetus viewed, the last picture is of a conversation sent to both of them with no response as of yet.
    Hopefully y'all now understand why it takes so long for answers to come from Community Leaders, why there are conflicting responses, and why things never get wrapped up. I'm not here to berate anyone, as I have been negligent in answers occasionally, but when you have a person in leadership who gets ignored by the others you can't expect a system to work efficiently; thus I propose a change to a smaller group where the Co-Leaders have more power to help solve issues.
    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]
  13. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Not sure why we would let silence choose them, saying he doesn't deal with them on a daily business. It should be left for the members to decide.
  14. Agree
    Hidingmaster reacted to Forest in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Community Leaders in a nut shell.
    My suggestion would be to set this in stone somewhere, that way Members will know who to consult for whatever problem(s) they are facing. I'll admit to dropping the ball on that during the initial setup of the Community Leader rank since I only gave a very vague and brief description of their duties.
    It was the intention of Serb and I to create a committee based on the duties of Co-Leaders, but with a narrowed specific focus on community. This is why they were stripped of their powers ingame.
    If the problem here is one of trust, then the easiest alternative would involve the community itself to elect Members to the aforementioned position of power. Though the trouble here is that it would require an actual effort; people electing someone and giving valid reasoning to back them up. Something of which seems to dwindle more and more each day (look at Member Submissions. That's right, I'm bringing this up again). Once that has happened, it'll be the responsibility of someone (cough Silence. Lets face it, the guy owns XenoGamers. Of course he ought to be the one to pick.) to hand pick those who has been deemed.. Worthy, for a lack of better words.
    I'd love to bring up more on the subject by giving my very own TL;DR post, but I'm currently at work so this will have to do. I may post again with more detail later in the day.
  15. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Rejects in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Alright so this was something brought up a handful of times already, with not a lot being done about it.
    Welcome to the wacky world of discussion of... Leadership. Follow me on a journey through time and space, where we will first stop off at the solution, and then follow it up with the reasons that I deem a change necessary.

    The current setup of xG leadership is as follows:
    Community Leaders: Silence, Nomulous, Hidingmaster (me), Dr. Lee, Diabeetus
    Division Leaders: Tf2, CS:GO, Minecraft...
    Division Managers: You know.
    Administrators: You know.
    Moderators: Yeah, you know.
    Members: Love you plebs.
    It works, for the most part, but there are some very easy changes that can really help make the community a lot more easier to.. lets say.. navigate. Essentially go back to what we had before:
    Leader: Mr. Rhodosilencdendron
    Co Leaders: 2 trusted members of xG
    The nomulous, who is like a leader, but more for the technical side of things.
    What does this accomplish/help improve on?
    Well, I want you first to question (those who aren't CLs) who you would turn to when you had a question that required an authoritative figure to answer. Right now I bet a lot of you would turn to a variety of people, from DL's to a CL (but not all im sure), to even a DM. There is not one person people can turn to to get an answer that is definitive, its a lot of "I think this is the right answer".
    With having 2 trusted Co-leaders, it becomes much clearer who people can ask for answers that need a solid and definitive answer. DLs and DMs alike would be able to turn to one person to get an answer, not an entire committee. Co Leaders would be of equal power, almost acting independently. If CoLeader gives an answer to a question, than the community can trust that is what will be followed. I know people will think that gives them too much power, but remember a few things. It worked very well in the past, the second Coleader can be brought into the discussion and have a joint decision, and this is not for the MOST important topics, but those that can/need to be solved in a timely manner. Silence of course will retain complete veto and his word is final in 99% of the cases.
    So why?
    1) People need someone they can turn to that they can trust, that will answer quickly, and that they know are giving an answer that will not inflict punishment against the person asking.
    2) The current setup leads to a lot of issues going unresolved, or at least going unresolved for a unacceptable amount of time.
    3) Having 4 CLs leads to way too much confusion. People are getting unbanned who shouldnt, bans changed when they shouldn't be.
    4) There is absolutely no discussion between community leaders. When first founded by Forest, community leaders were meant to work together. As a group we came up with rules to help govern how decisions would be made. Every CL would be included, a 3/5ths vote required for the most important issues, and promo demo would be approved by all CLs before being published. This is where the issue lies. Observe the following:
    April 26th:

    July 23rd:

    July 30th:

    August 9th (This monday):

    The first three were located in threads that both Dr. Lee and Diabeetus viewed, the last picture is of a conversation sent to both of them with no response as of yet.
    Hopefully y'all now understand why it takes so long for answers to come from Community Leaders, why there are conflicting responses, and why things never get wrapped up. I'm not here to berate anyone, as I have been negligent in answers occasionally, but when you have a person in leadership who gets ignored by the others you can't expect a system to work efficiently; thus I propose a change to a smaller group where the Co-Leaders have more power to help solve issues.
    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]
  16. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from diabeetus in Let's Fix Some Things   
    My concern is that you essentially are making community leaders just the leaders of the DLs. People need to put trust in DLs to make decisions that are relevant to their division with nobody else stepping over them. 2 Co leaders would have no problem doing promo demo + taking care of clan concerns. If DLs are allowed to... lead their division... there really isn't much more to do other than have someone to help make decisions regarding tough situations and promo demo.
  17. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Dethman in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Alright so this was something brought up a handful of times already, with not a lot being done about it.
    Welcome to the wacky world of discussion of... Leadership. Follow me on a journey through time and space, where we will first stop off at the solution, and then follow it up with the reasons that I deem a change necessary.

    The current setup of xG leadership is as follows:
    Community Leaders: Silence, Nomulous, Hidingmaster (me), Dr. Lee, Diabeetus
    Division Leaders: Tf2, CS:GO, Minecraft...
    Division Managers: You know.
    Administrators: You know.
    Moderators: Yeah, you know.
    Members: Love you plebs.
    It works, for the most part, but there are some very easy changes that can really help make the community a lot more easier to.. lets say.. navigate. Essentially go back to what we had before:
    Leader: Mr. Rhodosilencdendron
    Co Leaders: 2 trusted members of xG
    The nomulous, who is like a leader, but more for the technical side of things.
    What does this accomplish/help improve on?
    Well, I want you first to question (those who aren't CLs) who you would turn to when you had a question that required an authoritative figure to answer. Right now I bet a lot of you would turn to a variety of people, from DL's to a CL (but not all im sure), to even a DM. There is not one person people can turn to to get an answer that is definitive, its a lot of "I think this is the right answer".
    With having 2 trusted Co-leaders, it becomes much clearer who people can ask for answers that need a solid and definitive answer. DLs and DMs alike would be able to turn to one person to get an answer, not an entire committee. Co Leaders would be of equal power, almost acting independently. If CoLeader gives an answer to a question, than the community can trust that is what will be followed. I know people will think that gives them too much power, but remember a few things. It worked very well in the past, the second Coleader can be brought into the discussion and have a joint decision, and this is not for the MOST important topics, but those that can/need to be solved in a timely manner. Silence of course will retain complete veto and his word is final in 99% of the cases.
    So why?
    1) People need someone they can turn to that they can trust, that will answer quickly, and that they know are giving an answer that will not inflict punishment against the person asking.
    2) The current setup leads to a lot of issues going unresolved, or at least going unresolved for a unacceptable amount of time.
    3) Having 4 CLs leads to way too much confusion. People are getting unbanned who shouldnt, bans changed when they shouldn't be.
    4) There is absolutely no discussion between community leaders. When first founded by Forest, community leaders were meant to work together. As a group we came up with rules to help govern how decisions would be made. Every CL would be included, a 3/5ths vote required for the most important issues, and promo demo would be approved by all CLs before being published. This is where the issue lies. Observe the following:
    April 26th:

    July 23rd:

    July 30th:

    August 9th (This monday):

    The first three were located in threads that both Dr. Lee and Diabeetus viewed, the last picture is of a conversation sent to both of them with no response as of yet.
    Hopefully y'all now understand why it takes so long for answers to come from Community Leaders, why there are conflicting responses, and why things never get wrapped up. I'm not here to berate anyone, as I have been negligent in answers occasionally, but when you have a person in leadership who gets ignored by the others you can't expect a system to work efficiently; thus I propose a change to a smaller group where the Co-Leaders have more power to help solve issues.
    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]
  18. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Haxx in Let's Fix Some Things   
    Alright so this was something brought up a handful of times already, with not a lot being done about it.
    Welcome to the wacky world of discussion of... Leadership. Follow me on a journey through time and space, where we will first stop off at the solution, and then follow it up with the reasons that I deem a change necessary.

    The current setup of xG leadership is as follows:
    Community Leaders: Silence, Nomulous, Hidingmaster (me), Dr. Lee, Diabeetus
    Division Leaders: Tf2, CS:GO, Minecraft...
    Division Managers: You know.
    Administrators: You know.
    Moderators: Yeah, you know.
    Members: Love you plebs.
    It works, for the most part, but there are some very easy changes that can really help make the community a lot more easier to.. lets say.. navigate. Essentially go back to what we had before:
    Leader: Mr. Rhodosilencdendron
    Co Leaders: 2 trusted members of xG
    The nomulous, who is like a leader, but more for the technical side of things.
    What does this accomplish/help improve on?
    Well, I want you first to question (those who aren't CLs) who you would turn to when you had a question that required an authoritative figure to answer. Right now I bet a lot of you would turn to a variety of people, from DL's to a CL (but not all im sure), to even a DM. There is not one person people can turn to to get an answer that is definitive, its a lot of "I think this is the right answer".
    With having 2 trusted Co-leaders, it becomes much clearer who people can ask for answers that need a solid and definitive answer. DLs and DMs alike would be able to turn to one person to get an answer, not an entire committee. Co Leaders would be of equal power, almost acting independently. If CoLeader gives an answer to a question, than the community can trust that is what will be followed. I know people will think that gives them too much power, but remember a few things. It worked very well in the past, the second Coleader can be brought into the discussion and have a joint decision, and this is not for the MOST important topics, but those that can/need to be solved in a timely manner. Silence of course will retain complete veto and his word is final in 99% of the cases.
    So why?
    1) People need someone they can turn to that they can trust, that will answer quickly, and that they know are giving an answer that will not inflict punishment against the person asking.
    2) The current setup leads to a lot of issues going unresolved, or at least going unresolved for a unacceptable amount of time.
    3) Having 4 CLs leads to way too much confusion. People are getting unbanned who shouldnt, bans changed when they shouldn't be.
    4) There is absolutely no discussion between community leaders. When first founded by Forest, community leaders were meant to work together. As a group we came up with rules to help govern how decisions would be made. Every CL would be included, a 3/5ths vote required for the most important issues, and promo demo would be approved by all CLs before being published. This is where the issue lies. Observe the following:
    April 26th:

    July 23rd:

    July 30th:

    August 9th (This monday):

    The first three were located in threads that both Dr. Lee and Diabeetus viewed, the last picture is of a conversation sent to both of them with no response as of yet.
    Hopefully y'all now understand why it takes so long for answers to come from Community Leaders, why there are conflicting responses, and why things never get wrapped up. I'm not here to berate anyone, as I have been negligent in answers occasionally, but when you have a person in leadership who gets ignored by the others you can't expect a system to work efficiently; thus I propose a change to a smaller group where the Co-Leaders have more power to help solve issues.
    [uSERGROUP=23]@Community Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=5]@Division Leader[/uSERGROUP] [uSERGROUP=29]@Division Manager[/uSERGROUP]
  19. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from citizen_ in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    I think he does a great job as a DL. But I do agree that he should have obtained a longer demo, plus agreement from one or two other mods/admins about aimbot before banning.
    @Ohstopyou the decision isn't up to me, I won't override you. It's your division, not mine.
  20. Ding!
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Nymph in Dayum, It's Been A While   
  21. Ding!
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    Searching steam id returns no bans for hacking.
    Again, can't watch demo but I just want yall to seriously consider whether or not he does. Ive been in the same position as him in CSGO. I don't hack either, but there are a lot of AWP shots that look like pure bs.
    (Keep it respectful in chat citizen, being rude doesn't help your situation)
  22. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from citizen_ in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    Searching steam id returns no bans for hacking.
    Again, can't watch demo but I just want yall to seriously consider whether or not he does. Ive been in the same position as him in CSGO. I don't hack either, but there are a lot of AWP shots that look like pure bs.
    (Keep it respectful in chat citizen, being rude doesn't help your situation)
  23. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Citizen_ - Team Fortress 2   
    My main concern with this is that y'all aren't looking at the reason he was banned, but rather looking for additional reasons to justify a wrong. I don't have the ability to watch the demo, but if it is only 15 seconds and without any consistent evidence then the perm was wrong and should be removed.
    We shouldn't be seeking out wrongdoings to help justify a decision on an unrelated offense.
  24. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Dethman in Well That Was Unnecessary.   
    Proof of trolling and disrespect is as follow, i even highlighted the parts that all culminate to create was is clearly deemed as "trolling and disrespect"

    In case you didn't get the memo, not once did she ask for your opinion regarding her decision. It was not needed nor welcomed in that thread. We already explained to you that if you want to voice opinion, then fine, but do it at the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. Feel free to post on threads if you would like, but no matter where, whether it be an internet forum or real life, there are things that should not be said. This issue gets brought up again and you're getting banned, permanently. This is because I don't want to hear about it, im sure most of the community doesn't want to hear about it, and because im going to make the executive decision.
    Think of it this way: That thread was 100% fine until you posted an opinion, and turned very quickly to a more negative light. Also, it borders, if not is, cyber bullying.
    If you do need to talk more about it, send me a private message, but expect me to say the same thing said in the original thread and this one.
  25. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Well That Was Unnecessary.   
    Proof of trolling and disrespect is as follow, i even highlighted the parts that all culminate to create was is clearly deemed as "trolling and disrespect"

    In case you didn't get the memo, not once did she ask for your opinion regarding her decision. It was not needed nor welcomed in that thread. We already explained to you that if you want to voice opinion, then fine, but do it at the appropriate place and at the appropriate time. Feel free to post on threads if you would like, but no matter where, whether it be an internet forum or real life, there are things that should not be said. This issue gets brought up again and you're getting banned, permanently. This is because I don't want to hear about it, im sure most of the community doesn't want to hear about it, and because im going to make the executive decision.
    Think of it this way: That thread was 100% fine until you posted an opinion, and turned very quickly to a more negative light. Also, it borders, if not is, cyber bullying.
    If you do need to talk more about it, send me a private message, but expect me to say the same thing said in the original thread and this one.