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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Yes this is the point of factions, but not to a raid one you are in. and not joining a faction just to raid it =/
  2. SR3 is fun to play If you want something hard try Metro 2033 then theres always games like skyrim you can just sit and play for hours if you enjoy those types of games.
  3. 360 only? if not Red Dead Redemption is the shit
  4. This? He is one of the worse trolls i've ever seen =/
  5. towny is shit do FTB or minigames.
  6. Dont hate cause he dances better then you.
  7. he probly means something for gmod =/
  8. Duke

    YOLO games!

    they are 5 yr olds.
  9. why would some1 give you credits for something they can easly do? if any1 actually needs help with it i can link a good site to download the songs in an mp3 file then all they gotta do it edit it themselfs which is also relativly easy =/ waste of credits to pay for it when you can do it yourself in under 20 mins....
  10. not be swapped to ct? cause if its just no swapping period then a bunch of people with it can infest ct and just keep a ratio of 1:1 if you mean stop auto swap from t to ct that'd be cool but yea still wouldnt be good for the server because if alot of people had it and didnt wanna be ct then ct's would be fucked
  11. @@PiNoYPsYcHo My asian nigga gettin his e-peen wet
  12. Seriously, you arnt outright saying xG is bad but you are telling people to leave the clan and to join yours. saying xG isnt good and IG is better. Which i laugh at cause IG as you and peppermint.
  13. CHANNEL THAT YOU BUY that is ON the TEAMSPEAK SERVER. do i have to make it more obvious or do you understand it yet? you BOUGHT a channel but it's still part of xG's TS3 SERVER.
  14. one of the general rules for xG is no advertising period. it would count for ALL CHANNELS AND ALL SERVERS no matter what. but like seriously advertising another community in the xG ts3 are you fucking dumb? like seriously and you think it's okay to do such because you cant understand simple ideas such as the rule for no advertising. not to be a dick but fucking wow.
  15. it means do not touch your key board the only thing you CAN do is type/use mic
  16. Duke

    Streaming months ago

    I just remember you tying your shoe to your head and you jumpin like a bitch every 5 mins during games LOL
  17. Greatest abuse thread EVER. He's clearly to nice of a guy perm ban for his crimes? +1
  18. If he's gay he's mine >:( jk :D im to good for him :p
  19. Reading thru all of this is kind of funny i won't lie. But honestly if my -1 counted i would vote, because seriously i cant believe that there are two threads on this. Tinychat isn't part of xG the mods in there can rule with an iron fist as it isn't controlled by xG, it'd be like saying "Oh god chrono's being a dick to me on steam" you have options if you didn't like him being the mod for the tinychat room you could have GONE AND MADE YOUR OWN... its not as if you PAY for it or anything you can make w/e channel you want like "tinychat.com/neoisgay" for example =/ @@Neo isn't gay but its an example. Also if you have all of the conversations of the teamspeak chats screenshot post them in full, do not edit or leave any parts out show them in full if you are telling the truth it will show, however if you are only showing what makes him look bad then obviously this wasn't abuse.
  20. It can handle dead island right :D?
  21. i prefer to overclock intel more then AMD :| And i agreee Nvidia
  22. Duke

    CS:S Rotation Server

    every1 loves the pub server but at times it was as dead as sliderace and the others, you guys complain about not having one and when he gave you one you still didnt even populate it =/
  23. ye they loe it for a week or 2 then they go back to other servers or stop playing it and and the regulars it gets are on only for a little bit