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Everything posted by Duke

  1. 1. I RARLY even see you on or interact with you untill the other day. 2. I was highly offend by that commment you know the rules and i was given mod to uphold them. 3. As for hounding you for a month, WAT? read part 1 again. 4. You should have gotten last time i dont take it lightly. 5. Up till the first time i banned you i didnt even know you had a problem with me and as for being "cool" thats not true because yet again i never interacted with you. 6. i Assumed when you got banned the first time you would learn not to be disrespectful to anyone. 7. As i told syn in teamspeak, even if you and the guy your about to freekill agree to it you will still be slayed its against server rules. i'm here to help enforce the rules as best of my ability you were slayed for team killing then went and yet again disrespected me. 8. This wasnt the first time since i had gotten onto JB today that you were disrespectful tl;dr he disrespected me a few times and got a day ban again. i shouldnt have to warn when you KNOW better. also -1 copypasting doesnt count as proof
  2. Duke


    ^TRUTH This is why i love you serbian <3
  3. +1 give him ONE last chance and if he fucks up reperm and leave it!
  4. Duke


    if you read my last post i know i fucked up... even said if hes banned every1 that was involved should be banned for the same time.
  5. Duke


    Agreed. And if he gets banned it should only be a day or 2 nothing more and every1 involved (including myself) should be banned for the same time as we all took part of it.
  6. Proper Vouching Format (READ). Proper Vouching Format (READ). Proper Vouching Format (READ). Proper Vouching Format (READ).
  7. Duke

    Serious Question...

    Hey i dont watch that shit.... i used to play but i still never watched it lol :)
  8. Duke


    Triff i feel the need to inform you MARIO actually started it on the server, i may have not posted in a respectful manner but in all seriousness i asked him nicely to not spam his thread in the server. at which time he lashed back at me and Dino which i was kind of pissed off at because Dino had done nothing wrong or aggresive towards him. And in all honestly he didnt have to reply what so fucking ever. He could have been the BETTER person and just been like ok sir you are rude but i accept your -1.
  9. Decision:+1 Why: He is chill, doesnt cause any problems or "partake" in drama on jb. Maturity:Hes a Mature frog. Activity: Plays jailbreak a lot. and is on team speak often.
  10. Decision:+1 Why: Knows the rules and never really see him disrespect or troll. Maturity: More mature then others. Activity: Plays jailbreak a lot.
  11. +1 i wanna pet your dog. fucking adorable!
  12. Duke


    +1 he doesnt need an ingame ban hes fine in game idk what his problem is in the forums tho.
  13. Stop dude. Just seriously stop, there is a big difference between defending yourself and attacking others.
  14. +1 Why: He shows knowledge of the MOTD and very respectful. Maturity: He shows maturity IMHO! Activity: Hes on JB at night with me so pretty active.
  15. Duke


    100% this is a good man! even tho he beats me at night...
  16. Duke

    xG:M Mike Hawk

    i support removing both =/ they have no reason to be said.
  17. When herpes is on always try to freekill him in the name of Duke <3
  18. Duke

    9 Days. 2/3/2012

    D: im super tired and ur a meanie face
  19. Duke

    9 Days. 2/3/2012

    No but if i caught you it is :p cause im probly be like dumb zombie locked in a basement xD
  20. Duke

    9 Days. 2/3/2012

    In all honesty i wouldnt wanna be in either or their groups o.o i'd probly be solo cause i dont trust people :s
  21. Duke

    9 Days. 2/3/2012

    Rick knows how to!
  22. Duke

    9 Days. 2/3/2012

    your just mad im gay for but not you >.>
  23. Duke

    9 Days. 2/3/2012

    Shanes a dick. Rick is clearly a better person. he wakes up and adjusts to the zombie apoc quickly. He does what needs to be done!!!
  24. Duke


    +1 this i a very good man who would make a great mod!