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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: Melk and Skwiek #hitlerboi Offender's Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:73462814 and STEAM_0:0:92000276 Rules Broken: Freekilling etc u can see in demo. Evidence: Both just mass freekilled and kept giving invalid orders. Demo here MediaFire
  2. I gotta say if your gonna ban somebody for aimbotting get atleast a 2 or 3 mins+ demo of it. From what i've seen if you thought that was hacks, you shouldnt be a higher up with powers to ban for hacking thats clearly not hacking. Just saying @Hidingmaster This is a DL who shouldnt be such you CL's should review him and make sure you want somebdy like this as a higher up. He just kept trying to add reasons to why he should stay permed instead of why he was permed.
  3. Duke


    im back kinda thats exciting isnt it?
  4. Duke

    50$ Game Giveaway

    The TV or if theres a vacuum
  5. Duke


    Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: DukeXRion Steam ID: its some where on forums Banned: Yes Previously in xG: Yes Active on Teamspeak: No Time Active: uh years i gues? Age: im 12 and what is this? Further Information: only here for csgo
  6. o: i was tagged holy shit. have fun kiddo.
  7. gib me powers im actually a good modfrom css ;)
  8. How is this a problem? use your satanic powers to scare the children and christians.
  9. @Hidingmaster I Agree but you guys need to step up ur shit and make sure xG has a chance to grow, also Silence you are leader, your word is final. Nom is a coder and maybe could be a CL if he actually does help them, But at the end of the day you guys have the power to make xG great and most of you do nothing with it. You guys are the one making the choice of who is and isnt DL/DM ITS ON YOU to make sure they arnt bias like ohstopyou is against vector. Silence should reconsider who the other CL's are and appoint those who are willing and wanting to help the community grow and make sure it has the best chance to be non bias as fuck.
  10. They did but he left, they should make kbrazz a cl. and relook at the dls/dm's of tf2 and see how active they are since they make the choices of whos promed and such. Or make me a cl and let me show em how its done ;D
  11. Easiest ways to deal with that problem is just have more mods/admins who are on at different times and play/actually answer the calladmin bot or being like matsi and recording everything and posting ban requests on rule breakers.
  12. Duke


    it's usally "crouch walk to yellow line wasd freeze shoulder to shoulder stacked" which is a tarp and would result in a freeday because no valid orders given before cells open.
  13. Duke


    i miss css @Bleed and @Chrono need to finish csgo so i can a good jb we should riot till they finish!
  14. Duke


    Been playing some of ur TF2 JB and keep hearing order "Shoulder to shoulder STACKED" thats not how it should be cause shoulder to shoulder isnt stacked its unstacked cause stacking is not what they want from the order so?
  15. Forest is the Eternal Co-Leader of my heart
  16. I'm Santa and i will stuff your ass full of coal if u wanna fight about it. But on a more related not, The only problem i can see with vector being unbanned early is people trying to get a rise out of him to get him permed or providing shit/faked evidence to get him permed. ALso @Ohstopyou you need to sit down and think on shit, you are not above the cl's they realized the punish was to harsh. You are not the final say if hes unbanned early or not. You say his posts are "bitchy/moaning" but admitted to not reading them. Has he hurt you that much you have to try your hardest to keep him banned? and unless you have proof people stopped playing because of him dont even bring it up, it seems more personal then anything between you two.
  17. DIdn't know it was tf2 rule only. is the TF2 div just a bunch of babies tho cause honestly it seems like most of them are.
  18. #vectorgivesgoodhandjobs
  19. #takingvectortothegaybar
  20. Duke

    Yo Coleader Or Dls

    Wheres mine i clearly never left xg a long time ago im so offended.
  21. then why even post? you just dont like him so u dont want him unbanned when you could just as easily not be on the same server as him or does him being unbanned make you so angry you cant stand it?
  22. i like how CL's dont see this as a clan thing more of just let tf2 people handle it. its not like it affects other divisions or anything so fuck it let them do our work.
  23. Then why -1 and be a lil bitch cause you hate him? just be a man and say what you have to. +1 if it matters this kid sticks around after being forum banned for stupid fuckin reasons and server banned for same thing.
  24. SO getting pissed and telling somebody to kill themselfs is so bad u have to perm people? seriously?? telling somebody ur gonna have them swatted or track them down rape and murder them is far far worse, telling people to kill themselfs isnt okay but perming over it is over dramatice. i think silence wanted this more to be about people threatening to kill others or to kill themselfs more so then an angry "go kill urself" cause past issues within xG. surprised he doesnt run a background check on people cause of @Tarin chrono's favorite person ever. chrono smells worse then rabid's tiddiy sweat.