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Everything posted by Duke

  1. I want you to know this is wrong, he owns the house. Having a loan means he owes the bank money and the bank can only take the house and sell if it he fails to send them payment but the money over the loan goes back to the owner. Just a heads up that's how it works. you can buy a house and have one payment down and its legally your house. Also if you paid for the items he burnt and can prove it you can take him to court for destruction of property, anything he paid for since you are not 18 is still his however. And the banks wont give you a loan since your under 18 i believe. Paying is cash is nice but pay using your bank card/ w/e you would use since you arnt 18 and can prove easier that it is yours that they didn't give you the money etc.
  2. Duke


    What version of D&D? cause i do this already with some people wouldnt mind a 2nd game to fuck around in.
  3. Then you go on a non xG non populated server, doing it on xG is basicly shitting where you eat. He broke a rule will now face the punishment, just because you wanted it to happen doesnt change the fact you guys did it on xG i dont see why it matters because at the end of the day he hacked on an xG server. He choose to do it, you didnt hold a gun to his head and force him.
  4. WHy does it matter why he was doing it, he was CL. He should have known it wouldnt be tolerated to hack on an xG server even if to inform people of how it looks and acts. As i see it this thread is for seeing him permed from TS and forums because you already have enough to perm him from the servers.
  5. he says his ban was for hacking and ur +1ing it when his ban reason says threatening he clearly wasnt hacking but threatening the servers or members so +1 a guy for lying in his ban protest!
  6. i miss ganja amd razec those high mother fuckers. mine was probly @easy or @Chrono but chrono is a nigger so he doesnt count. or shit was it sgtblue?? i miss those times.
  7. for the 2 who said they would but didnt #oldxg
  8. chrono still smells worse then rabid
    1. Dethman


    2. xGShadowSpy


      This is what I've been trying to tell people.
  9. ur bm isnt even good enough to make me leave gayboy just mad i left u behind
  10. lol just kidding im not going anywhere - the secret shit thread is shit
  11. Duke

    To Clear Things Up

    literally the niggest fight me irl slut
  12. why was i tagged? @Chrono the smelly
  13. Aegean for co-leader +1 But seriously i stalk the forums for a good laugh, cause of how bad its gotten. Like Aegean said, its up to members/mods/admins to populate the servers, you want people to join and donate, gotta give people a reason to be on your servers, Either it be good people/plugins you have to have population for it to matter.even at night on the css jb server pop was still decent till like 4am. Most of the mods for css now probly shouldn't have it, i got mod with an app that went over well and would have gotten admin i think a month later if i wasnt a cunt to Aegean, i EARNED my way and showed i could be trusted and did work to better the gameplay of the members and randoms alike.
  14. so you wouldnt +1 me if i came back? i mean i wont ever but still :3
  15. No i ment as in the CL's are slow as fuck, Aegean did more in a day then it seems they do in a week. but from shoutbox or w/e this is whats wrong with xG, lets warn them over and over or just ignore it cause its not harming anybody untill its to late and people leave or they get like this with shitposts all the time.
  16. Duke

    Good animes?

    Cowboy Bebop is amazing trigun not so much, its okay. I suggest Egro Proxy and Texhnolyze Both good but weird.
  17. The only ones who shouldnt be banned are vector and twow/e the fuck his name is the rest of them +more should be banned for their shitposts cause i stalk this shit for laughs and only started posting recently, and you guys do nothing about people shit posting it seems cause a few of them do it over and over i would assume they get warned but not banned ever. cause no imo its not trolling its just fucking stupid to post gif/pics over and over for no legit reason when it has nothing to do with it, also fuck this thread YOU HAVE BETTER SHIT TO FUCKING DO LIKE UR JOB ABOUT THE WHOLE KITTY THING just saying. you fucks are sloww with shit.
  18. you are still a homosex <3 i really like how nothing is happening to the people shit posting here even if its a shit thread ur not doing anything useful on it other then being a "troll" like he is so? ur all faggots except ez who is my gay lover.
  19. Duke

    Change Of Leadership

    @DeathGod for leader, and @Forest for co. rest of you are all faggots
  20. Division: Counter-Strike: Source In-Game Name: Duke Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:9734875 Information: I was banned for something that happened over teamspeak. If you want i can get on TS so you can perm me but there is no reason i should be banned from the servers.
  21. I didnt say he shouldnt report it, he could have taken the proof to chrono he Div of csgo because apperently theres alot of bad mods+ in it. And honeslty, you gave me and chrono shit for our jokes at you and we said if you told us to stop we would and you told me to and untill today i havnt since. I on the other hand told them to stop and did it? no, was anything done about it? no.