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Everything posted by Duke

  1. Please inform yourself before talking, i GAVE my mod up. Also check what unless your MOTD has changed since i saw it, it wasnt anything more then the basic rules you didnt have job specifics or anything like that. it was the BASIC rules. But Please Arthman keep arguing over something so pointless.
  2. Just saying, the MOTD i saw from you and Chrono was simple and basic, WASNT EVEN FINISHED said so by both of you. Also Yea basicly we did copy it cause of how fucking basic of the rules you had unless they have been changed since last timei seen them it was just the rules 99%of Dark RP servers use. Also this whole fucking argument about MOTD is pointless i'm sry we arnt done, server isnt up go fuck your self i'm not giving you MOTD you have NO reason to see it. It's not copying YOUR work it's copying the basic fuckin rules...
  3. Duke

    Nova for Mod.

    Decision:+1 Why: I talk to her frequently, she knows the rules, and is very active in game. She does enforce the rules and does not stand for people abusing their mic and knows how to throw them down. Maturity: 9/10 Activity: 8.5/10
  4. Just Saying but we were moving to a bigger channel for some1 who asked us to move them in, Yurkoon was moved because while we were moving he jumped into the channel we were going into so instead of having to move every1 one channel up he moved him out.
  5. -1 you were mature up till earlier when you msged me mad over something that doesnt matter. You then called me out for something that didn't happen. You Sir Lack maturity for even basic mod IMO.
  6. Year ago? this wasnt to long ago =/ -1 you did it repeatedly and got banned for it if i remember correctly and kept doing it after the ban.
  7. =/ theres time were you accidentally free taze another person slay for that? no... I only slayed when they free tazed more then 3 people in a round
  8. Duke

    FNM Anyone?

    i've been playing 10 years you dont even know good decks <3
  9. Duke

    FNM Anyone?

    i'll own any1 here at it =/
  10. well i have an idea Why not just HAVE them apply for the mod on the 2nd game since its a different game like you said. i didnt know how to be a mod when i first started our tf2 servers. But ya gotta make sure its people posting whos in that div for them. like CSS players vouching for some1 going for TF2 you know what i mean? But ya its would solve the problem.
  11. give to syn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake::cupcake:
  12. Duke


    +1 for demotion. he knew what he was doing =/
  13. Decision: +1 Why: Hes chill and isnt a dick :3 Maturity:7/10 Activity:9/10
  14. Duke


    it would be prison style rape ;3
  15. Duke

    Dota 2 Giveaway

    if i win well im just a badass i guess. i also played Dota on wc3 and now play Sotis on sc2. Steam Community :: [xG:M] Judge Bunny
  16. Duke

    Clicking challenge

    the fuck i only got like 7.66 =/
  17. srs knife tourny? i'll win... <3 both of you
  18. +0 for now. i meet you in jb earlier not a creeper but kinda creepy o:
  19. Otherworldy add me if you wanna talk my grandmothers health isnt the best either. she has cancer and been i nthe hospital twice this year if you need to talk im here.
  20. -1 ur banned forhacking goodluck
  21. -1 Immature... clearly doesn't know or follow the server rules. Becomes rude and disrespectful towards other when he doesnt get his way. Ya if you get mod there's something wrong here.
  22. +1 this guy just trolls and disrespects people. lets get him the fuck out of here. oh +1 is for perm ban or atleast a few months before he makes a ban protest and it gets accepted and he keeps trolling.
  23. I'm all honestly i was going to -1 you. but I'm stay at 0. You've rage over forums which is just text. In game there are worse people and they use mics. I'm not sure if you would be able to handle the situation properly without raging on them.